What is faith according to the Bible?

What is the true meaning of faith according to the Bible? Many Christians talk about faith and say they believe in God and Jesus Christ, while their lives prove otherwise. They know a lot about faith in the Bible, but they don’t live the faith they’re talking about. What is faith and what is faith not?

What is the definition of faith in the Bible?

Sasa imani ni kuwa na hakika ya mambo yatarajiwayo, ushahidi wa mambo yasiyoonekana (Waebrania 11:1).

All Christians know that the faith chapter in the Bible is Hebrews 11. Waebrania 11 starts in verse 1 with the definition of faith. Let’s have a closer look at the meaning of the words of this definition of faith in the Bible.

  • Imani (fisti):

Persuasion, hiyo ni, sifa; imani ya maadili (ya ukweli wa kidini, au ukweli wa Mungu au mwalimu wa dini), hasa kumtegemea Kristo kwa wokovu; abstractly uthabiti katika taaluma hiyo; kwa kuongeza mfumo wa kidini (Injili) ukweli wenyewe: – uhakika, imani, amini, imani, uaminifu.

  • Dawa (hypostasis):

A setting under (msaada), hiyo ni, (kwa njia ya mfano) kiini halisi, au uhakikisho wa kidhahiri(kimalengo au kidhamira): – kujiamini, kujiamini, mtu, dutu.Mambo yanayotarajiwa (elpizõ): kutarajia au kujiamini:- (kuwa na, jambo) matumaini (-d) (kwa), uaminifu.

  • Ushahidi (elegchos):

Conviction: – ushahidi, karipio.

  • Mambo (pragma):

A deed; kwa kumaanisha uchumba; kwa kuongeza kitu(nyenzo): – biashara, jambo, jambo, kazi.

  • Imeonekana (bleep):

Kitenzi cha msingi; kutazama (kihalisi au kimafumbo): – tazama, tahadhari, uongo, tazama (juu, kwa), kutambua, kujali, ona, kuona, chukua tahadhari

Tunaweza kusema, that faith is an assurance, hatia, na matarajio, kuamini na kuamini, kwamba ‘kitu’ ambacho hakijaonekana bado, will come to pass. You are absolutely sure about that, there is no doubt present.

Uumbaji wote umeanzishwa kwa imani

By faith we understand that the worlds have been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen hath not been made out of things which appear (Waebrania 11:3)

The first example of what faith is, is the creation of the heavens and the earth and all there is within. Mungu (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth and all there is within.

Sasa imani ni kuwa na hakika ya mambo yatarajiwayo, the evidence of things not seen Hebrew 11:1

Dunia ilikuwa utupu na giza likatanda juu ya nchi mpaka Mungu aliponena Neno lake na kwa uwezo wa uumbaji wa Roho Mtakatifu ukawa..

Out of this chaos, God created a perfect heaven and earth and established peace and harmony. (Soma pia: ‘Je, Mungu aliziumba mbingu na nchi ndani yake 6 siku?).

Kama una imani, you can understand the creation. Because the invisible became visible by the Law of faith; the Law of the Spirit of life, which you live by as a new creations in Christ.

As a born again Christian you no longer walk according to the law that reigns in the flesh, but you walk in the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and operate by this law of faith on earth (Oh. Warumi 8:1).

When you have faith, you trust God. Faith is trusting in God. You believe that what God says is true and will come to pass. Therefore faith not only believes the words of God but also speaks the words of God and act according to the words of God. And by the power of the Holy Spirit it will come to pass.

No matter what the circumstances may look like. All you have to do is believe in God and His Word, stand on His Word and not give up.

Sheria ya imani

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. Amin, nawaambia, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass; he shall have it (Weka alama 11:22-24)

Labda wewe ni mgonjwa, na umekuwa ukizungumza na ugonjwa huu na ukaamuru uende mara nyingi, but nothing happened in the natural realm yet or maybe it became worse. What you do next is very important. Kwa sababu kwa wakati huu shaka inaweza kuingia akilini mwako. You may wonder, “Is this really working? Should I continue?”

