What voice do you listen to?

V Jánovi 10, Ježiš povedal, that He is the good Shepherd and that His sheep that belong to His flock will listen to His voice. Jesus knows His sheep and the sheep know Him and believe Him and therefore the sheep do what He says. Avšak, Jesus not only spoke about His voice, but also about the voice of a stranger that His sheep would not follow. However there are many people today, who call Jesus their Lord, but don’t listen to the voice of Jesus and don’t do what the Word says, but they go their own way and listen to the voice of strangers, who don’t preach the words of Jesus but their own words and therefore preach a false gospel that promotes the works of darkness and makes the people prideful and rebellious against God and cause them to walk in disobedience to His Word in the bondage of sin. What voice do you listen to?

Každý, who belongs to God listens to Him

Since they were raised in Egypt, the children of Israel considered Egyptian culture and idolatry normal. But it wasn’t normal to God and was not according to His will.

God made this known to the people of Israel in the wilderness after God redeemed His people by His power from the power of Pharaoh.

Through signs and wonders, God revealed His greatness and omnipotent power, and highest authority. Then God made His nature and His will known by His words and commandments

The people had to renew their old way of thinking with the words and the commandments of God, so that their way of thinking would line up with the will of God and they would walk after His will in His ways.

As long as the people of Israël obeyed the words and commandments of God and lived according to His will, the people of God distinguished themselves from pagan nations and were a witness of God on earth (Oh. Izaiáš 43:10-12; 44:8).

God’s people distinguished themselves from pagan nations

Through the circumcision in the flesh on the eighth day and by keeping the law of Moses, which belonged to the circumcision and the covenant and revealed God and His will, God’s people distinguished themselves from pagan nations both in the flesh as in the natural realm through their walk (Prečítajte si tiež: Čo znamená obriezka v Ježišovi Kristovi? a Ôsmy deň, de day of the new creation).

Because by keeping God’s commandments, God’s people didn’t walk like the other people in idolatry, čarodejníctvo, smilstvo, cudzoložstvo, (sexuálne) nečistoty, lži, zákernosť, hrabivosť, atď. But God’s people walked holy (separated from the world and devoted to God) in obedience to God after His will. 

žalmy 40:4 blessed is that man that makes the Lord his trust

By listening to the voice of God and by keeping the law, which means obeying the words of God, the people showed, that they loved God above all, above themselves and the will, žiadostivosti, a túžby tela.

But even in the Old Covenant, it happened often that God’s people compromised and adopted the religion, rituály, návyky, and customs of the pagan nations and committed idolatry, cudzoložstvo, a (sexuálne) nečistoty, a kvôli tomu, they didn’t stay faithful to the voice of God but left the voice and the words of God.

Veľa krát, Israel stopped following the voice of God and instead followed the voice of people, the voice of strangers; the voice of false prophets, false shepherds, and false teachers, and expected it from them instead of God. Because of their apostasy, God’s people ended up in bondage, slavery, and miserable circumstances.

The majority of God’s people didn’t consider the commandments of God as good and a blessing for their lives, but as evil and a heavy burden. This was mainly because they were unspiritual and didn’t want to do the will of God but the will and desires of the flesh, in which the sinful nature reigns (Prečítajte si tiež: Je Ježišovo jarmo ľahké a Jeho bremeno ľahké?)

Jesus belonged to God and listened to the voice of God

Jesus didn’t annul the commandments of God, which represent the nature of God and the will of God. He established the law by walking in obedience to God’s commandments in His will.

Jesus belonged to God and listened to the voice of God and did nothing outside the will of God.

John 14:10 Som v otcovi a otec vo mne, slová, ktoré vám hovorím, nehovorím zo seba, ale z otca, ktorý prebýva vo mne

Jesus was not led by His flesh and was not influenced by His surroundings, nor by what the people, vrátane (náboženský) leaders of the people, povedal. But Jesus stayed obedient and faithful to the voice of His Father and walked according to His will in His commandments and fulfilled the law.

