Čo hovorí Biblia o homosexualite?

V cirkvi sa veľa diskutuje o homosexualite. Môže byť kresťan homosexuál (homosexuál)? Does God approves of homosexuality and same sex couples and should homosexuality be accepted in the church or not? There are churches that oppose homosexuality and don’t allow homosexual people in the church. There are churches that oppose homosexuality on the basis of the Bible, but welcome gay people and transgender people in the church with the intention that they repent. And then there are churches that accept homosexuality and welcome gay people, bisexual people, and transgender people in the church and approve of their gay lifestyle. They allow homosexual people to become members of the church and be a partaker of communion. They bless same-sex couples, perform same-sex marriages and even ordain homosexual people in ministry. But what is the will of God and what does the Bible say about homosexuality? Môže byť kresťan homosexuál?

Dva druhy kresťanov

In order to answer the questions whether a Christian can be a homosexual, if a church should allow homosexual people and same-sex couples, and if a homosexual person can be ordained in ministry, we must first look at what it means to be a Christian. Pretože nie všetci, who calls himself or herself a Christian is a true born again Christian; a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

There are two types of Christians, spiritual Christians and carnal Christians. Let’s start with the carnal Christians.

The carnal Christians

Carnal Christians are led by their flesh (duša a telo). Their senses, emócie, pocity, telesná myseľ, bude, žiadostivosti, and desires control their lives. Their spirit is not raised from the dead or their spirit is raised from the dead but is still subject to the flesh. The ‘selfhas not died in Christ yet, but is still alive and their flesh dictates their lives.

They can do ‘good’ (dobročinnosť) Tvorba, and be nice, friendly, gentle, užitočné, loving towards others, and go to church but that won’t save them. They can only be saved by faith and regeneration in Jesus Christ and His blood and stay saved by walking after the Spirit in the will of God.

The born-again Christians

Born-again Christians are led by the Spirit. They are baptized in Christ and buried their flesh in the krst vo vode a krstom Duchom Svätým, their spirit is raised from the dead. They are born of the Spirit of God and have become sons of God (to platí pre mužov aj ženy). Since they died to the flesh and have become spiritual, they shall no longer walk after the flesh in sin and iniquity, as sons of the devil, but they shall walk after the Spirit as sons of God in righteousness and love.

Ezechiel 11:19-20 Dajte im jedno srdce a vložím do vás nového duchaThis love isn’t the love as the world defines love. Táto láska neznamená robiť kompromisy, dovoliť a akceptovať všetko, vrátane hriechu. But this love is the holy and righteous love of God.

Táto spravodlivá láska začína a veľká láska smerom k Bohu, Ježiš, a Ducha Svätého.

It is a love that wants to please God and obey and serve Him and live according to His prikázania, which represents His will and His nature and dwells in the hearts of the new creations (born-again Christians).

When you do His will and walk in the commandments of the Word, you walk in love (Oh. John 14:15).

Keď zomrieš v Ježišovi Kristovi, zomrieš svojmuseba. To znamená, že položíte svoju vôľu, sny, myšlienky, emócie, pocity, žiadostivosti, túžby, názory, atď.

už nežiješ, but Jesus Christ, slovo, žije vo vás. Stali ste sa Jeho nádobou. Therefore you shall renew your mind with the Word of God and put off the old man and put on the new man, who is created in the image of Christ.

Duch Svätý

The Holy Spirit abides in the new creations and is the Comforter and Teacher and testifies of Jesus, slovo. The moral part of the Law of Moses, which represents the nature and will of God is now written in the hearts of the new creation by the dwelling of the Holy Spirit (Oh. Ezechiel 11:19-21).

The Holy Spirit represents God’s righteousness and guides you into all truth. He shall not only teach and lead you, but He shall also correct and discipline you. Because if the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, He shall confront believers with the works of the old carnal man aka sin. The Holy Spirit can’t lead people into sin. Therefore if people live in sin, they don’t have the Holy Spirit abiding in them and are not led by Him, but are led by their sinful flesh.

Those who have become the new creation, don’t have to go back to the Law of Moses and follow all the precepts and rituals of the levitical priesthood, zákonov (sacrificial laws, potravinové zákony, purification laws, atď.), and feasts. Because the Law of Moses was meant for the old carnal man, ktorý sa narodil z Jákobovho semena (Izrael).

Avšak, the will of God has not changed. The will of God in the Old Testament is the same as the will of God in the New Testament. God’s Word is the same, včera, dnes, a navždy. Preto je Jeho Slovo dôveryhodné a vy môžete dôverovať Slovu.

