The way we approach life and how we live, чувствовать, и вести себя, and what we say and do have everything to do with the way our mind thinks. Every person has a mind and thoughts. The mind and thoughts are formed by the way we are raised, through education, relationships, experiences in life, и т. д.. The way we think about ourselves is often not the way God thinks about us. God sees potential in every born again Christian. God knows who you are, what you are like, and what’s on the inside of you. Кто ты на самом деле? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, we must look at what the Bible says about the new creation (новый человек).
Новый человек
Иисус был Первенцем нового творения (новый человек) and walked as Son of God on earth. Through His redemptive work and His blood, ты стал новое творение; сын Божий (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин).
When you became born again and your spirit was raised from the dead, you became a new creation. The new creation is perfectly created after the image of God. Therefore God says, что сделал Иисус, you can do. Because you have been made in My image and have become My son.
Однако, you will only walk as a son of God, when you become aware of Who is living inside of you and who you are in Jesus Christ.
The Word of God is your mirror
Когда ты станешь новым творением, it’s important обновить свой разум со Словом Божьим. Because only by renewing your mind with the words of God, you will think the way God thinks, find out His will and who you really are in Christ.
The Word of God is your mirror. So if you want to find out, Кто вы, all you have to do is open the Bible.
When you read and study the Bible, you will get to know who the new creation, is and who you are in Christ.
A wrong mindset stops the Kingdom of God
The way you think in your carnal mind is often not correct. Your carnal mind is full of junk and lies of the world and the flesh. That’s why as soon as you become a child of the Most High God, сквозь процесс регенерации, your job is to renew your mind with the Word of God.
Только обновив свой разум, all the lies and all the junk of the world will be removed from your system.
You should destroy every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and stand in the way between you and God.
How do you destroy strongholds? You destroy strongholds, which have been built up throughout the years, by the power of the Word of God.
Когда вы обновляете свой разум, you will find out the truth of God.
When you apply this truth in your life and walk in this truth, you will walk in the will of God as the new creation. You will walk after the Spirit according to the Word. You’ll represent and bring the Kingdom of God to this earth. Just like Jesus did.
You are the gatekeeper of your mind
God gave you power to control your mind; как ты думаешь. Maybe you don’t believe this, but it’s true. Когда ты станешь новым творением, you can control your mind by your spirit and the Holy Spirit.
You are the gatekeeper of your mind. You decide what enters your mind and what not. As soon as a negative thought enters your mind, you have the ability to allow that thought to stay in your mind or to command it to go away. You decide which thoughts stay and which thoughts go.
What is a negative thought?
A negative evil thought goes against the will of God and contradicts or denies the Word of God. It doesn’t produce peace or life, but it produces agitation, беспокойство, волноваться, злость, разрушение, и т. д.. Поэтому, when a thought pops up in your mind you can ask yourselves the following questions;
“Does this thought bring forth peace? Does this thought bring forth life?” If the answer is ‘нет', then this thought is not from God. Because God says:
Ибо я знаю мысли, которые я думаю о вас, говорит Господь, Мысли о мире, и не от зла, чтобы дать вам ожидаемый конец (Иеремия 29:11)
When you have thoughts running through your mind, which cause worry, sadness, невзгоды, making you unhappy, making you feel like a nobody, unworthy, депрессивный, и т. д.. then these are thoughts, which belong to your old way of thinking and therefore they originate from the devil. Because these thoughts will bring forth depression and destruction. They will not build you up, but bring you down.
Many people are unhappy and feel depressed
Many people are unhappy and feel depressed due to their way of (wrong) мышление. Their mind is full of strongholds of the devil. Потому что, На протяжении многих лет, they have fed themselves with the things of this world.
They’ve opened the door of their mind and filled themselves with the things of the world and what people say about them. They accepted and believed what they heard and saw. And now their mind is defiled with all these lies and the junk of the world. They believe these lies, which will bring forth disaster and destruction.
Кто ты на самом деле?
If someone tells you over and over again, that you are a loser, you begin to believe that you are a loser. When you believe in your mind that you are a loser, you will feel and act like a loser. But are you really a loser? НЕТ! God never said that you are a loser, нет! You are an overcomer in Him. But you have to believe the Word and begin to speak the Word of God over your life.
If you stand every morning in front of the mirror and are not happy, with the way you look and think that you are not looking good, then after a while you will start acting that way. You will compare yourself with others and will become insecure. Because you believe in your heart that you don’t look good.
But when you begin to speak the truth of God’s Word over your life and speak positively about yourself, your attitude will change.
I dare you! Instead of looking in the mirror, and thinking that you don’t look good, begin to speak the following words:
я буду хвалить тебя; ибо я страшно и чудесно устроен: marvellous are thy works; и что моя душа хорошо знает (Псалмы 139:14).
I promise you, that you will begin to think differently about yourself and who you really are. Because you will realize that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are made, just like God wanted you to be. There is only one unique you in this world and God has made you for a specific purpose in life.
When you begin to believe this, you will not only think differently about yourself, but you will also act differently. That stronghold of insecurity will be torn down and you’ll become secure in Him.
Why you must guard your mind
You need to be careful, about what things you allow into your mind and ponder upon. You always need to be careful, about what you watch, читать, or to whom you listen. Because those things will settle in your mind. Your mind is formed by the things you feed yourself with. And you will become the person, that you are in your mind (Читайте также: ‘Почему вам нужно охранять свой разум?).
For as he thinketh in his heart, он тоже (Пословицы 23:7)
If strongholds of the world are already built up in your mind, then pull those strongholds down by speaking the words of God. Don’t pray about it, but speak to it. God has given you the power to destroy the strongholds of the world; the lies of the enemies, because you have the spiritual Sword; Слово Божье.
Therefore take your spiritual Sword; the Word of God and fight.