Que disent d’eux les péchés des dirigeants de l’Église?

Although changes are made in churches worldwide, and many churches compromise and adjust the words of God and lower the standards of God, we serve the Almighty God, Who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within, Who is the same, Hier, today and forevermore and shall never compromise and lower His standards, but still acts according to His Word that stands forever. God is clear in His Word regarding sin and the consequences of sinning willfully. Is it the will of God that fallen pastors and leaders stay appointed in the church or not? What does the intentional sinning of church leaders say about them? What do their works testify?

Do church leaders, who willfully sin or live in sin, belong in the pulpit

If church leaders are appointed, who have willfully sinned or live in sin, after their repentance, régénération, and during their leadership in church, then they shouldn’t be appointed and teach in the pulpit and lead the church.

This may be hard to read and some people may find this ruthless, but the person has consciously made a choice to disobey God and His Word and do something that goes against the will of God.

That’s why in the Old Covenant there was a difference in sins. Everything a person does that goes against the words and will of God is sin, but there is a difference in the kinds of sin

Someone can unconsciously say or do something that is not good and during or afterward be confronted and corrected by the Holy Spirit. But someone can also consciously say or do something with premeditated intent. This means that a person knows that is not good and that it’s not according to the will of God and diametrically opposes His Word, but the person does it anyway, because the love for the flesh is stronger than the love for God and His Word (Lire aussi: What is a sin not unto death and a sin unto death?)

Adultery is a premeditated sin 

Maintenant les œuvres de la chair sont manifestes, quels sont ceux-ci; Adultère, fornication, impureté, lasciveté, Idolâtrie, la sorcellerie, haine, variance, émulations, colère, conflit, séditions, hérésies, Envies, meurtres, ivresse, réjouissances, et comme ça: dont je vous ai déjà parlé, comme je te l'ai aussi dit dans le passé, afin que ceux qui font de telles choses n'hériteront pas du royaume de Dieu (Galates 5:19-21)

Mortifiez donc vos membres qui sont sur la terre; fornication, impureté, affection démesurée, evil concupiscence, et la convoitise, ce qui est de l'idolâtrie: Pour quelles choses’ à cause de la colère de Dieu, s'abat sur les enfants de la désobéissance: Dans lequel vous avez aussi marché quelque temps, quand tu y vivais. Mais maintenant, vous aussi, vous repoussez tout cela; colère, colère, malice, blasphème, une communication sale sort de ta bouche. Ne mentez pas les uns aux autres, puisque vous avez rebuté le vieil homme avec ses actes; Et ont revêtu l’homme nouveau, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Où il n’y a ni Grec ni Juif, circoncision ou incirconcision, Barbare, Scythe, Caution ni libre: mais le Christ est tout, et dans tous les (Colossiens 3:5-11)

Par exemple, when we look at adultery, we can conclude that adultery doesn’t just happen. A pair of trousers don’t go down themselves. Non, a person has consciously made a choice to commit adultery, despite the knowledge of God and His will. Every Christian knows, that adultery is a sin.

Mais celui qui garde Sa Parole en lui est l'amour de Dieu parfait 1 John 2:5

When a person commits adultery, the person doesn’t walk in love toward God, ce qui signifie, that the person doesn’t keep the commandments of God (qui sont aussi les commandements de Jésus), because if you keep His commandments you walk in love, but the person has consciously rejected God and His Word (Lire aussi: Les commandements de Dieu contre les commandements de Jésus-Christ) .

The person doesn’t love God with all his heart, âme, esprit, et la force, because when the person commits adultery, the person loves himself and the strange woman or strange man and the lusts of the flesh above all.

The person doesn’t keep the second commandment either, lequel est, tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même, but has rejected this commandment. Since the adulterous person didn’t remember his wife or her husband and the wedding vow he or she made. 

Non, when the person commits adultery the person doesn’t love his or her neighbor, in this case, his wife or her husband, but loves himself or herself and wants to satisfy his or her temporary sexual feelings of the flesh.