V Jeho Slove, Boh nám dáva poznať svoju vôľu. His Holy Spirit reveals in us His will that is, aby sme kráčali podľa Jeho prikázania (č 11:19-20, 36:26-27).

Jediná vec, ktorá stojí v ceste vykonať Jeho vôľu vo vašom živote, is your carnal mind and the love of the world and the sinful flesh.

Musíte si vybrať pre Slovo alebo svet

Keď kráčaš za Duchom, budeš kráčať v Jeho vôli; konať Jeho vôľu. Božia vôľa sa bude vždy líšiť od vôle sveta. To nie je divné, pretože svet je nepriateľstvo voči Bohu. Preto, if you want to serve Jesus, you must make a choice, whether you want to serve Jesus and obey the Word or you want to serve yourself and obey the will, žiadostivosti, and desires of your sinful flesh and the world (John 12:25).

Za všetko, čo je na svete, žiadostivosť tela, a žiadostivosť očí, a pýcha života, nie je od Otca, ale je zo sveta. (1 John 2:16)

Lebo byť telesne zmýšľajúci je smrť; ale byť duchovne zmýšľajúci je život a pokoj. Pretože telesná myseľ je nepriateľstvom voči Bohu: lebo nepodlieha Božiemu zákonu, vlastne ani nemôže byť. Takže tí, ktorí sú v tele, sa nemôžu páčiť Bohu (Rimanom 8:7-8)

Ježiš povedal, Kto miluje svoj život, stratí ho; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto eternal life (John 12:25)

Was Jesus a Friend of publicans tax collectorsThese words do not correspond with the words of modern carnal Christians, who live like the world and approve of sin. Hovoria, But Jesus welcomed the publicans and sinners and ate with them. He was a Friend of sinners.

Avšak, ľudia, ktorí používajú tento argument, bohužiaľ, ďalej nečítaj, as to why Jesus ate with them.

The publicans and sinners wanted to repent of their lifestyle as a sinner.

Stretli sa s Pravdou, svetlo, a Život: Ježiš Kristus, and didn’t want to live the life of a sinner (Prečítajte si tiež Was Jesus a Friend of Publicans?).

Duch Svätý v Ježišovi usvedčil hriešnikov z ich hriešneho života, a preto chceli činiť pokánie.

Jesus didn’t approve of sin. He never said, Kráčaj ďalej vo svojich hriechoch, it’s ok. Nie! Jesus could never have said that because sin means rebellion and disobedience to God and obedience to the devil. Hriech ťa oddeľuje od Boha a spája ťa s diablom(Prečítajte si tiež: Čo je hriech?).

Instead of fellowshipping with sinners and approving sin as so many false Christians say and do, Jesus called the sinners to repentance and said, sin no more! (Oh. Matúš 9:13, Marka 1:14-15, Luke 5:29-32, John 5:14, a John 8:11).

Can the new creation walk in sin?

When you repented and became born again in Christ you became a new creation and were delivered from the power of darkness (through the death of the flesh) and transferred into the Kingdom of God (by the resurrection of the spirit from the dead).

You shall no longer walk as you did before in darkness, being alienated from God and ruled by your carnal mind and led by the will lusts, and desires of your flesh. Sin shall not have dominion over you, because you died in Christ to sin.

The Holy Spirit dwells in you and you are led by His will, ktorý predstavuje Božiu vôľu.

Môže sa človek narodiť ako gay?

Can a person be born with homosexual feelings? Every human being is born on this earth in iniquity and is a sinner. Everyone is born in a (duchovný) fallen state and separated from God. Nikto nie je vylúčený. Every person is carnal and has the evil and sinful nature and character of the devil, who rebels against God and His Word and opposes His will. He is the father of sinners (spadneš).

Therefore every person, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi, needs to become born again to be saved and live in union with God..

As long as people are carnal and led by the (hriešny) mäso, the powers of darkness control people’s lives. Their will, pocity, and emotions in the flesh are influenced and controlled by demonic powers. Vládnu v živote každého hriešnika.

This also applies to homosexual feelings that are caused by a spirit of lust and perversion.

When you look at the gay scene; gay pride, gay magazines, gay bary, gay musicals, the entertainment industry, fashion, atď., erotika, sex, a prevláda zvrátenosť. It’s full of sexual content and sexual remarks. Everything revolves around sex and eroticism.

Teraz, nezáleží na tom, ako a kedy tento duch vstúpil. Všetko je o oslobodení človeka. Ifthe person wants to be set free.

What does the Bible say about homosexuality and what is the will of God regarding same-sex relationships?

Teraz, what does the Bible say about homosexuality? And what is the will of God regarding same-sex relationships and couples? Does God approve of homosexuality, according to the Bible?

