How do you weary the Lord?

クリスチャンはたくさんいます, who weary the Lord. How do you weary the Lord? 聖書にはこう書かれています, you have wearied the Lord with your words, Yet ye say, wherein have we wearied Him? When ye say, Every one that does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delights in them; or Where is the God of judgment (マラキ語 2:17).

Evil is considered good and good is considered evil

We live in an age, where evil things are considered good and good things are considered evil. Every week many preachers preach from the pulpit that it doesn’t matter what you do and how you live, God loves you and accepts you anyway.

They say, that once you are saved you are always saved and you can have a relationship with God, no matter how you walk, act, and behave.

It’s all the grace of God and therefore it’s all right to stay carnal and live, just like the world, in sin. But by preaching these sermons, and by listening to these sermons, and by believing and following up these sermons, many Christians weary the Lord.

The false grace in the church

Grace, grace, and grace. The house of God overflows with grace, 愛, tolerance, and acceptance. But is the grace of God that is preached in many churches, the true grace of God? Is urging Christians to tolerate and accept evil behavior and sin (神への不従順) really the truth of God?

本当ですか, that when you accept Jesus as your Savior and make Him Lord of your life, it doesn’t matter how you walk? That it’s all right to keep living in sinDoesn’t it matter that you, as a born-again Christian, walk just like the world? (こちらもお読みください: ‘Lost in the sea of grace「).

The Truth of the Word of God

There is only one truth and that’s the Word of God (聖書). In God’s Word, you will find the everlasting truth. When you open the Bible and read the words of God, you shall find out, who God is, who Jesus is, and who the Holy Spirit is and what They like and dislike. Through the Word, you’ll get to know the will of God.

When you become born again and become a son of God (これは男性と女性の両方に当てはまります), you should get to know the Word, because you are born of Him. God has become your Father and you should walk according to His will and 彼の戒め.

二つの偉大な戒め, もしわたしを愛するなら、わたしの戒めを守りなさい

When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, God’s nature comes inside of you. You will walk from this new nature and 老人を放り出す そして put on the new man

How do you do thatThe first thing you should do is to invest time in the spiritual new man. Spend time in the Word in prayer, and have communion with God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Renew your mind with the Word, so that your old carnal mind will be changed into the mind of Christ.

When you feed your spirit with the words of God and apply His words in your life, you become a doer of the Word and your spirit matures. Your mind and thoughts will line up with the Word. Your spirit will reign over your soul and body and you will walk according to the Word after the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit never contradicts the Word

The Holy Spirit and the Word are One. They are inseparable and never contradict each other. That’s why it’s important when you receive a word, a dream, a vision, or a revelation, that you always check this with the Word (聖書). Because if you have received a word, a dream, a vision, or a revelation, that contradicts the Word, you should reject it.

Remember, that the devil comes as an angel of light and not as an angel of darkness.

Where are the new creations?

イエスは言いました。, that if you love Him, you shall keep 彼の戒め. You will find His commandments in the Bible; 言葉. したがって, if you love Jesus, you keep His words, obey His words, and do His words. 言葉, 聖書, should be the highest authority in every Christian’s life. The Word is the manual for the new creations, which Christians have become in Christ.

But where are all the new creations? Where are the sons and daughters of GodWhen do they come out of the closetEveryone is coming out of the closet, except for them. それはどうしてですか? What is keeping them?

良い, what is stopping them are the 誤った教義 that are preached from many pulpits. Very slowly, many false teachers and preachers entered the church. With their vain deceiving words, that derive from their worldly carnal mind, they have defiled and changed the true gospel of Jesus Christ into a lie.

They have mixed the gospel with the knowledge and wisdom of the world. They have defiled the powerful gospel with their own philosophies, 所見, 意見, and experiences. Therefore the message, that they preach is carnal and is nothing more, than a lie coming from the devil.

Every week, many lies are preached, and the worst thing is that many Christians are blinded by their lies and think they still have the truth and walk in the truth.

Do motivational speakers weary the Lord?

Many preachers have become charismatic motivational speakers, who please the people instead of God. They adjust the words of God to the needs, lusts, and desires of Christians. Their sermons are based on what people want to hear, the age we live in, and the worldly standards, instead of God’s standards. With their motivational and self-help message, they feed the carnal old man instead of the spiritual new man.

man's philosophy vain deceit

Instead of experiencing persecution, many pastors, preachers, 預言 者, evangelists, and teachers, are exalted, worshiped, and put on a pedestal by people.

The reason why they are worshiped is that they belong to the world and have the spirit of the world living inside of them.

They are led by the spirit of the world. Therefore they respect, tolerate, and accept sinful behavior, and preach what carnal people like to hear. (こちらもお読みください: 聖霊 vs 新時代の霊).

残念ながら, there are not many spiritual fathers anymore, who disciple, teach, and correct their children in a correct manner in the Word. となることによって, they will stay on the right path of life.

Instead of correcting Christians, these false pastors, preachers, 預言 者, and teachers approve and accept all things, even if they go against the will of God. Why? Because they don’t want to upset the carnal Christians and cause them to walk away from the church. いいえ, they want to be liked and accepted by them and by the world. But what many of them don’t know, is that by their behavior, they weary the Lord.

Preachers, who weary the Lord cause their followers to weary the Lord

They not only weary the Lord, but they cause many Christians to also weary the Lord. Many Christians think, that they walk in the truth, because of what their pastor says. しかし真実は, that they walk in a lie. They think they please God, but the reality is, that they are not pleasing God at all. They please the devil and are on their way to the eternal lake of fire. (こちらもお読みください: Why the new heaven and the new earth which will not come for many?).

Is everyone, who does evil, right in the eyes of the Lord?

The Lord says in Malachi 2:17, that people weary the Lord, by saying that everyone, who does evil things, which go against the will of God, and against the Word of God, is good in the eyes of the Lord. And that the Lord is delighted in those people, who live in sin and iniquity. But God doesn’t love sinners, who keep walking in sin.

gave His Son for sinners, so that sinners could be redeemed from their sinful nature, by faith in Christ and through 悔い改め and becoming born again.

If you are born again, you are separated from the world and sin.

今, that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, you shall no longer listen to your flesh and your carnal will, lusts, and desires, but your spirit. You shall listen to what the Holy Spirit and the Word say to you and you shall obey Them.

You have been justified and made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ and not by your own works; by keeping the law of Moses (the sacrificial laws, food laws, precepts, rituals, 等).

But now, that you’ve been made righteous, you should also walk in holiness and righteousness, because that’s the nature of the new creation.

Is grace a permit to sin according to the Bible?

The messages of grace and love that are preached today, have been taken out of their context. But this is not something new. Because as you might know, Paul also discussed this matter in the letter to the saints in Rome. Paul wrote to the church about misusing the grace of God for the flesh.

Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? (ローマ人 6:1-3)

The grace of God is not a permit to sin. But the grace of God means that, originally, you deserve and should receive the death penalty, but instead, God has given you a way out. He send His Son to pay the price for you, so that you won’t have to. By faith in Jesus the Son of God and His redemptive work and by His blood and regeneration, you may become a new creation and become a partaker of the New Covenant and be reconciled with God, and receive eternal life.

Discipline and correction are part of love

If you talk about love, then discipline and correction are part of love. When you love someone, you don’t want anything bad to happen to that person. You want to keep that person safe and protect him or her from evil, accidents, misery, 等.

例えば, when parents love their children, they will instruct, discipline, and correct their children. That’s part of raising children and the responsibility of parents. But when parents don’t correct their children and let them lead their own lives, doing their own will, and making their own decisions, then these children will become unguided missiles.

Do Christians weary the Lord?

神は貴方を愛しています, just like a parent loves his child. But God wants you to have a spiritually prosperous life and to keep you from evil, misery, 死, そして地獄. That’s why God has given you His Word to keep you safe and away from evil. The Word shall lead, teach, discipline, correct, and raise you. となることによって, you will grow up into the image of Jesus.

servant of sin

But when the true Word of God is not preached anymore. When believers are not corrected. And when the words in the Bible are changed to the will, lusts, and desires of carnal people, so that the words will fit into their lives, then they become unguided missiles, who are on their way to hell.

There is only one way and that’s Jesus Christ.

When you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you shall submit yourself to Him. You shall obey Jesus and walk in His commandments and abide in Him.

But when you don’t want to submit to Jesus and don’t obey His words and commandments, then you show, through your deeds, that Jesus is not the Lord of your life. But the lord of your life is the devil.

Therefore your actions define to whom you belong: Jesus Christ or the devil. When the devil is your father, you should know, that your final destination will not be the new earth, but the lake of fire.

The church needs preachers with backbone

The church doesn’t need preachers, who weary the Lord, but the church needs preachers with backbones. Preachers, who are not afraid of preaching the truth (the true words of God). The church needs preachers, who are not afraid to stand up for the Word, despite what people feel, think, or say. Preachers, who are not looking for the praises of people and be exalted by people, but preachers, who stay faithful to God and remain in God’s will and take a stand for His truth, despite the opposition and persecutions they might endure.

ガラテヤ人への手紙 1:10 do I persuade men or God

We need preachers, who sanctify and cleanse the Body of Christ with the Word.

Preachers, who are not afraid to correct church visitors, who keep living in sin.

Even if this means, that if they, who live in sin, won’t listen, 彼らはなるでしょう removed from the church.  となることによって, the other believers of the church won’t be affected and defiled by the sin of the person and become a partaker of his or her sin through communion. We need preachers, who stop to weary the Lord.

Therefore preachers, protect the sheep of the Lord. Raise them in the Word, so that they will mature and get to know the will of God and grow up into the image of Christ.

When Christians grow up in the image of Christ, then the church will become the powerful body of Jesus Christ instead of a weak body.

Let Christ be preached again

If Jesus and the cross are preached again, many people will be drawn to the light, 悔い改める and give their lives to Jesus, and be saved. Because Jesus said, that the fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. The reason why there are only a few laborers is that the so-called truth that is preached, is covered with a lot of lies.

みましょう, そこで, pray for laborers with backbones, who tell the truth, and are not afraid to correct Christians. (こちらもお読みください: Who still dares to work in the vineyard?).

Stop weary the Lord!

Let us remove all the lies from the church; from the lives of Christians and start living holy sanctified lives. You have been made holy and righteous through Jesus Christ, by His blood and His redemptive work. This means that you are no longer a sinner, but you have become a saint! したがって, you will not live the life of a sinner anymore and walk habitually in sin, but you shall live the life of a saint. (こちらもお読みください: あなたはいつも罪人のままですか?).

You must turn to the Word and do what the Lord; 言葉, tells you to do. Instead of walking in the knowledge, sayings, 理論, and findings of carnal people and weary the Lord.

When the Word says, that something is evil, it means that it’s evil and not good. Let’s not cover evil with the grace of God. The grace of God is not meant to cover but uncover.

By the grace of God, you have received His Holy Spirit, so that you will be able to find out the truth and uncover the truths of God, and discern the lies of the devil.

Don’t weary the Lord anymore with your own vain words and by saying, that if someone does something that opposes the will of God and the Word of God, that it’s all right. But awake to righteousness and please the Lord, by speaking His words and being a doer of the Word and by removing all evil things from your lives and the church, so that we all shall walk as His children and live in His will in holiness and righteousness.



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