
Almost everyone has heard or read about Jesus, but who is Jesus? Many Christians have created an image of Jesus being a kind, gentle and peaceful Man, who spoke with a soft gentle voice and was always loving, 关怀, and forgiving. 根据他们, He was not judgmental but accepted all behavior of people, 包括罪恶. But does this image of Jesus correspond with what the Bible says about who Jesus is? Who is Jesus Christ according to the Bible?

who is Jesus Christ according to the Bible?

神如何用圣灵和能力膏抹拿撒勒人耶稣: 谁出去行善, 医治一切被魔鬼压制的人; 因为神与他同在 (使徒行传 10:38)

根据圣经; the written Word of God, Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus is the Living Word, sent by the Father to the earth, to fulfill the redemptive work for humanity. He came to restore (愈合) fallen man and reconcile man back to the Father.

Jesus was the reflection of His Father and walked on earth in the Name of God; 在神的权柄下, with signs and wonders following Him. He represented, preached, and brought the Kingdom of God to the House of Israel and called them to repentance.

Jesus pleased the Father by obeying His words and doing His. He never compromised. He never bowed to people or situations. 耶稣唯一一次鞠躬, was when Hehung on the cross. (另请阅读: 顺服神是什么意思?).

耶稣并没有被人吓倒. 他从来没有想要取悦人的意图,也从来没有让人尊敬和高举他. Jesus always referred the people to His Father, 将所有的荣耀和尊贵归给他.

耶稣的目的是什么’ 地球上的生命?

现在当所有人都受洗的时候, 它发生了, 耶稣也受洗, and praying, 天堂被打开了, 圣灵以鸽子般的身体形状降临在他身上, 有声音从天上传来, 其中说, 你是我的爱子; 我对你感到非常高兴. 耶稣自己也已经三十岁左右了, 存在 (正如所料) 约瑟的儿子, 这是Heli的儿子, 这是马泰的儿子, 这是利未的儿子, …which was the son of Enos, 这是塞特的儿子, 这是亚当的儿子, 这是上帝的儿子 (卢克 3: 21-24, 38)

当我们看家谱时, we see that Jesus wasn’t the first son of God on earth. 亚当是上帝的第一个儿子. 然而, the first son Adam disobeyed his Father by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree.


亚当犯了罪,并且因为他的罪, Adam fell from his position and brought the curse of sin and death upon humanity and the earth. (另请阅读: 花园里的战斗).

Jesus obeyed His Father and walked in holiness and righteousness. He loved His Father above all, which was visible in His words and deeds.

Jesus walked after the Spirit and fulfilled the law.

When they crucified Jesus and He hung on the tree; 十字架, He carried all the sins and iniquities of fallen humanity in His body upon the cross.

Jesus died and entered the kingdom of death (地狱, 哈迪斯). But the death was not strong enough to keep Him in Hades. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God raised Him from the dead and now Jesus lives for evermore.

Jesus is the Way to the Father and eternal life

借着他的顺服, Jesus became the Way for humanity to be delivered from the power of the devil, 罪与死, and the sinful nature of the old creation, and be reconciled to God. He gave authority and power to the 新创作, who are born again in Him, to be His witness on earth.

Now let’s look at Jesus’ 生活, to find out who Jesus is.

The Birth of Jesus Christ in the Bible

It all began with the promise that God gave to Mary through the angel Gabriel. Gabriel told Maria that she would conceive in her womb and bring forth a Son: 耶稣. He told her, 他会很伟大, 他将被称为至高者的儿子.

The Lord God would give Him the throne of His father David. He would reign over the house of Jacob forever. 他的王国将永无止境.

当圣灵盘旋在圣母玛利亚身上时, the power of the Highest overshadowed her, and she became pregnant. 后 40 周, Mary gave birth to a Son Jesus.

耶稣长大了,精神变得坚强, 充满智慧. And the grace of God was upon Him (卢克 2:40)

What happened when Jesus was 12 岁?

当耶稣十二岁的时候, 他和父母一起去耶路撒冷庆祝一年一度的逾越节. 当他的父母回到家时, Jesus stayed behind in the Temple in Jerusalem. 他的父母以为他和他们在一起. But when they looked for Him, 他们找不到他. 所以, 他们回到耶路撒冷, to seek Him.

When His parents entered the temple, they found Him, sitting among the doctors (教师), both hearing them and asking them questions.

所有人, who heard Jesus speak were amazed. When the mother of Jesus asked Him, 为什么他没有和他们一起来, He answered, How is it that you sought Me? Didn’t you know that I must be about My Father’s business?

His parents didn’t understand what He was saying and He went down with them (卢克 2: 41-52).

what happened when Jesus was 30 岁?

当耶稣在的时候 30 岁, 他在约旦河受洗, 作者:施洗者约翰 (卢克 3:21-22). When He was baptized and began to pray, 天开了,圣灵以肉身降临, 像一只鸽子, 在他身上, 有一个声音从天上传来说, 你是我的爱子; 我对你感到非常高兴.