Chamovi synovia bývali v Sodome a Gomore

Homosexualita nie je niečo v tomto veku. V prvej knihe Biblie, Genesis, we read about sexual uncleanness, including sexual intercourse with someone of the same gender.

Prvý krát, we read in the Bible about homosexuality and males having sexual intercourse with males, je v kapitole Genezis 19, v meste Sodoma. Toto bol jeden z dôvodov, prečo Sodoma a Gomora a mestá okolo nich, boli zničené. I write ‘one of the reasons’, because this abomination they did before the Lord God was not the only reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, ale o tom bude reč neskôr.

Obyvatelia Sodomy a Gomory a okolitých miest sa narodili zo semena Cháma, syn Noeho. Ham was cursed by Noah because Ham saw his father’s nakedness and told his brothers. His brothers immediately took a garment and went backward into their father’s tent and covered their father without looking at his nakedness. They knew that it was wrong to look at his nakedness, while they didn’t have the Law of Moses yet. (Genesis 9:21-25).

S tým na mysli, you see that evil and sexual uncleanness were already present in the seed and bloodline of Ham. Instead of not paying attention, Ham looked at his father’s nakedness, who laid in his tent. Therefore the seed of Ham was cursed.

Toto zlo pokračovalo z generácie na generáciu. Because the seed of Ham, ktorí žili v Sodome a Gomore, were wicked and sinners before the Lord (Genesis 13:13).

The sons of Ham lived in pride, fullness of bread and were haughty and committed abominations

Boli to hriešnici; žili v hrdosti, fullness of bread, a bola v nich hojnosť nečinnosti. They didn’t strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. The sons of Ham were haughty and committed abomination before the Lord (Ezechiel 16:48-50).

Tie ohavnosti boli: sexuálna nečistota a modlárstvo, tak ako pohanské národy žili v sexuálnej nečistote a modlárstve. Pretože keď čítate knihy Levitikus a Deuteronómium a pozriete sa, aké ohavnosti boli pre Pána, spomínané ohavnosti:

  • Sexuálna nečistota (neležte s ľudstvom ako so ženou (homosexualita), neľahnúť si so žiadnou zverou, neľahnúť si so susedovou manželkou, neľahnúť si s ľudstvom a ženou (trojka/bisexuál), atď.),
  • Vyprovokovať Ho k žiarlivosti cudzími bohmi,
  • Nechajte ich synov a dcéry prejsť cez oheň,
  • Použite veštenie, alebo pozorovateľ doby, alebo kúzelník, alebo bosorka, alebo kúzlo, alebo poradca so známymi duchmi, alebo čarodejník, alebo nekromant, atď.

Výkrik hriechov Sodomy a Gomory bol veľký. Ich hriech bol veľmi ťažký. Pán počul krik a prišiel sa pozrieť na krik, to see if they were that wicked.

Muži mali v Sodome sexuálne vzťahy s mužmi

V Genesis 19, čítame, že dvaja muži, the two angels of the Lord went with Lot to his house. Než išli spať, not a few men but all the men of Sodom, mladí aj starí, obklopil dom Lótov. They all stood before Lot’s house and called: Where are the men which came in to thee this night? vyveďte ich k nám, that we may know them(Genesis 19:5)

Lot went out at the door unto them and shut the door after him, a povedal: "Modlím sa, bratia, nerobte tak zle. Teraz hľa, Mám dve dcéry, ktoré nepoznajú muža; nechaj ma, modlím sa ťa, vyveďte ich k vám, a robte im, čo je dobré vo vašich očiach: len týmto mužom nerobte nič; lebo preto vošli do tieňa mojej strechy“.

But the men of Sodom wouldn’t listen to Lot. They commanded them to stand back and said again, Tento chlapík prišiel na pobyt, a bude musieť byť sudcom: teraz sa s tebou budeme mať horšie, než s nimi.

They pressed sore upon the man, dokonca aj Lot, a priblížil sa, aby rozbil dvere. But the men put forth their hand and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut the door. They smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, malé aj veľké, takže sa unúvali nájsť dvere.

Ďalšie ráno, the men, Veľa, jeho žena, and his daughters left Sodom. And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire out of heaven. God overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground (Genesis 19:5-25)

We can conclude from the Bible, that these wicked people of Sodom were perverse and walked in sexual uncleanness, vrátane homosexuality. Men had sexual relationships with men.

There are preachers, who say that it was normal for certain populations to inaugurate ‘strangers’ in the city using sexual intercourse. Ale keby to tak bolo, prečo im potom Lót ponúkol svoje dcéry?