Jesus was the reflection of God. Slová Božie boli najvyššou autoritou v Jeho živote (Oh. Hebrejci 1:3; 5:8).

Through His total submission to God and obedience to His words, Ježiš, Syn Boží, separated Himself from the world (svetový systém) and distinguished Himself from the sons of the devil.

Through His obedience to the voice of God and by keeping His commandments, Jesus showed that He loved God and belonged to Him and nobody else.

And just like Jesus, who showed through His walk that He belonged to God and was His Son, každý, who is born of God and belongs to Jesus Christ, shall love Him and shall listen to His voice and keep His commandments and be His witness.

Každý, who belongs to Jesus shall listen to His voice

Naozaj, veru, hovorím ti, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers (John 10:1-5)

Then came the Jews round about Him, a povedal Mu, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If Thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Ježiš im odpovedal, povedal som ti, a neverili ste: the works that I do in My Father’s name, vydávajú o Mne svedectvo. But ye believe not, because ye are not of My sheep, as I said unto you. Moje ovce počujú môj hlas, a ja ich poznám, a nasledujú ma: A dávam im večný život; a nikdy nezahynú, ani ich nikto nevytrhne z mojej ruky. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one (John 10:24-30)

Ježiš povedal, that His sheep shall hear His voice and follow Him and therefore they shall do what Jesus has told them to do. Ježiš tiež povedal, that His sheep shall not hear the voice of a stranger and follow the stranger, but shall flee from him, because they don’t know the voice of strangers.

Avšak, today there are many people, ktorí sa nazývajú kresťanmi, but don’t know the voice of Jesus. They don’t listen to the voice of Jesus and don’t do what the Word says. Namiesto toho, they listen to the voice of strangers, z ľudí, who speak from their carnal mind, and follow them and obey their words.

Bring forth fruits that meet repentance Matthew 3:8

Many Christians don’t read and study the Bible themselves and therefore they don’t know the words and the will of God and have no knowledge about good and evil.

Instead of spending time with God and knowing His voice and listening to Him and feeding themselves with the words of God, they listen to the world and all kinds of preachers and feed themselves with their words and consider their words as the truth.

They don’t look at their lives and the fruit they bear and don’t compare their words with the words in the Bible, but they blindly trust their words and follow them.

Because they don’t know the truth of God themselves, since they don’t study the Bible, but rely on the words of preachers, who are many times carnal and wordlikeand preach their own truth, they become lukewarm and apostate to God and His Word and don’t live according to His will but outside His will Because of that, the ‘sons of Goddon’t distinguish themselves from the sons of the devil.

Christians are supposed to be a reflection of Jesus

Christians are supposed to be a reflection of Jesus (the true Jesus Christ and not the new age Jesus) and walk in obedience to His words and because of that distinguish themselves from the world. 

But instead of Jesus Christ being the Lord of their lives and hearing His voice and obeying His commandments, they are the lord of their lives and live after the will, žiadostivosti, and desires of their flesh and speak words and do things, which are an abomination to God and go against His will and many times they bring fellow Christians down with them and defile the church through their sinful behavior and consider the blood of Jesus as unclean.

God’s people distinguished themselves from the pagan nations by keeping the law. Jesus Christ distinguished Himself from the carnal man, staré stvorenie, podľa keeping the commandments of God and fulfilling the law, and Christians, ktorí sa stali novým stvorením v Kristovi, distinguish themselves from the old creation, who belong to the world and walk in darkness, by walking by faith after the law of Spirit of life.

Avšak, due to the fact that many Christians listen to the voice of the world and the voice of preachers, who are carnally minded and belong to the world, and consider the voice of the world as the highest authority in their lives, they live like the world and therefore there is hardly any difference between believers and unbelievers.

