The whole creation is created in Jesus Christ; slovo. All things in heaven and on earth, the visible and invisible, are created by Him and for Him. There’s not one creation that is created without Him. Everything has its existence in Jesus Christ; slovo. That’s why the whole creation testifies about Him.
why did Jesus have to come to the earth?
Lebo Jeho neviditeľné veci od stvorenia sveta sú jasne viditeľné, byť pochopený vecami, ktoré sú vyrobené, aj Jeho večnú moc a Božstvo; aby boli bez ospravedlnenia (Rimanom 1:20)
Lebo my sme Jeho dielo, stvorený v Kristovi Ježišovi k dobrým skutkom, ktoré Boh predtým nariadil, aby sme v nich chodili (Ephesians 2:10)
The whole creation is created in Jesus Christ, slovo. For that reason Jesus the Living Word had to come to earth. Aby sa nové stvorenie (nový muž) could be created in Him.
The new creation is created by and in Jesus Christ.
Kto je obrazom neviditeľného Boha, the firstborn of every creature: Lebo Ním boli všetky veci stvorené, ktorí sú v nebi, a ktoré sú na zemi, viditeľné a neviditeľné, či to budú tróny, alebo panstvá, alebo kniežatstvá, alebo právomoci: všetky veci stvoril Ním, a pre Neho: A On je pred všetkými vecami, a Ním pozostávajú všetky veci (Kolosanov 1:15-18)
The sons of man
The sons of man are born of the seed of Adam; the seed of fallen man. They are his offspring. Because Adam sinned through his neposlušnosť voči Bohu, death entered. Ako výsledok, his spirit died and his flesh (duša a telo) remained alive.
Sin had affected the seed of humanity. Because of sin, death entered and reigned from that moment in the whole human race.
Adam had become unclean; hriešnik. Therefore the offspring of Adam; the sons of man would be born as a sinner. Death would reign and still reigns in every person, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi.
The coming of Jesus Christ
For we have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; ale bol som vo všetkých bodoch pokúšaný ako my, ale bez hriechu (Hebrejci 4:15)
Jesus came in the flesh on this earth. Avšak, Jesus was not born of the seed of man but of the holy Seed of God. Because Jesus was born of the holy Seed of God, Jesus wasn’t affected by evil and death didn’t reign in Jesus. Počas Ježiša’ život na zemi, Jesus had the ability to disobey God a hriech, just like Adam.
Jesus could exchange His holy status through sin for death. But Jesus walked in righteousness and holiness and stayed obedient to the will of God until His death.
When the time came to fulfill God’s redemptive plan for fallen man, they took Jesus captive, whipped Him, and crucified Him.
Jesus yielded and humbled Himself and at the cross, God laid all the sins and iniquities of humanity upon Him.
A tak, Jesus took all sins and iniquities of the human race upon Himself and died on the cross.
His blood was shed for the whole corrupted human race, which was affected by sin and death.
Because Jesus took all sins and iniquities upon Himself, Jesus entered Hades and stayed there for three days. Po troch dňoch, Jesus conquered death and rose from the dead.
The Redemption in Jesus Christ
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life(John 3:14-15)
Jesus did all this, so that everyone, who believes in Him and accepts Him as Saviour and makes Him Lord of their lives and obeys His words and walks in Jeho prikázania, would not see death, but receive eternal life.
Through His redemptive work, Jesus reconciled man back to God. Ježiš bol Prvorodený nového stvorenia; synov Božích (to platí pre mužov aj ženy). The sons of God are born of God and walk in righteousness and holiness in the will of God.
The sons of God are created in Jesus Christ
But as many as received him, dal im moc stať sa Božími synmi, even to them that believe on his name: Ktoré sa narodili, nie z krvi, ani z vôle tela, ani z vôle človeka, ale od Boha (John 1:12-13)
The sons of God are created in Jesus Christ through faith in Jesus Christ and because they are born of water (krst) and the Spirit (baptism of the Holy Spirit). God has given everyone who believes and receives His Son, the power to become a son of God.
The life reigns in Jesus Christ and death has been conquered. If the life reigns in Jesus Christ, and if the sons of God are seated in Him, then life also reigns in the sons of God instead of death. The new creation shall not see death.
The sons of God are holy and righteous
Jesus was holy and righteous. Therefore the offspring of Jesus (synov Božích), who are born of the Seed of God, are holy and righteous. The Spirit and life shall reign again in every person, who is born again in Jesus Christ by water and Spirit. The sons of God walk after the Spirit in the will of God and keep His commandments.
They obey His words and walk in the commandments of God because they are written upon their new hearts, prebývaním Ducha Svätého. They have the holy nature and character of God inside of them, instead of the corrupt evil nature and character of the devil.
The only thing that stands in the way, and prevents them from walking after the Spirit like Jesus, is their carnal mind that thinks like the world.
The spiritual new man has been made perfect (kompletný) v Kristovi. The new man shall odložiť starca a obliecť si nového muža from his perfect spiritual state in Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
When you renew your mind with the Word of God, your thoughts and the way you think will line up with God’s Word.
Vaša myseľ určuje vaše činy. Therefore if your mind lines up with the Word of God, your actions and works line up with the Word of God.
The more time you spend in the Bible and renew your mind with the words of God, the quicker your mind will line up with the Word. You shall spiritually mature and walk after the Spirit according to the Word.
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:23-24)
And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created Him (Kolosanov 3:10)
The whole creation is created in Jesus Christ
The purpose of the sons of God is to do God’s will upon this earth and manifest His Kingdom, kde je Kráľom Ježiš Kristus, so that the Father and the Son will be exalted.
In everything you do, you could ask yourself the following question, “Do I exalt Jesus by doing this?“
We have become in Christ the new creation, which God had in mind, from the moment that Adam sinned and the seed of the human race became corrupted with evil and death.
Since the creation was created by the Word, Jesus had to come to this earth. So that through and in Jesus Christ (Živé Slovo) the new man could be created.
The new man is the last creation that God created in Jesus Christ (slovo). And so the whole creation is created in Jesus Christ.
„Buď soľou zeme’