Another argument preachers make is that the men of Sodom just wanted to get to know the two men by communication. Ale znova, ak by to tak bolo, prečo im potom Lót ponúkol svoje dcéry? Pretože už poznali jeho dcéry. Jeho dcéry nepoznali len sexuálne. Preto, we can conclude that these men wanted to have sexual intercourse with the two men of God.

The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were selfish, zvrátený, chamtiví muži, who lived after the (sexuálne) lusts and desires of their flesh. They had no restrictions on sexual intercourse, vrátane pohlavného styku s inými mužmi.

The city of Gibeah was a second Sodom

V Biblii, we read that Sodom wasn’t the only city where homosexuality was present and men wanted to have sexual intercourse with men. O mnoho rokov neskôr sa to isté stalo v krajine Benjamin, v mesto Gibea. that had disastrous consequences for the people of Benjamin.

The men of Gibeah wanted to have sexual intercourse with a certain Levite, ktorí prenocovali v Gibei, v dome starého muža.

This Levite traveled with his servant and his concubine. Večer, mužov z Gibey, the sons of Belial, beset the house roundabout and beat at the door. Prikázali starcovi, aby priviedol Levitu, aby ho poznali (mať s ním pohlavný styk). Avšak, the old man offered his daughter and the Levite’s concubine instead.

But the men wouldn’t listen to him and wanted the Levite. Potom Levita vzal svoju konkubínu a priviedol ju k nim. And what did the men of Gibeah do, did they talk with her to get to know her? Nie, the men of Gibeah abused her sexually all night long. In the morning they let her go and she fell at the door of the old man’s house and died (sudcovia 19:11-29).

Benjamínovci boli zlí, because they left God and His Law and committed these abominations. As a result of their wickedness, almost the whole population of Benjamin was killed by the other tribes of Israel.

The reason why the other tribes of Israel killed the people of Benjamin was because God had commanded His people to remove all wickedness from their midst.

Boh vedel, aké by to malo následky, ak by prijali zlo, namiesto odstránenia zloby.

He knew that all of His people would eventually be affected by evil and that more tribes of Israel would deviate from Him. Preto museli odstrániť zlo (zlomyseľnosť) of Benjamin from their midst.

What does the Bible say about the Sodomites?

In 1 Kings 14:22-24, we read that Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord and provoked Him to jealousy through their sins. We read about the sodomites in the land of Judah, who did according to ALL the abominations of the nations (vrátane homosexuality; muži majúci pohlavný styk s mužmi).

In 1 Kings 15:11-12, čítame, že kráľ Asa urobil to, čo bolo správne v očiach Hospodinových. He took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols, ktoré vyrobili jeho otcovia.

Homosexuality in the Temple of the Lord

In 2 Kings 23:7, čítame o kráľovi Joziášovi a o tom, ako čítal prikázania Hospodinove v dome Hospodinovom, pred všetkými ľuďmi. Together with the people, he made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and keep His commandments, Jeho stanovy, Jeho svedectvá, with all their heart and soul.

Josiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He broke down among other the houses of the sodomites, who were in the House of the Lord (Youngs doslovný preklad Biblie).

Vidíš, vtedy, there were already sodomites in the House of the Lord. Homosexuality took already place in the House of the Lord.

Is homosexuality something of this age according to the Bible?

Takže argument, Homosexuality is something of this age, a mali by sme to akceptovať“ je veľká lož diabla! Nie je to niečo z tohto veku, vždy to tam bolo.

Homosexuality was accepted until someone arose, in this case King Josiah, who served the Lord with his heart and soul and walked in the will of God, whereby he removed all these abominations, including sexual uncleannes, homosexualita, from his people and the House of the Lord.

V Biblii, we read that as soon as His people turned away from God and left His words, they began to live like the world; the heathens in wickedness, modlárstvo, and sexual uncleannes and doing the abominations of the heathens.

As soon as people turned away from God and left His words, the wickedness, sin and iniquity increased in the land. And that’s what we see happeining in the world today.

Éra selfie

Žijeme v dobe, where ‘the self’ of people is seated on the throne of instead of Jesus. There are few people, who really hate sin and iniquity and die to the flesh (zomrieť „seba“). Z dôvodu, že, many Christians stay carnal and keep walking after the flesh according to the will, žiadostivosti, and desires of the sinful flesh.

Mnohí si myslia, že sa páčia Bohu, but the truth is that they live after the will of the devil and give power to him.

They love the world and the works of the flesh and want to live like the world. Therefore they change the words in the Bible and adjust them to the world and the will, žiadostivosti, a žiadosti ich tela, so that the words of God fit in their lives.

They believe in the twisted word that is preached, whereby they can live the way they want to live without being accused by the Word about their sinful walk.