Jibu ni ndiyo! If you believe in God and His Word, you will continue and keep standing on the Word. Because the truth is, that By His stripes you were healed (Roho, roho na mwili (1 Peter 2:24)).

Una tu kuleta kuwepo. Unafanyaje hivyo? Kwa kumwamini Yesu Kristo; the Word and by speaking the Word and believe and know that it will come to pass. 

Inabidi ushawishiwe na ukweli, unapaswa kusimama juu ya Neno na usisitishwe na hakika hupaswi kukata tamaa. 

Unafanya nini na shaka?

Wakati shaka inapojaribu kuingia akilini mwako, it’s all about what you do, na shaka hii. Je, utaamini wazo hili, tenda juu yake, na acheni kuamini na kusema? Ukifanya hivyo, you believe the devil, who has cast this thought in your mind, above God and His Word. By acting upon the thought of doubt, you will be a follower of the devil, even if you confess that Jesus Christ is your Lord.

Kwa sababu ikiwa kweli unaamini Neno la Mungu na kwamba Yesu ni Bwana na Mwokozi wako, then you will tell this thought (that oppose the words of God) to go. 

Unaambia wazo hili, ni mwongo, na kwamba mliponywa kwa kupigwa kwake. Huwezi kukata tamaa, bali endelea kukiri na kuamini Neno la Mungu, above all.

Kwa bahati mbaya siwezi kukuambia itachukua muda gani, kabla uponyaji wa Mungu haujaonekana katika asili. Lakini jambo muhimu zaidi ni, kwamba uendelee kusimama kwenye Neno na usikate tamaa.

Usijisikie kushindwa! You are only a failure if you quit

Kutembea kwa imani, ni kama kupanda mbegu. Unapopanda mbegu ya mti na kuangalia asubuhi iliyofuata nje ya dirisha lako, kuona kama mti tayari upo, utagundua, kwamba mti bado haupo. Lakini… tayari kuna mengi yanayoendelea ardhini ambayo huwezi kuyaona. 

Mathayo 17:20 Imani kama punje ya mbegu ya haradali

Unapoacha kutunza mbegu, mbegu itakufa. Lakini ukiendelea kuuamini mti huo na ukiendelea kutunza mbegu, basi siku moja, unapotazama nje ya dirisha lako, utaona mwanzo wa mti huu wa ajabu. 

All you have to do is keep nurturing the seed.

Ni sawa na Neno la Mungu. Wakati mwingine inachukua muda kidogo, kabla Neno halijaonekana katika ulimwengu wa asili. Mara nyingi mara, you don’t see what is taking place in the spiritual realm.

You don’t see, that the words you spoke are already causing something in the spiritual realm.

Sasa unachotakiwa kufanya ni kuendelea kuamini na kuendelea kunena Neno la Mungu (Soma pia: The four kinds of believers).

Wakati mwingine unapozungumza na hali, inaweza kuchukua muda, lakini usikate tamaa. Usijisikie kushindwa. Wewe ni kushindwa tu unapokata tamaa, and believe the lies of the devil and act upon these lies.

The Word encourages you

Kwa hiyo ni ya imani, ili iwe kwa neema; hata mwisho ahadi iwe hakika kwa wazao wote; si kwa yale tu yaliyo ya sheria, bali kwa wale walio wa imani ya Ibrahimu; ambaye ni baba yetu sote, (Kama ilivyoandikwa, nimekuweka kuwa baba wa mataifa mengi,) mbele ya yeye ambaye alimwamini, hata Mungu, Ambaye huwahuisha wafu, na kuyaita yale yasiyokuwako kana kwamba yapo (Warumi 4:16-17)

Angalia karibu na wewe! Everything you see came into existence by a word of God. As Christians and sons and daughters of the Most High, we should walk by faith in Him, doing His will and calling those things which be not as though they were.

Usikate tamaa na uendelee kusimama kwenye Neno. Read and study the Word of God and build yourself up in the most holy faith. Encourage yourself with the words of God and the Word will encourage you.

‘Kuweni chumvi ya dunia’

Chanzo: Concordance ya Nguvu

Unaweza Pia Kupenda

    kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa