Prečo toľko veriacich panikári?

Why do so many believers panic when unexpected things happen in the world and/or in their lives, that deviate from ‘the normal’ and are not according to their expectations and will? Is God a God, who stays silent and keeps all things hidden and has secrets and keeps His children ignorant and let them wander about on earth? Why do so many Christians don’t understand God and can’t answer questions of unbelievers, but panic just like them and listen to the world and walk by faith, in submission and obedience to the world on the broad way? Why do so many Christians panic?

Is God a mysterious God, who keeps all things hidden?

I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, Pán, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel (Izaiáš 45:2-3)

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it (Zjavenie 2:17)

God is not a mysterious God, who keeps all things hidden, nor does He have secrets. But God is a loving, spravodlivý, and transparent God, who has revealed everything in His Word, what people need to know, so that His children would know His will and be equipped and prepared.

God has revealed in His Word, a.o., Jeho povaha, Jeho vôľa, zákon of the Spirit, the coming of His Son Jesus Christ, His Kingdom and power, kráľovstvo temnoty, the way of salvation, the coming of the Holy Spirit, regenerácia, vzkriesenie, the walk, works and destination of the new man (saint), Diela (hriech) and destination of the starý muž (hriešnik), the future on- and of the earth and the coming of the new earth.

Tie, who are born again and have an experiential relationship with Him, know His Word and because of that they know His thoughts and His ways (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Sú Božie myšlienky našimi myšlienkami?‘ a ‘Je Božia cesta tvoja cesta?').

The wisdom of God is revealed by the Holy Spirit to the new man 

My však hovoríme múdrosť medzi tými, ktorí sú dokonalí: no nie múdrosť tohto sveta, ani kniežatá tohto sveta, ktoré prídu nazmar: My však hovoríme o Božej múdrosti v tajomstve, aj skrytú múdrosť, ktoré Boh ustanovil pred svetom na našu slávu: O ktorých nikto z kniežat tohto sveta nevedel: lebo keby to vedeli, neboli by ukrižovali Pána slávy.

knowledge of His will

Ale ako sa píše, Oko nevidelo, ani ucho nepočulo, ani jeden nevstúpil do ľudského srdca, veci, ktoré Boh pripravil tým, ktorí ho milujú.

But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: lebo Duch všetko skúma, áno, hlboké veci Božie.

Lebo čo človek, pozná ľudské veci, zachráň ducha človeka, ktorý je v ňom? tak ani veci Božie nepozná nikto, ale Duch Boží. Teraz sme dostali, nie duch sveta, ale duch, ktorý je z Boha; aby sme poznali veci, ktoré nám Boh zadarmo dáva (1 Korinťanom 2:6-12)

Duch Svätý, who dwells in the new man, knows the deep thoughts of God and teaches the new man in the Word and reveals His will in every situation, and makes the mysteries and treasures of the Word known to the new man.

Preto, the new man shall not be surprised and shall not panic, since the new man knows the Word and knows, okrem iného, that there will be storms in life and persecution of the world, and knows what will happen in the last days of the end times and what the sign of His coming and the end of the world will be.

The storms in the lives of people

In everyone’s life, there shall be storms, because Jesus has told us that. And since Jesus speaks the truth, there shall be storms in life. Ježiš nepovedal, that believers are excluded and that there will be no storms in the lives of believers. Avšak, Ježiš povedal, that if a life is built upon the Rock and the person is rooted in the Word and does what the Word says and keeps standing in faith on the Word, the storms won’t do any damage (Matúš 7:24-27, Luke 6:46-49 (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Hovoriť a robiť sú dve rôzne veci')  

Bohužiaľ, there is a gospel that contradicts the words of Jesus and convinces people and makes them believe that if you činiť pokánie to Jesus Christ everything goes well and you shall experience no setbacks, odpor, and persecution and that you only have to pray and God will give you all the desires of your heart.

It is indeed written in the Word, that He gives the desires of your heart. But there are a few words in front of this promise, which is often not quoted, menovite: trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart (žalmy 37:3-4).

Avšak, the problem is that many people are not born again and/or stay carnal and therefore their hearts remain unchanged. Z dôvodu, že, they pray out of the lusts and desires and the will of their flesh, instead of praying after the Spirit after His will.

The resistance and persecution in the world

Tieto veci som vám hovoril, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: ale buď dobrej nálady; Prekonal som svet (John 16:33).

The world tries to push her agenda and tries to approve everything that goes against the will and the words of God and make it normal, so that the people shall submit to the devil and live in obedience to his words after the will of the devil, instead of submitting to God and live in obedience to His Word after the will of God (Prečítajte si tiež: Vôľa Božia verzus vôľa diabla).

I have given them Your word

The more Christians allow the spirit of tolerance in their lives and bow for the world and compromise and approve sin and/or even participate in the unrighteous works of darkness, the more the wickedness shall increase and as a result the true Christians, who have received the Holy Spirit and stay faithful to the Word and keep standing on the Word, shall be considered fools and shall experience resistance and persecution in their lives.

Tie, who want to be a friend of the world shall not be considered a fool, and shall not experience resistance and persecution, since they belong to the world and do what the world says and the world loves his owns.

Ale tie, who don’t belong to the world, but are chosen and belong to God and love God and His Word and walk in submission to God after the Spirit in obedience to Him, shall not be loved by the world, ale shall be hated and persecuted by the world.

Prečo?? Because of the Name of Jesus Christ. The saints, who are born again in Christ, shall just like Jesus, testify that her works are evil.

Ježiš povedal, a disciple is not above his master and nor the servant above his Lord. Ak Ma prenasledovali, budú vás tiež prenasledovať, ak dodržali moje slovo, ponechajú si aj vaše (a.o Matthew 10:16-24, John 7:7; 12:25; 15:18-27; 17:14-25)

Therefore Jesus said, to count the cost, because following Jesus will cost you everything! (Luke 14:28, Marka 8:35 (Prečítajte si tiež: 'Count the costsan ‘Nasledovanie Ježiša ťa bude stáť všetko))

Why do all these terrible things come on the earth?

Jesus didn’t keep us ignorant about the sign of His coming and the end of this world. He has foretold everything about the things that will occur, so that the children of God are prepared and stay awake and because of their steadfastness, constancy, and endurance will gain their lives.

Jesus spoke about falošných prorokov, the love that shall wax cold, wars and rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences (any deadly infectious malady*), signs in heaven, climate change, tribulation, the antichrist, atď. The only thing no one knows, not even Jesus, but only the Father, is the day and the hour of Jesus’ vrátiť. But Jesus has also revealed this, so that no one will be deceived (Oh. Matúš 24:3-42, Marka 13:5-37, Luke 21:7-38, Zjavenie 1-22).

Prečo toľko veriacich panikári?

But because many don’t seek the things, ktoré sú vyššie, but on the earth and don’t know the Word personally and haven’t built their faith on the words of God but on the words of people, they are not rooted in the Word, a ako výsledok, many are ignorant and surprised, fearful and even panic when the words of God are fulfilled.

They not only panic, but they allow themselves to be deceived by the world and believe the words of the world above the words of God and leave their faith in the Word and enter a way, which is not according to the will of God.

People may say they believe in Jesus Christ and that they love Him and can confess with their mouths all kinds of things and act piously in front of others. But when trials come and/or the words of God come to pass, only then shall appear if they truly believe in what they confess and believe what is written in the Bible and truly love Jesus Christ and stay faithful to Him and keep walking by faith or not.

„Buď soľou zeme’

*Vine’s dictionary

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