And so many live in the lies of the devil, ktorý miluje prekrúcanie Slova Božieho. Áno, je majstrom v prekrúcaní Božieho slova! Vezmite si napríklad divočinu, where the devil pokúšal Ježiša so skrúteným slovom.

What does the Bible say in the Law of Moses about homosexuality?

Boh vykúpil svoj ľud z otroctva faraóna a vyviedol ho z Egypta a odviedol do púšte. Oddelil svoj ľud od sveta, and now He went together with His people to the promised land. During their journey, God made His heart and will known to His people through the giving of His Law to Moses. Because the carnal man was not able to comprehend the spiritual realm, because the spirit was still dead (due to Adam’s sin (Prečítajte si tiež: The battle in the garden).

Pamätajte, že Boh je rovnaký, včera, dnes, a navždy. Jeho vôľa a jeho povaha sa nikdy nezmenia.

Before the Law of Moses, Boh to už objasnil (Oh. through the flood in the dní Noeho, a cez zničenie Sodomy a Gomory) that God did not approve of wickedness, zlý, selfishness, a žiadostivosti a žiadosti tela (vrátane sexuálnej nečistoty). Boh im to nedovolil a netoleroval.

Many gentile nations performed sexual rituals and lived in sexual uncleanness. But the Lord of Lords didn’t want His people to become defiled by these abominations. He wanted a holy and pure people, who restrained themselves from these abominations. Chcel svätý ľud, who loved Him and kept His commandments and walked according to His commandments instead of the commandments of the heathen and their gods.

Čo hovorí Biblia o homosexualite v Starom zákone?

V Levitiku 18, čítame o sexuálnych morálnych zákonoch. Boh hovoril s Mojžišom a prikázal mu, aby to povedal svojmu ľudu, že On bude ich Bohom, a že budú žiť podľa Jeho prikázaní a Jeho vôle, a nie po Egypťanoch, ani obyvatelia Kanaánu (pohania, svet).

Vyšli z Egypta, a teraz sa Jeho ľud musel premeniť (obnovená) v ich mysli, predtým, než vstúpia do zasľúbenej zeme. Museli byť pripravení, aby nechodili ako pohania, but that they would walk in the will of the Lord, ako Jeho svätý ľud.

Bible verses about homosexuality

Išli do Kanaánu, kde žilo semeno Ham, a kde boli zničené Sodoma a Gomora. Sodoma a Gomora boli zničené, but the people in Canaan were still wicked and lived in sin. Lebo inak, the Lord would not give His people the sexual moral laws.

Pán prikázal svojmu ľudu niekoľkokrát, aby sme zachovávali Jeho prikázania, a zostať Mu poslušní, aby žili. Čítame v Levitiku 18:6-23 about the sinful practices of the heathens, z čoho nechcel, aby Jeho ľud prijal tieto praktiky.

In verse 22 we read about sexual intercourse between two people of the same sex:

Nebudeš klamať s ľudstvom, ako so ženou: je to ohavnosť

Tam je to napísané: pohania, ktorí žili v krajine Kanaán, mali tiež styk s rovnakým pohlavím. Ale Pán nechcel svoj ľud, ktorý bol svätým ľudom, byť poškvrnený týmito nečistými praktikami.

V žiadnej z týchto vecí sa nepoškvrňujte: lebo v tom všetkom sú poškvrnené národy, ktoré ja vyháňam spred teba: A zem je poškvrnená: preto navštevujem jeho neprávosť na ňom, a sama zem vyvracia svojich obyvateľov. Budete teda ostríhať moje ustanovenia a moje súdy, a nedopustí sa žiadnej z týchto ohavností; ani nikto z vášho vlastného národa, ani cudzinca, ktorý sa zdržiava medzi vami: (Pre všetky tieto ohavnosti sa dopustili mužovia zeme, ktoré boli pred vami, a zem je poškvrnená;) Že zem nevyháňa aj vás, keď to poškvrňujete, ako to chrlilo národy, ktoré boli pred vami.

Lebo ktokoľvek sa dopustí niektorej z týchto ohavností, aj duše, ktoré ich páchajú, budú vyťaté zo svojho ľudu. Preto budete zachovávať moje ustanovenie, aby ste sa nedopustili žiadnej z týchto ohavných obyčají, ktoré boli spáchané pred vami, a aby ste sa v ňom nepoškvrňovali:Ja som Pán, tvoj Boh (Levitikus 18:24-30)

A v kapitole Levitikus 20:

Ak aj človek klame s ľudstvom, ako leží so ženou, obaja spáchali ohavnosť: určite budú usmrtení; ich krv bude na nich (Levitikus 20:13)

V Deuternomiu 23:17 píše sa, že:

