What do you produce in your life, life or death?

When you become born again in Christ, you become a new creation. You have become a son of God (this applies to both males and females) and received God’s nature. Now your mind needs to be changed. So that, the transformation from the old creation into the new creation becomes visible in the natural realm and you produce the right fruit in your life. Because what do you produce in life, life or death?

How do you change your mind?

You change your mind by renewing your mind with the Word of God. As long as your mind is not renewed with the Word of God, your mind shall remain the same. If your mind remains the same, your way of speaking and acting remain the same.

When you keep speaking and acting like the old man, it will defile and eventually destroy your spirit.

Therefore it’s necessary to renew your mind. So that, your mind lines up with the Word and will of God. After all, you are the person, who you think you are in your mind and heart. Because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).

What’s in your heart determines what you produce in life

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit (Proverbs 15:4)

Your mind and heart determine your speech and your actions. From your heart, you will speak words of life or words of death.

When your mind is renewed and your heart is filled with the Word of God, you will produce life. But as long as your mind remains carnal and your heart is filled with (the things of ) the world, you produce death. 

image bible and bible verse romans 12-2 be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Only when you renew your mind with the Word of God, your mind and heart will change. If your mind and heart change, your life will change.

We live in a very negative world. I mean, go to lunch with your colleagues and in almost every conversation, negative stories or gossip will be told. Or watch the news broadcast on television or read the newspaper, it’s all negative.

The world is full of negativity. But do you, as a born-again Christian, need to be dragged into this negativity and the way the world thinks?

No, absolutely not!

You are not like the world anymore, but you have been set apart. You became a new creation when you accepted Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your Saviour and Lord and through regeneration received the Holy Spirit (Read also: What three elements are required for the rebirth?).

Renew your mind with the Word of God

When you read and study the Bible and meditate on His Word, you will get to know the truth and will of God and the words of God shall be established in your heart. Your eyes will be opened to the truth. As a result, you shall no longer live in a lie, but in the truth.

Through the Word and the Holy Spirit, you will discern the two kingdoms; the Kingdom of Heaven (God’s Kingdom, where Jesus Christ is King) and the kingdom of the world (the darkness, where the ruler is the devil).

You shall take the pure Word of God and speak the words of God and walk therein. You shall be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only.

Because you are a doer of the Word, you’ll change into the image of Jesus Christ, the Living Word.

You shall walk like Jesus in obedience to the Father in His will, and preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people and call the people to repentance. (Read also: ‘The hearers vs the doers‘).

Children of God speak boldly the words of their Father

As a child of the most High God, you shall not walk in false humility. But you shall walk by faith and speak boldly the words of God, which are Spirit and life.

Your behavior and words are not always appreciated by people, who are carnal and/or belong to the world. They shall consider your words hurtful, offensive and judgmental. Because they testify that the works of the flesh are evil and call the people to repentance and obedience to God and His Word. Not everyone likes that.

image of fruit and blog title the fruit of the Spirit

But if you love Jesus wholeheartedly, you willl stay faithful to Him and don’t care about the words and opinions of people.

You’ll keep speaking His words, which represent God’s will and possess life, to people and over situations, problems, difficulties, etc. 

Therefore, it’s important that the words of God and principles of God’s Kingdom rule in your mind and heart. 

If a thought enters your mind that contradicts the Word of God or sows doubt and unbelief and you want to speak that thought, you will be stopped. That’s because the Holy Spirit, shall bring the Word into your mind, that abides in you.

At that moment, you have a choice to obey the Word and close your mouth or reject the Word and sow death and destruction with your mouth. 

Death and life are in the power of your tongue

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (proverbs 18:21)

When you restrain from evil words that contradict the Word of God and deny the truth of God and you speak the words of God, which are according to His will, you produce life.

You have given power to produce life or death. The choice is yours, what you sow and reap (Read also: What you sow you will reap).

What do you produce, life or death?

I would like to encourage you to study the Word of God. Read and write down Bible verses, meditate on the words of God (in the right context), and speak and act according to them.

The words of God, the seeds, will grow into a tree of life. When you become a tree of life, you will share the life of God instead of death.

You will bear the fruit of life and give them to those, who need them. Isn’t that wonderful!

“Be the salt of the earth”

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