And… the person didn’t remember the precious souls of the saints and his responsibility and the consequences of this selfish deed to the congregation. Since the uncleanness of sin defames (disgraces) the Name of Jesus Christ and defiles His church and mocks His redemptive work (Lire aussi: Jésus est-il un promoteur du péché?).

And so the adulterous church leader has despised God, by rejecting both the words of God as his wife or her husband, and by disobeying the words of God and the wedding vow he or she made and not remembering the souls of the saints and defiling the church.

It’s just like Esau, who didn’t consider his birthright a privilege and precious, but Esau sold his birthright to satisfy his temporary hunger, which was abominable to God. God didn’t say about Esau that He loved him, but that He hated him because of his deed that derived from his wicked heart (Malachie 1:2-3, Romains 9:13, Lire aussi: Pouvez-vous résister à la tentation?).

Il y a beaucoup de chrétiens, who jeopardize their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father and sometimes even forfeit eternity, by prioritizing their feelings and the will, convoitises, and desires of the flesh and putting them above the Word

The blind guides and white sepulchres

It’s already bad that this happens among Christians, who don’t hold a leadership position in the church, but that this also happens among church leaders is really bad.

Because how can they, who are spiritually blind themselves and are led by their flesh and don’t live a disciplined life after the Spirit in obedience to God and His Word, but reject God and His Word and walk in disobedience in darkness and sin willfully, teach the members of the congregation and expect the believers to walk after the Spirit in obedience to God in holiness in the Light?

1 John 3:5-6 En Lui il n’y a pas de péché, qui demeure en Lui ne pèche pas

These leaders are blind guides and whited sepulchres, just like the Pharisees, who appeared beautiful, charismatic, piously and righteous on the outside, but inwardly they were full of extortion, impureté, hypocrisy and iniquity (anarchie).

Although they taught the people in the law and the prophets, and made the will of God known to the people, they didn’t submit to the law and the prophets and didn’t walk in the will of God (Lire aussi: L'église voit-elle ou est-elle aveugle?) 

And so there are many preachers, who have not truly repented and are not born again in Christ and don’t walk after the Spirit in obedience to God. They don’t fear the Lord and don’t take the Word seriously and therefore they consciously keep sinning and persevere in sin, assuming that they can keep sinning or live in sin without consequences, since they remain appointed anyway or after some time are reinstated in the office.

And the congregation, which is many times carnal and therefore makes decisions on the basis of feelings and emotions instead of the Word of God, substantiates this behavior and gives a foothold to the devil and supports sin, by keeping the fallen leader in their office or reinstating the fallen leader in their office (Lire aussi: Qu’est-ce que Paul voulait dire par ne pas imposer les mains soudainement à aucun homme)  

Quelle est la volonté de Dieu?

Car c’est là la volonté de Dieu, même votre sanctification, que vous vous abstiendriez de la fornication: Que chacun de vous sache posséder son vase dans la sanctification et l’honneur; Pas dans la convoitise de la concupiscence, comme les païens qui ne connaissent pas Dieu: Qu’aucun homme n’aille au-delà et ne trompe son frère dans aucune affaire: parce que le Seigneur est le vengeur de tous ces, comme nous vous avons également prévenus et témoignés. Car Dieu ne nous a pas appelés à l’impureté, mais vers la sainteté. Celui donc qui méprise, ne méprise pas l’homme, mais Dieu, qui nous a aussi donné son Saint-Esprit (1 Thessaloniciens 4:3-8)

Dieu est amour, merciful and forgiving, disent-ils. Mais est-ce vrai? God is absolutely merciful and forgiving if someone truly repents and not because the person is caught in the act and asks forgiveness out of a religious habit and after some time falls back into the same sin. Toujours, God is also righteous and that part is many times left out. The love of God is a righteous love and not a new age love (Lire aussi: Nouvel âge dans l'église? et Le Saint-Esprit contre l'esprit du nouvel âge, quel esprit habite en toi?)

