Что означает жизнь воскресения во Христе?

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was proof that God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His precious blood and the redemptive work for fallen humanity was finished on earth. But what does the resurrection of Jesus mean for humanity? What does it mean to be baptized in His death and His resurrection? Что означает жизнь воскресения во Христе?

Jesus was the Firstborn of the new creation and the Firstborn from the dead

And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, говоря мне, Не бойся; I am the first and the last: Я Тот, кто живет, и был мертв; и, вот, Я жив навсегда, Аминь; и иметь ключи ада и смерти (Откровение 1:17-18)

Иисус был Первенцем нового творения, Who walked after the Spirit in obedience to the Father and preached and established His Kingdom on earth.

When His time arrived, Jesus gave His life for fallen humanity, грешники).

by one man's disobedience many were made sinners

Because of the disobedience, offenses, and iniquities of fallen man, Jesus was scourged and crucified and carried the sins of the world, which the Father laid upon Him, whereby Jesus entered hades legally (Читайте также: Каково истинное значение креста? (Ой. Исайя 53, Мэтью 27, Отметка 15, Люк 23, Джон 19).

Однако, death was not strong enough to keep Jesus in his kingdom (the kingdom of death).

Jesus conquered death and after three days Jesus rose as Victor and Firstborn from the dead with the keys of hell and death (Ой. Действия 3:15; 13:28-31; 26:23, римляне 1:1-4, 6:9; 8:29, Ефесянам 1:20, Колоссянам 1:12-18, 2 Тимоти 2:8, евреи 11:19; 12:22-24; 13:20, 1 Питер 1:21 (Читайте также: Что делал Иисус в аду?))

Jesus had become the Substitute for fallen man, so that in Him the new creation could be created.

The precious blood of Jesus, which was shed on the whipping post and the cross, made atonement for the sins of humanity and restored the (упал) state and the (упал) position of humanity and reconciled man back to God, so that man could have a relationship with God and live as sons of God (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин) на земле.

В крещении, the old man dies in Christ and the new man is raised in Christ from the dead

For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened (made alive) Духом: By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison; which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is eight souls were saved by water. The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him (1 Питер 3:18-22)

Каждый, who hears the gospel of Jesus Christ and believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and has come in the flesh and believes in His redemptive work; His death on the cross (for our sins) и Его воскресение из мертвых (for our justification), and repent and be baptized, whereby the person identifies himself with the death and resurrection of Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, shall be saved.

The baptism is the grave for the old man and means death to the flesh. The old man dies in Christ and the new man is raised in Christ from the dead (Читайте также: What is the true meaning of baptism?).

But it doesn’t stop there. This is only the beginning of your new life and the race of faith that contains many hardships, испытания, tribulations, resistance of people, hindrances, and obstacles, and your faith, любовь, терпение, and longsuffering will be tested.  

The new man is quickened by the Spirit and walks in newness of life in the resurrection life

Посему мы погребены с Ним крещением в смерть: что подобно тому, как Христос воскрес из мертвых славою Отца, даже и нам следует ходить в обновленной жизни (римляне 6:4)

Но Бог, кто богат милосердием, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Даже когда мы были мертвы во грехах, оживил нас со Христом, (благодатью вы спасены;) И воскресил нас вместе, и посадил нас на небесах во Христе Иисусе (Ефесянам 2:46)

If you believe and are baptized in water and receive the Holy Spirit, ты стал новым творением; сын Божий (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин) and you shall walk in newness in life in the resurrection life.

Иисус стал грехом

Every son of God is baptized in Christ and justified in Christ and clothed with Christ, whereby there is neither Jew nor Greek, обрезание или необрезание, Варвар, скифский, облигация и свобода, мужской и женский, но Христос есть все и во всем (Ой. римляне 4:25-25, Галатам 3:25-28, Колоссянам 3:11)

Your spirit was under the dominion of death, but now has been quickened by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The devil and death no longer have dominion over you, потому что твоя плоть, в котором царит грех и смерть, has died in Christ. 

