Kedy prijmete Ducha Svätého?

Ježiš niekoľkokrát prorokoval o príchode Ducha Svätého. Ježiš dal spoznať Ducha Svätého svojim učeníkom a sľúbil svojim učeníkom Ducha Svätého. Ale kedy prijmete Ducha Svätého od Boha? What is the requirement for receiving the Holy Spirit?

God gives the Holy Spirit to them that obey Him

Boh našich otcov vzkriesil Ježiša, ktorého ste zabili a obesili na strome. Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, lebo aby dal pokánie Izraelu, a odpustenie hriechov. A my sme Jeho svedkami týchto vecí; a taký je aj Duch Svätý, ktorého Boh dal tým, ktorí ho poslúchajú, (aktov 5:30-32)

V Skutkoch 5:32 je to napísané, that God has given the Holy Spirit to them that obey Him. And that’s still the case. God gives the Holy Spirit to them that obey Him. Obedience to God and His Word is a requirement to receive the Holy Spirit. (Prečítajte si tiež: Prečo je poslušnosť lepšia ako obeta?).

John 14:23-24 Ak Ma niekto miluje, dodrží moje slová

Tie, who rebel against God and don’t do what God says in His Word and don’t walk in the will of God, shall not receive the Holy Spirit.

Because why do you need the Holy Spirit if you won’t submit to God and refuse to do what the Word says?

Many times Christians consider the Holy Spirit as some kind of energy or a power, manifested in a feeling or emotion.

But God the Holy Spirit is not an emotion or feeling.

The Holy Spirit is a Person. Duch Svätý je druhým Utešiteľom, Jesus spoke about. The other Comforter, Whom the Father would send in the Name of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ. Just like those, who belong to Jesus Christ and are His witnesses

Ak miluješ Ježiša, you obey Him and do what the Word says

Ak Ma milujete, zachovávaj moje prikázania. A budem sa modliť Otče, a dá vám iného Utešiteľa, aby s tebou zostal naveky; Dokonca aj Duch pravdy; ktorých svet nemôže prijať, pretože Ho nevidí, ani Ho nepozná: ale vy Ho poznáte; lebo On býva s tebou, a bude vo vás (John 14:15-17)

Ježiš povedal, že ak Ho miluješ, budeš zachovávať Jeho prikázania. This means that you do what He says. And if you love Jesus and obey Him, by keeping His commandments, Jesus promised He would pray to the Father and the Father shall give you another Comforter,

This other Comforter is the Holy Spirit. If you love Jesus and do what He says, you shall receive the other Comforter. And He shall be with you forever.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth and shall be in those, who obey the Truth

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning (John 15:26-27)

Mám vám ešte veľa čo povedať, ale teraz ich nemôžete zniesť. Avšak keď On, Ducha pravdy, prichádza, Uvedie vás do všetkej pravdy: lebo nebude hovoriť sám o sebe; ale čokoľvek počuje, to bude hovoriť: a On ti ukáže veci, ktoré prídu. On Ma bude oslavovať: lebo On prijme z môjho, a ukáže vám to. Všetky veci, ktoré má Otec, sú moje: preto som povedal, that he shall take of Mine, a ukáže vám to (John 16:12-15)

The world doesn’t see the Holy Spirit. The world doesn’t know the Holy Spirit. Preto tieto, who belong to the world can’t receive the Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of truth.

Ale tie, who believe in Jesus the Christ and are saved through Him and have laid down their own lives and through regeneration in Christ are reconciled with God and have become a new creation, and submit themselves to Jesus Christ and follow Jesus and obey Him, they shall receive the Holy Spirit; Ducha pravdy.

They shall see the Holy Spirit and they shall know the Holy Spirit personally. And together with the Holy Spirit, they shall testify of the Truth and preach the truth of God.

The Holy Spirit shall be with them and shall be in them. And as long as they stay faithful to Him and obey Him, the Holy Spirit shall abide in them forever.

Kedy prijmete Ducha Svätého?

And so those, who believe in Jesus Christ and become born again in Christ and become a new creation and follow Jesus and obey Him, shall receive the Holy Spirit from God.

Obedience to God and His Word is a requirement to receive the Holy Spirit. That is how you recognize the sons of God and the sons of the devil. (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘The commandments of God and the commandments of the devil', ‘Poslušnosť Bohu‘ a ‘Neposlušnosť voči Bohu').

When people say that they have the Holy Spirit abiding in them, but they refuse to submit to God and don’t do what Jesus; the Word says and don’t confess Jesus the Christ and are no witness of Him, but they walk after the flesh and live like the world, doing the works of the flesh (ktoré sú napísané v Biblii), you might ask yourself whether they have the Holy Spirit or the new age spirit? (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Duch Svätý verzus duch New Age, ktorý duch vo vás prebýva?')

Because those, who are born again in Christ are reconciled with God. They are sons of God (muži aj ženy) and belong to God. They shall walk after the Spirit and be continuously led by the Spirit. Because they obey God and do what the Word tells them to do.

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    chyba: Tento obsah je chránený