It is the will of God that all His sons (cela s'applique aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes), who are born of Him and have His nature and represent Him on earth, walk after the Spirit in holiness and not in uncleanness, fornication and the lust of concupiscence, as the Gentiles, who don’t know God and are not born of Him and walk in disobedience to God and His Word in the will of their father in darkness.

Jesus said to the Pharisees, who were the old creation and therefore carnal, that they obeyed the lust of their father and not of God (Lire aussi: La volonté de Dieu contre la volonté du diable).

Would God appoint a worker of iniquity?

Toute écriture est donnée par l'inspiration de Dieu, et est profitable pour la doctrine, pour réprimande, pour correction, pour l'instruction dans la justice: Pour que l'homme de Dieu soit parfait, entièrement fourni à toutes les bonnes œuvres (2 Timothée 3:16)

And He gave some, apôtres; et certaines, prophètes; et certaines, évangélistes; et certaines, pasteurs et enseignants; Pour le perfectionnement des saints, pour le travail du ministère, for the edifying of the Body of Christ: Jusqu'à ce que nous parvenions tous à l'unité de la foi, et de la connaissance du Fils de Dieu, à un homme parfait, à la mesure de la stature de la plénitude du Christ: Que nous ne soyons désormais plus des enfants, ballotté d'avant en arrière, et emporté à tout vent de doctrine, par le tour de passe-passe des hommes, et une ruse rusée, par quoi ils guettent pour tromper; Mais dire la vérité avec amour, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head, même le Christ: From whom the whole Body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the Body unto the edifying of itself in love (Éphésiens 4:11-16)

Would God trust and appoint leaders in the church, to raise His sons and teach them in the Word, so that they get to know the will of God and lead them into the truth so that they grow up into spiritual maturity in Christ after His image, if the leader is not spiritually mature and doesn’t walk as a mature son of God and doesn’t submit to the Head Jesus Christ and don’t do what Jesus; la Parole dit, but is prideful, rebelle, carnal and does the will and the works of the flesh and willfully sin and/or live in sin?

Would God trust His sons to someone, who claims to know God, but doesn’t listen to Him and doesn’t do what He says and deny God through His works? Does this person belong to God?

What does the intentional sinning of church leaders say about them?

Jésus leur répondit, En vérité, en vérité, je te le dis, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin (John 8:34)

Ils prétendent connaître Dieu; but in works they deny Him, être abominable, et désobéissant, et à toute bonne œuvre réprouvée (Tite 1:16)

Car la grâce de Dieu qui apporte le salut est apparue à tous les hommes, Nous apprendre que, Nier l’impiété et les convoitises mondaines, Nous devons vivre sobrement, Justement, et pieux, dans le monde actuel; À la recherche de cette espérance bénie, et l’apparition glorieuse du grand Dieu et de notre Sauveur Jésus-Christ; Qui s’est donné lui-même pour nous, afin qu’il nous rachète de toute iniquité, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zèle pour les bonnes œuvres.These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee (Tite 2:11-15)

Réveillez-vous à la justice, et ne pèche pas; car certains n’ont pas la connaissance de Dieu: Je dis cela à ta honte (1 Corinthiens 15:34)

Nous savons que quiconque est né de Dieu ne pche pas; mais celui qui est engendré de Dieu se garde lui-même, et ce méchant ne le touche pas (1 John 5:18)

The works of the church leader testify that the church leader is carnal and walks in darkness and does the will of the flesh and is a slave of sin. Sin still reigns as king in the life of the church leader and the wicked one aka the devil still has a hold on the leader. This should already be a warning to the church. 

Let us cleans ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness 2 Corinthiens 7:1

The danger is, that when a pastor or other leader in the church, who should be born again and spiritually mature and should know the will of God, refuses to submit to God and His Word and therefore is prideful, rebelle, et désobéissant, the sheep will follow the example of the fallen pastor or other fallen church leader and shall also walk in pride, rébellion, and disobedience to God and His Word.