Ты больше не грешник, сын дьявола. You are no longer a slave of sin and death and therefore you shall no longer serve sin and live under condemnation, since your flesh has been buried in Christ in baptism. 

Because your flesh has died in Christ and no longer lives, the law of sin and death no longer has dominion over you and you shall no longer walk after the flesh in sin.

Закон Духа жизни царствует в новом человеке

Through the resurrection of your spirit from the dead, закон Духа жизни царит в вас, и из-за этого, you shall walk after the Spirit in righteousness (Ой. римляне 8:1-4). 

You are justified and have become a saint in Christ. Therefore you shall no longer live as a sinner, as a slave of sin and a victim of the devil and death.

римляне 6-6 ветхий человек распят с Ним, а не раб греха

Your nature has changed. You have become a partaker of the Divine nature, whereby you shall no longer be controlled by the will, вожделения, and desires of the (грешный) flesh and do the works of the (грешный) плоть, but you shall be controlled by the will of the Holy Spirit, which is the will of Jesus Christ, which is the will of the Father.

It’s no longer you that lives, но Христос живет в вас, whereby you shall no longer seek yourself and do your own will and serve the Lord for selfish reasons and your gain, but you shall seek the will of God, which is revealed by the Word and the Holy Spirit and preach and establish His Kingdom on earth. 

If you walk in the resurrection life in Christ, you shall walk with God and do what the Word says and you shall keep the commandments of Jesus and walk in righteousness in the will of God. 

In the power of the Holy Spirit, you shall put off the old man and put on the new man and resist sin and have dominion over sin instead of sin having dominion over you.

But as long as you go your own way and keep doing the works of the flesh and refuse to submit to God and obey the Word, you are not born again in Christ and have not become the new creation, who walks in the resurrection life in Christ, but you are still the old man, со своей греховной природой, who his prideful and rebellious against God and goes his own way and makes his own rules and exalts himself above God and His Word.

The devil comes as an angel of light with his pious lies that always contradict the Word and eventually lead to death. Many Christians still believe his lies above the truth of God.

Despite the revelations and warnings of God, people still believe the words of the devil

Despite the revelations and warnings of God in His Word, people still believe the devil above God. Это не имеет значения, how many times the Word warns people and reveals the true nature and works of the devil and his sons, people won’t listen to the truth of God but rather listen to the words of the devil and believe his lies. Почему? Because they still belong to the devil and the world and love the (works of) darkness above the (works of) Свет. 

I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill Me, because My word hath no place in you.I speak that which I have seen with My Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father (Джон 8:37-38)

Иисус сказал им, If God were your Father, ye would love Me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me. Почему вы не понимаете Моей речи?? даже потому, что вы не можете слышать Мое слово. Вы от отца вашего дьявола, и похоти отца твоего исполните. Он был убийцей с самого начала, и не устоял в истине, потому что в нем нет правды. Когда он говорит ложь, он говорит о своем: потому что он лжец, и отец этого. 

И потому что я говорю тебе правду, вы не верите Мне. Кто из вас убедит меня в грехе? И если я скажу правду, почему вы не верите Мне? Кто от Бога, слышит слова Божии: поэтому вы их не слышите, потому что вы не от Бога (Джон 8:42-27).

Jesus said to the Jews, that they didn’t love Jesus because God wasn’t their Father. They didn’t understand His speech, because they couldn’t hear His words, which came from the Father, Who had sent Him.

They were not of God and God wasn’t their Father, but they were of the devil and had the devil as their father and therefore they listened, believed, and obeyed his words (his lies) and wanted to do the lusts of their father. And this truth still applies today.

Много людей, которые говорят, что они христиане, don’t believe the Word of God. They don’t listen and obey the words of God, but they listen, полагать, and obey the words of the devil that contradict the words of God.

According to the words of Jesus, this proves that they are still the old creation, who have the devil as father and belong to him and have his nature and therefore they believe and obey his words and do his works and serve him (Читайте также: Доктрины дьяволов убивают церковь).

