Maybe you are shocked by the title of this article and thought: „What? Does Jesus hate? No way, Jesus is love and can’t hate. Jesus doesn’t hate, but Jesus loves.” Bine, the Word not only reveals the righteous love of God, Iisus, and the Holy Spirit but also what things they dislike and hate. In the Old Testament, we read about the things that God hates and in the New Testament, we read about the things that Jesus and the Holy Spirit hate. Jesus wasn’t a mysterious Person, but was transparent, la fel ca Tatăl Său. During His walk on earth, Jesus clearly showed His people what pleased Him and the Father and the things that didn’t please Him and the Father. What does Jesus hate according to the Bible?
His ways are above our ways and
His thoughts are above our thoughts
Some believers are not familiar with His will and often quote Isaiah 55:8, which says that His ways are above our ways and that His thoughts are above our thoughts. But these believers overlooked a.o. two important verses, namely Isaiah 55:7 și 1 Corinteni 2:16.
In Isaiah 55:7 God talks about the ungodly, therefore Isaiah 55:8 refers to the ungodly and their ways and their thoughts. We all know that the mind of the ungodly and their thoughts do not correspond with the mind and the thoughts of God, and therefore their ways do not correspond with the ways of God. (Citeste si: ‘Calea lui Dumnezeu este calea ta?’ and ‘Are God’s thoughts our thoughts?’)
In 1 Co 2:16, we read that we have the mind of Christ. If we have the mind of Christ, then we know the thoughts of God and His will.
Acestea, who say that His thoughts are above our thoughts are not born again, and therefore don’t belong to Him, or have not renewed their mind cu Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. They don’t have the mind of Christ and therefore they don’t know His thoughts.
Because the mind of Christ thinks like the Word, acts like the Word, and lives according to the will of God, and pleases Him, so that He is exalted and glorified.
Another thing is, that many believers have created a wrong image of Jesus, that doesn’t correspond with the true Jesus Christ.
They consider Jesus as the Jesus of the new age, who is a loving wishy-washy that tolerates and approves everything and accepts everything, inclusiv păcatul, all because of love and peace. But the believers, who have this image of Jesus, do not know the Word but have created an image of Jesus from the doctrines of people, Cărţi, and movies, that deviate from the Word. Because Jesus was not a wishy-washy, who approved everything.
Jesus was righteous and moved with compassion
Jesus was a righteous Man, who spoke with authority. Jesus confronted the people with the truth and often spoke hard words, which would be considered in our time as hurtful. His hard words caused many to turn away from Him. Especially those, who followed Jesus for the signs and wonders. They couldn’t hear and bear the truth, which Jesus spoke. Because His truth went against their religious doctrines and customs, in which they were raised in and adhered to.
Although Jesus was a Man of compassion, His love didn’t compromise and accept behavior that went against the voia lui Dumnezeu.
Since Jesus belonged to the Kingdom of Heaven and not to the Kingdom of darkness, His love was not a human love, which is self-centered and revolved around Himself and people, and was based upon feelings. But the love of Jesus was a self-denying Godly love, which revolved around God and to please and glorify Him and do His will on this earth.
The love of Jesus confronted God’s people and called them to repentance and the putting away of sin. Every disciple of Jesus should walk in this same love.
The birth of the Church of Christ
After the coming of the Holy Spirit to the earth, the Church; the Body of Christ was born. Toata lumea, who believed in Jesus Christ, repented and became născut din nou by the baptism in water and with the Holy Spirit, became a member of the Church of Christ.
The Church is not a building, but the Church is the assembly of born again Christians, who have put on Christ. You can be a member of a local church and go to church every week, but that won’t make you a member of the Church and a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven. Even the highest education and degree can’t make you a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. You can be a pastor in a local church, but even that won’t make you a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. Only by becoming born again in Jesus Christ, you can become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
On the day of Pentecost, the Church of Christ was born. Acestea, who believed, Pocăit, and were made righteous and followed Jesus by keeping poruncile Lui and waiting for His promise, were filled with the Holy Spirit.
From that moment the Holy Spirit dwelled in the people, and therefore people became the habitation of the Lord; the temple of the Lord.
Just like Jesus was the temple of the Lord, because of God’s presence by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Matei 26:61; 27:40, marcă 14:58, Ioan 2:19-21, 1 Corinteni 3:16-17; 6:19, 2 Corinteni 6:16, Efeseni 2:21-22).
The Church of Christ was born and received clear instructions from Jesus, the Head of the Church. The Church still receives instructions from the Word and the Holy Spirit. Everything Jesus says, the Holy Spirit makes known to the born again believers, who are the sons and daughters of God.
The Church obeyed the commandments of Jesus and represented and established the Kingdom of God on earth by preaching the gospel of the truth, pocăinţă and the forgiveness of sin and by casting out demons and healing the sick. They spoke in other tongues and the signs and wonders followed them (Matei 28:19-20, marcă 16:15-18, Luke 24:47-48).
The plan of the devil is to destroy the Church of Christ
The devil thought he accomplished his plan when Jesus was crucified. He thought he was rid of Jesus, but he was wrong. Instead of being rid of Jesus, he got hundreds and thousands of‘ little Christs’ in return. Acum, his kingdom was in greater danger than before and lost more ground.
What could he do to ensure that they would not be a threat to him and his kingdom anymore? By infiltrating their mind with lies and doctrine ale diavolilor, which would lead them astray, they would become powerless and be no threat to him and his kingdom. And so he executed his plan.