Z dcér Izraelových nebude žiadna smilnica, ani sodomita zo synov Izraela

God wants a holy people

Každá osoba, kto je znovuzrodený, patrí Božiemu ľudu. Patria Jemu, pretože sa stal ich Otcom skrze Ježiša Krista. Sú narodení z Jeho Ducha. Nechce, aby jeho syn alebo dcéra žili ako svet. On nás posvätil, a urobil nás svätými a spravodlivými, Ježišovou krvou. Sme narodení z Jeho Ducha, Jeho semeno žije v nás, preto chce, aby sme vyrástli, a chodiť a žiť ako Jeho syn, presne ako Jeho Syn Ježiš.

sanctification is the will of GodChce, aby sme žili ako synovia Jeho Kráľovstva, a nežiť ako svet; synovia Kráľovstva temnoty (diablovi synovia). Chce, aby sme žili podľa Jeho vôle, aby sme Ho potešili.

Preto chce, aby sme odstránili všetko zo svojho života, ktorý sa búri proti Nemu a ide proti Jeho vôli.

Hriech je neposlušnosť voči Bohu. Preto byť homosexuálom je tiež hriech.

God is evident in His Word, Boh už nemôže byť jasnejší. When God says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to Him, it means that homosexuality is an abomination to God.

Boh nikdy neprijme homosexualitu a Boh nikdy neurobí homosexualitu v poriadku, bez ohľadu na to, čo ľudia hovoria.

Jesus would never approve of homosexuality. Since Jesus and the Father are One. Jesus spoke the words of His Father and did His works. The will of the Father ruled in the life of Jesus.

Jesus died for humanity and took all the sins and iniquities of the world, na Seba. Takže to, každý, who believes in Him and repents, would be free from the bondage of sin and the power of darkness and would not have to bear the punishment of sin and death anymore.

You have received all power in Him to resist sin and say ‘No’, instead of giving in to the cry of your flesh. If you live after the Spirit and do not give in to temptation, you shall walk in holiness and righteousness. and please God.

Čo hovorí Biblia o homosexualite v Novom zákone?

In the New Testament we also read about homosexuality (Rimanom, Korinťanom, a Timotejovi). In the first chapter of the Book of Romans, čítame o mužoch, ktorí majú sexuálne vzťahy s mužmi, a ženy, ktoré majú sexuálne vzťahy so ženami. Takže v tej dobe, homosexuality was also among the people according to the Bible.

Pavol uviedol nasledujúci dôvod, prečo robili tieto veci. Povedal to:

Pretože keď poznali Boha, neoslavovali Ho ako Boha, ani jeden nebol vďačný; ale stali sa márnymi v ich predstavách, a ich bláznivé srdce sa zatemnilo. Vyznávajúc, že ​​sú múdri, stali sa hlupákmi, A zmenil slávu neporušiteľného Boha na obraz podobný porušiteľnému človeku, a vtákom, a štvornohé šelmy, a plazivé veci.

Preto ich aj Boh vydal nečistote pre žiadostivosť ich vlastného srdca, zneuctiť svoje vlastné telá medzi sebou: Ktorý zmenil Božiu pravdu na lož, a uctievali stvorenie a slúžili mu viac ako Stvoriteľovi, ktorý je naveky požehnaný. Amen. Preto ich Boh vydal do ohavných náklonností:pretože aj ich ženy zmenili prirodzené používanie na také, ktoré je proti prírode: A podobne aj muži, ponechanie prirodzeného používania ženy, horeli vo svojej žiadostivosti jeden k druhému; muži s mužmi, ktorí robia to, čo je neslušné, a prijímajúc v sebe tú odplatu za svoje previnenie, ktorá sa naplnila.

A aj keď sa im nepáčilo zachovávať Boha vo svojom poznaní, Boh ich odovzdal zavrhnutá myseľ, robiť veci, ktoré nie sú pohodlné (Rimanom 1:21-28)

Nespravodliví nezdedia Kráľovstvo Božie

Neviete, že nespravodliví nebudú dedičmi kráľovstva Božieho? Nenechajte sa oklamať: ani smilníci, ani modloslužobníci, ani cudzoložníci, ani zženštilý, ani zneužívatelia seba s ľudstvom, Ani zlodeji, ani žiadostivý, ani opilci, ani zlodeji, ani vydierači, zdedia kráľovstvo Božie (1 Korinťanom 6:9-11)

Born again Christians don’t walk in sin

Born-again Christians died to the flesh and shall no longer do the works of the flesh. They have been made holy and righteous in Christ by His blood. They’ve received God’s nature by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Therefore they shall walk in holiness and righteousness.