Le même (impur) spirit that dwells in the pastor (ou un autre dirigeant d'église) shall come over the church and the members of the church shall bear the same fruit as the leader and shall walk in wickedness and uncleanness (Lire aussi: De nombreux pasteurs conduisent les brebis dans l’abîme

How can a pastor or other church leader expect from the believers that they do submit to God and obey His Word, when the preacher doesn’t do it himself?

If a preacher or other church leader commits fornication and adultery, how can the preacher confront, warn, correct and chastise a church member in these areas and forbid fornication and adultery? Exactly the church leader can’t. Therefore the church shall compromise and accept sin in the church.

Putting the relationship with Jesus at stake and playing with eternity to fulfill the lusts of the flesh

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears (Hébreux 12:14-17)

Dans la Nouvelle Alliance, dans le dispensation of the Holy Spirit, Paul mentioned the thoughts of God regarding the profanity and act of Esau, who despised the Lord by rejecting his birthright for the temporary carnal lusts and desires. Paul warned the believers. Et pourtant,, there are many church leaders, who say they have knowledge about God’s Word and claim to see, but don’t care about Paul’s warning and disregard this Scripture.  

It is remarkable, that so many people object to women in ministry and substantiate their objection with two Scriptures, but the Scriptures regarding carnal leaders, who are unspiritual and have the mind of the world and are addicted to pornography, masturbation or get involved with other sexual uncleanness and commit fornication, adultère, live together célibataire, have a homosexuel relationship, are divorced and remarried and therefore the spouse of more than one women, commit idolatry, la sorcellerie, voler, fraud, (pathologic) mensonge, have an alcohol addiction, etc.. they get free rein and are appointed in leadership without any objection.

No objections and Scriptures are cited with them, while there are many Scriptures in the Bible to exclude them from ministry (a.o Romans 1,2,6,7,8, 1 Corinthiens 15:34, 2 Corinthiens 6, Galates 2:17-21;5:13-26, Éphésiens 4,5, 1 Timothée 3; 5:19-25; 6:2b-12, 1 Tite 1:6-9, 2 Pierre 2, 1 John 3,5). 

The intentional sinning of church leaders has consequences

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Mais la fornication, et toute impureté, ou la convoitise, qu'il ne soit pas nommé une seule fois parmi vous, comme il sied à des saints; Ni la saleté, ni des paroles stupides, ni plaisanter, qui ne sont pas pratiques: mais plutôt en remerciement. Pour ça tu sais, qu'aucun impudique, ni personne impure, ni homme cupide, qui est un idolâtre, a-t-il un héritage dans le royaume de Christ et de Dieu. Ne laissez personne vous tromper avec de vaines paroles: car à cause de ces choses la colère de Dieu vient sur les enfants de la désobéissance. Ne soyez donc pas participants avec eux (Éphésiens 5:1-7)

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: Car le péché est la transgression de la loi. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Petits enfants, ne laisse aucun homme te tromper: Celui qui fait la justice est juste, tout comme il est juste. He that committeth sin is of the devil; car le diable pèche depuis le début. C’est dans ce but que le Fils de Dieu a été manifesté, afin qu’il détruise les œuvres du diable. Quiconque est né de Dieu ne commet pas de péché; car sa postérité demeure en lui: et il ne peut pas pécher, parce qu’il est né de Dieu. En cela, les enfants de Dieu se manifestent, et les enfants du diable: quiconque ne fait pas la justice n’est pas de Dieu, ni celui qui n’aime pas son frère (1 John 3:4-10)

If an apostle, évangéliste, un prophète, pasteur, professeur, aîné, deacon, worship leader or anyone else, chooses deliberately to obey the will of the flesh above the will of God, then the person has made a conscious choice to reject God and His Word and shall bear the consequences thereof.

Even if the person is famous, influential, and powerful in the church world or bears the name of a famous relative or is a theologian, charismatic, eloquent, riche, and seems to be sincere and piously from the outside, God is not a respecter of persons and is not misled by words and outward appearances, but God looks at the heart, since the works of a man derive from the heart.

And as long as intentional sins derive from the heart, the heart and nature of the person are not changed and the person is not born again, but the heart is still of stone and the person doesn’t belong in church leadership.

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