Kresťanov je veľa, who are sincere and want to walk right, but because of carnal preachers and carnal fellow Christians, they are misled by their lies and keep doing the works of the flesh and persevere in sin and keep living after the will of the devil in the bondage of death. 

Čo hovorí Slovo?

In all three dispensations in the Bible, the will of God has always remained the same. It was the people, who changed and twisted the words of God and preached their own message.

Samozrejme, we should distinguish the Old Covenant, which was sealed with the blood of animals and was meant for the carnal old man, and the New Covenant, which is sealed with the blood of Jesus and is meant for the spiritual new man. Avšak, the will of God did not change with the New Covenant and shall never change! (Prečítajte si tiež: What is the difference between the sacrifice of animals and the sacrifice of Jesus?).

Starý človek je ukrižovaný v Kristovi

The works of the flesh, ako klamstvo, modlárstvo, (sexuálne) nečistoty (smilstvo, prostitution, pozeranie porna, masturbácia, nonmarital sexual relationships, having sex with plural people or people of their own gender or children or animals, atď.) cudzoložstvo, hnev, theft, drunkenness and so on, are works of the old man and should be put off.

These works of the flesh don’t belong in the lives of the sons of God.

And nobody can ever say, that this is impossible, pretože Slovo hovorí, that by the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the new man is able, to put off the works of the flesh. 

V skutočnosti, the Word commands to put off the works of the flesh and to put off the old man and to put on the new man, who is created in the image of God (Oh. Efezanom 4:20-32, Kolosanov 3:1-14 (Prečítajte si tiež: Ako odložiť starého muža? a Ako obliecť nového muža?)). 

The love for God and the will of man

But it all depends upon the love for God and the will of man. Does the person love God with all his heart, duša, myseľ, a silu? Has the person submitted his will to the will of God? Does the person wants to lay down the works of the flesh or does the person loves the works of the flesh more than God and wants to keep doing the works of the flesh to please himself and fulfill the desires of the flesh and therefore search for preachers and fellow Christians, who are carnal just like them and say what they want to hear and affirm and approve their works of the flesh?

Tie, who are born of God and really belong to Him shall listen to His voice, even if His voice doesn’t correspond with their will. 

Prečo ma nazývaš Pane Pane a nerobíš veci, ktoré hovorím Lukáš 6:46

Jesus speaks the words of His Father and the Holy Spirit speaks the words of Jesus. Therefore the Holy Spirit shall always speak according to what the Word says. The Word is the reflection of God and His nature and reveals His will.

Preto, if people say, napríklad, that a little white lie, marrying an unbeliever, žijúci spolu slobodní, smilstvo, nonmarital sexual relationships, (sexuálne) nečistoty, cudzoložstvo (rozvod), potrat, eutanázia, modlárstvo, and witchcraft aren’t bad, and that engaging in Eastern religions, and philosophies and practices, like yoga, meditácia, všímavosť, reiki, akupunktúra, bojové umenia, atď. isn’t evil and harmful and is allowed for Christians, then they put themselves above God and speak lies because their words contradict the words and the will of God (Prečítajte si tiež: Dokážete oddeliť duchovno od východných filozofií a praktík? a Môžeš ďalej hrešiť pod milosťou?).  

Their words prove they are unspiritual and don’t discern the spirits and are not familiar with the will of God and don’t live according to the Word and the Spirit. Preto, you should reject their words and run away from them, instead of believing and obeying their words in your life and following them.

Christians should live within the framework of the Bible. The Word of God must be the highest authority in the lives of Christians, so that their lives align with the Word. This will only happen if the fear of God and Jesus Christ returns in the lives of the believers and they put God and His Word above the people and the world. 

What voice do you listen to?

If you are born of God and belong to Jesus Christ and are part of His flock, you shall hear His voice and follow Him. You shall do what Jesus said and keep His commandments, whereby you shall distinguish yourself from the world and show that you are a son of God instead of a son of the devil.

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