It is a common thing in the world that laws and regulations are changed and adjusted to the will and the standards of people. The main part of the law in Western countries was founded upon the Bible. Sin embargo, many laws have slowly been adjusted to the standards of the lives of people. What wasn’t allowed in the old days is allowed today. What used to be forbidden and evil is now approved and considered good and normal. And if you don’t agree with it and don’t accept it, you will be persecuted. The law is no longer an assurance, a truth, on which people can rely. Because what is the truth, if the truth changes all the time? But what about God, Su palabra, Su Reino, and the laws of His Kingdom? ¿Cambiará Dios su voluntad para las concupiscencias y deseos del hombre??
What does the Bible say about the abortion of babies?
It used to be unthinkable to abort a child’s life in the womb of the mother. Because aborting a child’s life was considered murder. But over the years, things have changed. Now it is allowed to abort the lives of babies in many countries. Women can abort a baby’s life until the 24th week of their pregnancy. How did they succeed in changing the law about abortion? By using the feelings and emotions of people and medical advice (the wisdom of this world).
But even if the state and countries approve this action and change the law to make abortion legal, it doesn’t change the fact, that it is not alright to kill someone’s life in the womb. People can change whatever they want in the natural realm, but abortion remains murder. Because that’s what you do. You kill the life of an innocent human being. It doesn’t matter if medical science calls it abortion and approves it, because they say there is no life present in the embryo until the 24th week. En primer lugar, they lie about this fact. En segundo lugar, it won’t take away the fact that they abort a life and therefore it is murder.
According to God’s Word, life is already present in the seed of men. If life isn’t present, then how can a fetus grow? And after 5-6 weeks the heart of the fetus is already beating. So how can you say, that there is no life present in the fetus?
For Thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise Thee; porque estoy hecho de una manera formidable y maravillosa: maravillosas son tus obras; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them (salmos 139:13-16).
As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child (Ecclesiastes 11:5)
Did you know that many people, who have committed abortion are tormented in their soul and accused in their conscience. This is logical because if a person kills someone, there is blood guilt upon the person in the spiritual realm. (Leer también: ‘The bloodshed and lawlessness in the vineyard').
What does the Bible say about euthanasia?
Let’s not forget euthanasia. En los viejos tiempos, it wouldn’t even cross someone’s mind to terminate the life of a person. It was not only unthinkable, but it was also forbidden and punishable. But because of a simple adjustment of the law, it is now allowed in certain situations, to legally terminate someone’s life through medications that will kill the person.
But people can legalize the killing of people (in certain hopeless situations) and call it euthanasia, but that doesn’t change the act in the spiritual realm. Euthanasia is just another word for murder, because you kill a human being. You wilfully terminate someone’s life.
There are many more examples, dóndeevil is turned into good.
Changing the law in the church
But the laws are not only changed in the world, but also in the church. En muchas iglesias, the laws and regulations, which are founded upon the Word of God are slowly changed and adjusted to the will, deseos, and desires of man.
Christians don’t change their will and lives to the Word of God (la Biblia) y la voluntad de Dios, but they change the Word of God to the will and lives of people. Jesus is no longer the center of the church, but people have become the center of the church.
En los viejos tiempos, the state used to trust and lean on the church. Pero hoy en día, es al revés. The church leans, relies on, and trusts the state (el mundo). The church has adopted the mind of the state, which is formed by the world; el reino de las tinieblas.
Laws are adjusted to the lusts and desires of man
Most Christians are carnal and live after their own will and the lusts and desires of their flesh. They do what pleases them and makes them feel good. Many Christians consider themselves as the truth. They are full of pride and placed themselves on the throne of their lives. They don’t want to submit to God and Jesus Christ (la palabra), but they want to do their own will.
Many people who call themselves Christians live in rebellion, in the pride and haughtiness of their carnal mind. They are led by their flesh; sus sentidos, voluntad, sentimientos, emociones, pensamientos, intelecto, opiniones, recomendaciones, deseos, deseos, etc.. They lead their lives far away from Jesus Christ and serve the world instead of Him.
Many church leaders are carnal as well. They have a carnal mind and live after their own will and do what they want to do.
Because they have a carnal mind, they are worldly-minded and live just like the world.
They do the same things, watch the same television programs, y películas, play games, hacer consciencia, meditar, práctica yoga, y artes marciales, go out to worldly places, etc..
They’re focused on themselves and change the rules and regulations in the church, because they mix their feelings, emociones, opiniones, and philosophies with the Bible; la palabra de Dios.
They are carnal motivational speakers and life coaches and entangle people with their positive and motivating self-help sermons. These carnal church leaders say, what carnal people want to hear because they want to be accepted and exalted by people and get as many followers as possible.
They consider the church a business and want to become wealthy and successful. They’re focused on great achievements, strategic marketing, fama, growth, prosperidad, poder, finanza, etc..
Are times changing?
Their objectives are just like the world. They do everything they can to achieve their objectives. Therefore they compromise and change the Word of God, which is the Truth, into a lie.
Under the guise of “time is changing” or ‘the world is changing‘ muchos commandments of God and Jesus are adjusted and changed to the will, sentimientos, necesidades, y las concupiscencias y deseos de la carne.
They change the Word of God and approve all kinds of sins, so that the members of the church can stay carnal and keep on walking in sins and iniquities, without feeling guilty. By changing the Word of God, they can continue doing, what they want to do. Even if it is against the will of God.
They can keep living like the world and pleasing their flesh, without feelings of guilt.
The conscience bears witness of the truth
But no matter how many laws and regulations people change in the church, they will never be able to change God’s will and change the truth of God. The conscious will always bear witness to the truth, despite the excuses people use to condone their acts.
Look at Hitler… Hitler changed the law in Germany and made it legal to arrest Jews, persecute them, and kill them. Entre 5,1 Para 6 million Jews were killed during WWII.
Hitler changed the law, so that he could do evil without trespassing the law.
But even though he changed the law, so that his works were legally approved and Hitler wouldn’t trespass the law, it wasn’t good what Hitler and his followers did. It was evil!
Maybe you think that this is an extreme example. But the number of people, who are being ‘legally’ killed today, like babies, en otra parte, depressed people, etc.. are way much more.
What Hitler did was evil. There are hardly any words to describe his works, but what people are legalizing today is also evil. La misión del diablo es robar, matar, and destroy and that is exactly what is happening all around us (Leer también: ‘¿La misión del diablo es exitosa??).
According to the World Health Organisation, 56 million babies per year are being aborted worldwide. The life that God formed in the mother’s womb is aborted; killed.
Good becomes evil and evil becomes good
¡Ay de los que al mal llaman bien!, y bien mal; que puso la oscuridad por la luz, y luz para la oscuridad; que pone amargo por dulce, y dulce por amargo (Isaías 5:20)
Hitler changed evil into good. What used to be considered evil became acceptable and normal. How many preachers during WWII, who obeyed the Word of God and refused to change His will and His truth, were killed? They were killed because they didn’t bow to the will of man; they didn’t bow to evil. Many preachers and Christians were killed because of their faith and their faithfulness to God and Jesus Christ; Su palabra.
We live in a world today, where the same thing happens. What is good becomes evil and what is evil becomes good. Check it out for yourself:
- The world says, you are the boss of your own body. You decide whether you want to abort a baby’s life or not
- The world says, you are the boss of your own life and if you can’t bear the sufferings of life it’s ok to end your life
- The world says, that it’s ok to get a divorcio. It is all about your own happiness and what you want
- The world says, you may commit fornication, or adultery because people have sexual needs
- The world says, that you may masturbarse. There is nothing wrong with that because a person has sexual needs
- The world says, eso homosexualidad está bien. Dicen, that they are born that way and therefore the world approves same-sex marriages
- The world says, viviendo juntos solteros está bien. What is the difference between being married and living together? It’s just a legal paper. Por cierto, you have to get to know each other first before you choose to get married
- The world says, it’s ok to mentir
- The world promotes raising children in a freeway. Children have to make their own choices because that will only benefit them in becoming independent (and we already see the rebellious and prideful fruit thereof)
- The world says, to allow and embrace strange religions and philosophies in a country (except Christianity)
- The world says, if you are sick, you go to a doctor. Because a doctor is the only one, who can heal your body.
- The world says, that if you have mental problems, you go to a psychologist. Because a psychologist knows everything about human behavior. A psychologist is the only one, quien puede ayudarte
- The world says…..