Toto vedieť, že zákon nie je vytvorený pre spravodlivého človeka, ale pre bezbožných a neposlušných, za bezbožných a za hriešnikov, za nesväté a profánne, pre vrahov otcov a vrahov matiek, pre mužské vrstvy Pre smilníkov, pre tých, ktorí sa poškvrňujú ľudstvom, pre menstealerov, pre klamárov, pre krivoprísahu, a ak existuje niečo iné, čo je v rozpore so zdravou náukou (1 Titus 1:9-10)

This is what the Bible say about homosexuality. Ak naozaj chcete nasledovať Ježiša a ste pripravení položiť svoj vlastný život, you accept the sound doctrine of Jesus Christ; slovo, ako pravda. Even when the truth of the Word of God contradict the opinions, zistenia, and sayings of the world and opposes your carnal feelings, žiadostivosti a túžby.

Biblia, Slovo Božie, should be the highest authority in the lives of a born-again Christians instead of people’s opinions, zistenia, Skúsenosti, and sayings.

Homosexuality is a work of the flesh that needs to be put off.

A new creation walks after the Spirit in righteousness

Every person is born as a sinner in sin and iniquity. Pokiaľ zostanete nezregenerovaní, you’ll stay a sinner and walk after the flesh and do the works of the flesh and live in sin and iniquity.

Only when you become born again and become a new creation in Jesus Christ (zrodený z vody a Ducha), you shall walk after the Spirit in righteousness and please God.

The new man shall put off the old man (lay down the works of the flesh) and put on the new man in the power of the Holy Spirit (Prečítajte si tiež: Ôsmy deň, deň nového stvorenia).

The end of the last days

In the last days of the end times, the people shall live as in the days of Noah, and as Sodom and Gomorrah. We live in that age, where people are so busy with their everyday life and so many abominations take place. The world revolves around money, moc, a sex.

Look around you and you will see the increase of sexual uncleanness in this world, and it shall only get worse.

Charakteristika dní Noemových znameníThere are no more rules, everything is allowed and the churches go along with the world.

Many churches allow and approve of homosexuality, namiesto vyučovania, a poučuje ich o zdravej doktríne Slova Božieho.

The churches don’t confront them with their sinful practices (work of the flesh), so that they can repent and turn from their wicked ways and become born again in Christ and be saved.

They don’t teach them the way of salvation and regeneration and help them to set them free and disciple them.

Nie, instead they allow homosexuality. And by walkin in a false love and allowing sin in the church, vrátane homosexuality, posielajú ich priamo do pekla (Prečítajte si tiež: Deceived by my feelings)

Malé deti, nech ťa nikto neklame: kto koná spravodlivo, je spravodlivý, aj keď je spravodlivý. Kto pácha hriech, je z diabla; lebo diabol hreší od počiatku. Na tento účel sa zjavil Boží Syn, aby mohol zničiť skutky diabla. Kto sa narodil z Boha, nepácha hriech; for His seed remains in him: a nemôže hrešiť, pretože sa narodil z Boha (1 John 3:7-10)

Výzva k pokániu

Let us repent of sin and remove all uncleanness from our midst. Let us live according to the will of God and keep His commandments. So that we please Him, a ukázať Mu, že Ho skutočne milujeme. Let us submit to God and walk in His righteous love by laying down our lives and obeying His words and doing His will in our lives.

If you wrestle against homosexual feelings, potom existuje cesta von! Jeho meno je Ježiš Kristus a môže vás oslobodiť!

Keď budeš činiť pokánie, znovu sa narodiť, and renew your mind with the Word of God, tvoj život sa zmení. You shall not be controlled by your sinful flesh (pocity, emócie, žiadostivosti, túžby, atď.) ale budete ovládaní Duchom.

Homosexualita je založená na pocitoch, ktoré sú klamné a ovládané duchmi temnoty. Ježiš Kristus je jediný, Kto vás môže oslobodiť od týchto neprirodzených pocitov žiadostivosti. Iba v mene Ježiš, tento duch žiadostivosti a zvrátenosti opustí váš život.

Pripravuje sa scéna pre antikrista

Diabol nenávidí Boha a chce zničiť každé ustanovenie a zmluvu Boha ako manželstvo, rodina, kostol, vzťah medzi Bohom a človekom, atď., ale nenávidí aj ženy. If it was up to him he would get rid of every woman from the face of the earth. Prečo?? Because the seed of the woman reminds the devil of his defeat. The seed of the woman has bruised his head.

Diabol sa teší, keď majú muži sexuálne vzťahy s mužmi, a ženy, ktoré majú sexuálne vzťahy so ženami, pretože tak sa diabol snaží dostať späť k Bohu a poškvrňuje manželskú zmluvu. He wants to separate men from women. Chce, aby si svet zvykol na homosexualitu, aby bola pripravená scéna pre antikrista.