耶稣受洗并被圣灵充满后, He returned from the river Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He didn’t eat anything for forty days. For forty days, the devil tempted Him (卢克 4:2-13).

But Jesus resisted the devil and did not fall into his trap. 他忠于并服从天父的话语, 因为他认识他的父并且爱他的父, 并敬畏他. (另请阅读: 我会给你全世界的财富).

因此这对你来说很重要, to get to know Him and to know His will. 以便, you will be able to resist the devil. The only way to get to know the Father and His will is through His Word.

经过旷野的诱惑之后, He returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee. From that moment on, we read about Jesusteachings and the signs and wonders that followed Him.

He preached and brought the Kingdom of God to the people and spoke and taught with authority.

耶稣说话带着权柄,并没有离开法利赛人和撒都该人. 反而, 他用他们的宗教虚伪的言行和言语来对抗他们, 他们讲授并教导人民, 但却没有保留自己.

耶稣不害怕揭露他们的内心想法并说出他们的想法. 他知道他们到底是谁,也知道他们走路的方式. 他把所有的事情都曝光了, 自然人看不到的.

上帝的意志 vs 魔鬼的意志

Jesus called them a generation of vipers, 蛇, 伪君子, graves that appear not, 魔鬼之子, and blind leaders. (马修 15:7-14; 23:24,33, 卢克 11:37-54; 12:56).

我们可以比较一下法利赛人和撒都该人的立场 (律师, 教师), with the theologians and priests in this time.

The scribes knew the law of Moses. They lived pious lives before the eyes of people and spoke devotional words. 人们对他们敬佩不已, which also happens today. (另请阅读: ‘过去和现在上帝子民领袖之间的相似之处).

然而, Jesus was spiritual and not carnal. Therefore He was not moved by what He saw in the natural realm. He knew their hearts and their spiritual status. 他洞悉它们的本质,并且没有被它们吓倒, 也不惧怕他们, 但面对他们.

Jesus did the will of His Father. He did the things, 他看到他的父亲这样做了,并且没有阻止.

当耶稣谈到他的苦难时,彼得想要阻止它发生, 他对彼得说, Get thee behind Me, 撒但: thou art an offense unto Me: 因为你没有尝到属于上帝的事, 但那些属于男人的 (马修 16:23).

Peter spoke from his emotion (他的肉) 并没有专注于神国度的事情.

耶稣在马太福音中对彼得说 16:17, 你是有福的, 西蒙·巴尔霍纳: 因为血肉之躯还没有向你透露这一点, but My Father which is in heaven.

想象, that your fellow Christian brother or sister calls you satan. 你会如何反应?

我们不要忘记寺庙里发生的事情, 当逾越节临近时. When He found those, 谁卖牛、羊和鸽子, 以及坐在寺庙里的兑换货币的人 (约翰 2:13-18).

耶稣用细绳打成鞭子,把他们全都赶出了圣殿, 还有羊和牛. 他倒掉了兑换商的钱并推倒了桌子; 并对那些人说, 谁卖了鸽子, 不要让我父亲的房子成为商品之家.


那个怎么样? The salesmen and money changers were in the Temple to sell animals to the people in the temple. So that they could sacrifice these animals to God.

The sacrificial animals were for God. 也许他们这样做已经很多年了,这是很正常的事情.

但耶稣知道天父的旨意. 他知道圣殿的用途. 这就是为什么他把他们赶出去,并且不害怕告诉他们他赶他们出去的原因.

想象一下这发生在教堂里, where they sell books, CD, DVD, 和其他“基督教’ merchandise or food and beverages.

What would happen if you went to a church and took everything out of the bookshelves and threw it on the floor, or threw it outside on the street? Imagine you going to a restaurant in church, overthrowing the tables and chairs, and throwing away all the prepared food in the trash bins. 你认为会发生什么? I think that security or some Christians will immediately grab you, stop you, and throw you out of the church (另请阅读: 教会是否已成为贼窝?).


我自己什么也做不了: 据我所知, 我判断: 我的判断是公正的; 因为我寻求的不是我自己的意志, 但差我来的父的旨意 (约翰 5:30)

因为父爱子, 并将自己所做的一切指示给他 (约翰 5:19-20)

Was Jesus a wishy-washy? Did He tolerate and approve all behavior, 包括人们的罪恶? 绝对不! 耶稣到底是谁? Jesus is a loving Man and full of compassion. 但他也是一个正义的人, who walked in holiness, 义, and authority on this earth. During His life, He obeyed all the words and commandments of His Father and did His will.

耶稣爱他的天父胜过一切. He knew His Father thoroughly, because He spent a lot of time with His Father. 他始终与天父联合, by speaking His words and doing His works.

耶稣 走进爱情; 天父公义的爱, because He kept His commandments. He walked in holiness and authority upon this earth, 遵行天父的旨意. He wasn’t a partaker of sin nor a promoter of sin, 但他揭露了罪恶, 让人们直面他们的罪恶, and He called them to repentance.

During His life on earth, the devil and the people tempted and persecuted Him, 但他从未犯罪. 耶稣始终顺服他的天父, 至死.



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