In every generation, since the coming of the Holy Spirit, the devil has done everything he could to seduce and mislead the believers and lead them astray so that the believers would enter the path of unrighteousness.
Datorită faptului, that many believers didn’t take their stand and hold their ground on the living Word of God; Iisus, and didn’t submit to His will, but deviated from His will and poruncile Lui, the plan of the devil succeeded time and time again and the Church slowly drifted away.
This phenomenon already happened in the generation of the first apostles, as we read in the letters from Paul, Ioan, Petru, James, and Jude.
But not only the apostles wrote to the local churches and warned them, gave them instructions and called them to repentance. Jesus also warned the churches and called them to repentance, when He appeared to John on the Isle of Patmos. Jesus not only encouraged the seven churches and told them what pleased Him, but He also confronted the churches with their unrighteousness and called them to repentance at once. Because if they wouldn’t, Jesus would, among others, remove the candlestick out of his place.
Therefore the preaching of ‘once saved always saved’ and the message of grace; that it doesn’t matter how you live and that you may live the way you want to live, even if you keep habitually living in sin, is one big lie of the devil. Desigur, the devil wants these messages to be believed and preached since this message means a gain for his kingdom. But Jesus is very clear, He cannot be more clear than His words.
Does the Church want to be prepared?
Ține minte, that Jesus said these things after His death and resurrection from the dead and after the coming of the Holy Spirit. Prin urmare, He said these things in the same dispensation as we live in. Nothing has changed, except that the end is near and Jesus will soon return, and He wants to prepare His Church for His coming. But the question is, does the Church want to be prepared?
And has Jesus not already removed the candlestick from many churches after all His warnings? Because there are many churches that are seated in the dark and have no clue which way they go. They have rejected the spiritual Compass and replaced the Compass with human intellect and philosophies of man, and try to be successful and receive eternal life. But they will not succeed, because, without the spiritual Compass, they will be lost and never reach their destination.
Jesus hated unrighteousness
But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows (ebraică 1:8-9)
Iisus, Fiul Dumnezeului celui viu, hated unrighteous. The word unrighteousness comes from the Greek word ‘ἀνομία’ (anomia) which means wickedness, lawlessness, lawless deed:- iniquity, iniquities, transgresseth law, transgression of law, unrighteousness.
Jesus was righteous and therefore Jesus loved righteousness. Because of the fact that Jesus was righteous and holy, which means that Jesus was set apart unto God for His service and was devoted to Him, Jesus hated unrighteousness.
a spus Isus: „Nimeni nu poate sluji doi stăpâni: căci fie el îl va urî pe acela, și iubește-l pe celălalt; sau altfel se va ţine de acela, și disprețuiește-l pe celălalt. Nu puteți sluji lui Dumnezeu și lui Mamona” (Matei 6:24)
Jesus didn’t want to have any part in the works of unrighteousness, because Jesus knew, who was the source of the works of unrighteousness.
He knew the unrighteous works came forth through obedience to the fallen angel, who is the father of the fallen man, namely the devil.
Jesus didn’t bow to the devil during His walk on this earth. He didn’t belong to the generation of fallen man. And because of the fact that Jesus didn’t bow for the devil and didn’t belong to the generation of fallen man, the world hated Jesus. Because Jesus confronted and testified of their evil works and their sins and not everyone was pleased with that.
Jesus hated the works of unrighteousness and because of that the workers of unrighteousness, also called the workers of iniquity, hated Jesus and rejected Jesus.
The love of Jesus for His Father
But Jesus walked in the Godly love and because He loved God above all with all His heart, minte, soul and strength, He could handle everything. No behavior or words from people could stop Him.
If Jesus would have listened to the lies of the devil and submitted Himself to the devil, by listening and obeying him, just like Adam, then Jesus could not have been the Substitute for fallen man and Jesus could not be sacrificed.
But what a relief, that Jesus didn’t succumb to all those temptations from the devil.
Isus a rămas ascultător to His Father, because of His great love for God, and out of that love, He gave His life and allowed God to put the sins and iniquities of the world upon Him.
Jesus allowed what Jesus hated most and what caused Him to be separated from His Father and led to death.
Jesus hated unrighteousness (iniquities and sins) during His life on earth.
He not only hated unrighteousness during His life on earth but even after His death and resurrection, Jesus made it very clear that He still hated unrighteousness. Because in the Book of Revelations, Jesus mentioned twice the works of the Nicolaitans, pe care Iisus îl ura. Jesus not only mentioned the works of the Nicolaitans, which He hated but Jesus also mentioned the teachings of Balaam and the tolerance of Jezebel (Citeste si: ‘Doctrina și lucrările nicolaiților‘, ‘The doctrine of Balaam‘ și Doctrina Izabelei‘)
The scepter of righteousness
Then Peter opened his mouth, si a zis, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that fears Him, and works righteousness, is accepted with Him (Acte 10:35)
In our time nothing has changed. Jesus still hates unrighteousness and doesn’t approve of it. Jesus is not a Promoter of unrighteousness (păcatul și nelegiuirea), but Jesus is a Promoter of righteousness.
After all, the scepter of His Kingdom is the scepter of righteousness. Toata lumea, who belongs to the Kingdom of God and in whom the Word and the Holy Spirit abides, shall have a fear for the Lord and be a promoter of righteousness and therefore walk in righteousness.
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