Diabol to zabezpečí, že nielen svet, but also churches (kresťanov) accept homosexuality and consider it normal, even when the Bible says something else.

Tento antikrist bude, just like other sinners, proti Kristovi. He shall have the character of the devil and shall hate women. Maybe the anti-Christ will be a homosexual, a preto musí byť svet pripravený prijať homosexuála ako vodcu.

A kráľ urobí podľa svojej vôle; a bude sa vyvyšovať, a vyvyšuje sa nad každého boha, a bude hovoriť divy proti Bohu bohov, a bude prosperovať, kým sa rozhorčenie nevykoná: pretože to, čo je určené, sa musí urobiť. Ani nebude brať ohľad na Boha svojich otcov, ani túžbu žien, ani nebrať ohľad na žiadneho boha: lebo sa bude zvelebovať nadovšetko (Daniel 11:36-37)

Mali by sme odmietnuť homosexuálov a homosexualitu v cirkvi?

You shouldn’t close the door for gays and lesbians if they come intending to repent of their life(štýl) a znovu sa narodiť v Kristovi. Because every sinner, kto chce činiť pokánie je vítaný. Ale nemôžete prijať homosexualitu v tele Ježiša Krista.

Mali by ste milovať svojho blížneho ako seba samého, ale nesmieš milovať hriechy blížneho a prijať hriech. When a gay person or a lesbian hates his or her deeds, spôsob života, a hriešnej povahy, and comes to church for help with the intention repent and follow Jesus, then let him or her in and set the person free in the Name of Jesus, but otherwise

Potom, čo človek urobí pokánie a znovu sa narodí, človek potrebuje byť učeníkom, so that the person grows up in the Word of God, obnovuje myseľ, gets to know God’s will, and becomes a doer of the Word.

Uvidíš, že v prvom rade (s)pocíti akési oslobodenie, po druhé, kedy (s)obnovuje svoju myseľ Božím Slovom, jeho/jej myslenie a pocity sa zmenia a (s)bude ovládaný Duchom Svätým, namiesto toho, aby bol ovládaný (žiadostivosť) mäso, a tma.

Čo hovorí svet o homosexualite?

Čo hovorí svet o homosexualite? Svet hovorí opak toho, čo Slovo, Ježiš, hovorí. The world (and the ruler of this world, diabol) wants everyone to consider homosexuality normal and approve of homosexuality and don’t discriminate or judge homosexuality.

They want everyone, vrátane kresťanov, to accept gays and lesbians and accept homosexuality in the church. They make you accept homosexuality and persuade you that there is nothing wrong with having sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex. But the Bible is very clear about what God thinks of homosexuality.


Veľa ludí, who call themselves Christians but have the spirit and the mind of the world, try to prove, on basis of the Bible, že Boh akceptuje a schvaľuje homosexualitu. But they shall never succeed in proving that God approves of homosexuality. Pretože Slovo sa nemôže obrátiť proti Nemu. Bože, Ježiš, and the Holy Spirit shall never accept homosexuality and make it approved and bless the practice of homosexuality.

will God change His will for the lusts and desires of men, homosexualityJežiš ťa miluje, Miluje každého človeka, každý hriešnik, kto chce činiť pokánie. But Jesus doesn’t love the works of the flesh (vrátane homosexuality, which according to the Bible is a sin and an abomination to God). Preto, Jesus wants every person to repent of their sinful life as a sinner and become a new creation. He doesn’t want any person to perish.

But people have a free to choose righteousness unto life or sin unto death.

The only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ and by faith and regeneration in Him.

Every person who refuse to become born again and put off the works of the flesh, vrátane homosexuality, is lost.

Boh neprijme žiadnu výhovorku! Not even the excuse that a homosexual is born that way and therefore it’s ok to practice homosexuality. Everyone is born in sin and iniquity and everyone needs to become born again and odložiť starca a obliecť si nového muža.

Každý pocit, that opposes the Word of God, nie je mimo Boha.

Boh je vo svojom Slove veľmi jasný. If the Holy Spirit really lives in a born again Christians then their opinions, way of thinking, and findings will be in line with the (názor na) Slovo Božie, kto hovorí:

Nebudeš klamať s ľudstvom, ako so ženou: je to ohavnosť (Levitikus 18: 22).

. If The Word shall judge každý osoba. Preto počúvajte Slovo, poslúchať Slovo, a čiňte pokánie, kým ešte môžete.

Mohlo by sa vám páčiť

    chyba: Tento obsah je chránený