What does the Bible say about someone, who doesn’t walk after the will of the Spirit in righteousness, but walks after the will of the flesh in sin?

They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Иисус ответил им, Воистину, воистину, Я говорю тебе, Всякий, делающий грех, является рабом греха. И раб не пребывает в доме вовек: но Сын пребывает вовеки. Итак, если Сын освободит вас, Воистину, вы будете свободны (Джон 8:33-36)

Поэтому, братья, мы должники, не для плоти, жить по плоти. Ибо если вы живете по плоти, да, умру: а если вы духом умерщвляете дела телесные, вы будете жить. Ибо все, водимые Духом Божьим, они сыновья Бога (римляне 8:12-14)

What does the Bible say about someone, who doesn’t walk after the will of the Spirit and in righteousness, but walks after the will of the flesh in sin? Do the person’s works testify that the person belongs to God or the person belongs to the devil?

Иисус говорит, что все, who commits sin is a servant of sin and is not made free from sin. Because if the Son shall make someone free, that person shall be free indeed and shall no longer be bound through the flesh to sin and death.

Каждый, Кто продолжает грешить, walks after the flesh and is still a slave of sin. 

A person can say whatever he or she wants and come up with all kinds of excuses for his or her sinful behavior and use Bible verses for their flesh, to approve their sins, but their sinful works and behavior prove, that the person is not born again and has not laid down his life in Christ, but the person is still the old man aka the old creation, who walks after the will and the lusts and desires of the sinful flesh.

Те, who are raised in Christ and have walked in the resurrection life, shall inherit eternal life

Благодарение Отцу, которое сделало нас соучастниками наследия святых во свете: Кто избавил нас от власти тьмы, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, даже прощение грехов: Кто является образом невидимого Бога, the firstborn of every creature (Колоссянам 1:12-15)

Но вы не во плоти, но в Духе, если будет так, что Дух Божий обитает в вас. Если же кто Духа Христова не имеет, он не является его. И если Христос будет в тебе, тело мертво из-за греха; но дух есть жизнь благодаря праведности. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you (римляне 8:9-11)

Но теперь Христос воскрес из мертвых, и станешь первенцем из умерших. Ибо с тех пор, как от человека пришла смерть, через человека произошло и воскресение мертвых. Ибо, как и в Адаме, все умирают, даже так во Христе все оживут (1 Коринфянам 15:20-22)

Те, who believe and have freely laid down their life on earth and have died in Christ and are risen in Christ have passed from death to life.

Через возрождение во Христе, they have been delivered from the power of darkness; the power of the devil and death, and have been justified and reconciled with God. They have become alive to God and don’t belong to the death anymore but to the Life.

Джон 11:25 Я есмь воскресение и жизнь

They have become sons of God in whom the Holy Spirit dwells and they shall walk after the will of the Spirit in obedience to God and His Word.

Я воскресение, и жизнь: he that believeth in Me, хотя он был мертв, все же он будет жить: And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die (Джон 11:25-26)

And if they stay faithful to Jesus and keep His commandments and walk as sons of God in the resurrection life and finish the race and keep the faith, and fall asleep in Christ, they shall be raised in Christ.

And because they are written in the Lamb’s Book of life, they shall inherit eternal life and enter in through the gates of the new holy city Jerusalem on the new earth (Ой. Mattheuw 24:13, Джон 14:19-24, Откровение 21).

В отличие от тех, who have remained the old creation and have believed the words of the devil above the words of God and walked after the flesh in his will, doing the will, вожделения, and desires of the (грешный) плоть, and have borne the fruit of death, что такое грех (Читайте также: Какова воля Божья и какова воля дьявола?).

When they die and are raised from the dead, they shall go to the same destination as their father, to whom they listened to their whole lives and whom they have believed and whose desires they have done and because they are not written in the Book of life, they shall be cast into the lake of fire and enter the second death.

«Будь солью земли’

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