The world eliminates the words of God
Many churches have opened their doors to the doctrines, filosofías, Religiones, y la sabiduría del mundo. They have adjusted and replaced the Bible; the Word of God with the words of man; the wisdom of the world. Just like the world has eliminated the words of God, the church has also eliminated the words of God.
Many Christians stay carnal and are led by their feelings and emotions. They’re sense-ruled and therefore they approve things that are evil and which are an abomination to God.
Many Christians think, that by changing the rules and regulations in the church, which are founded upon the Word of God, and lowering the standards, they can attract more people with ‘the gospel’.
They think that by accepting all kinds of behavior of man, they show grace and walk in love.
But they don’t know, that by their so-called love and so-called gospel of grace, the gospel is no gospel anymore. Their gospel has become powerless and doesn’t save people. Their love for people is greater than their amor por dios.
The flesh reigns in the church
Many churches have changed God’s Word to the will, emociones, sentimientos, necesidades, pleasures, deseos, and desires of man. The flesh reigns in church! Everything is allowed and accepted to please people. Do you know what the worst thing about this is? That they think they live right before God. They think they please God with their lives, which are full of evil; pecados, e iniquidades. Pero la verdad es, that God hates sin. God can’t have communion with sin.
Jesus didn’t die on la Cruz and shed His blood so that people can keep living in sin and iniquity and do what they want to do. (Leer también: ‘¿Puedes seguir pecando bajo la gracia??').
But God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth, to die as a a sacrifice for humanity. Para que cada persona, who believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as Saviour and Lord and becomes nacido de nuevo en Cristo, will be cleansed of all sin and iniquity and become a new creation.
Jesus was your Substitute and carried your punishment on the cross. His blood was shed for you, so that you would be freed, not only from your sins and iniquities but also from your sin nature (anciano), que está presente en la carne.
Jesus gave you the ability to become in Him a new creation; un hijo de dios (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres); nacido del agua y del Espíritu Santo (hombre nuevo).
As soon as you receive the Holy Spirit and become a son of God, you will have the desire to sigue a Jesus and walk like Jesus and please the Father. Because that is what a son does. A son, shall not do anything that grieves the Father.
God’s will becomes your will
God’s Spirit; His Holy Spirit lives inside of you. Therefore you have God’s nature and God’s will (sus mandamientos) are written upon your heart. You will not change God’s will, but submit to God and His will and walk in God’s will. You will change your will to His will, so that His will becomes your will.
If you are born again and the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, then you can’t be a partaker of sin. Because God can’t be a Partaker of sin.
So if you say that you are filled with the Holy Spirit, but keep walking in sins and iniquities and are not willing to change, then you are a liar and walk in the lies of man instead of the truth of God. God’s Word is the truth. If you want to walk in truth, you will obey His Word and live according to His will.
You shall do what He has commanded you to do, and not compromise with the world. Porque tú sabes, that the ruler of this world, el diablo, is an adversary of God.
Tienes que hacer una elección, whether you want to obey the Word of God and probably will be rejected and/or persecuted by the people around you, maybe even by your brothers and sisters in the church, or you obey the world.
When you choose the latter, then you will be liked by people, you will be accepted, Exaltado, elevated, worshipped, and praised by people.
If Christians are against homosexuality and gay marriage, they will be persecuted by the world. How many registrars had to resign or were sued or fired, because they refused to conduct a gay marriage ceremony? In the US even a bakery was sued, because of his faith, because he didn’t want to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. These people didn’t compromise, but they were faithful to God and stayed loyal to His Word. They showed Him (through their works) that they love Him above all.
When you take a stand upon the Word of God and are against living together, homosexualidad, divorcio, fornicación, adulatory, aborto, eutanasia, foreign religions and philosophies, idolatría, etc.. then people will call you strange, pasado de moda, religioso, Poco amoroso, a racist and not of this world. La gente, who belong to the world will persecute you. Even in the church you can be persecuted by people, who call themselves Christians but have the spirit of the world abiding in them.
The world respects for all kinds of religions and philosophies except true Christianity. The world tolerate everyone, except Christians; creyentes en jesucristo, who obey the Word of God, take their stand upon the Word of God and don’t compromise.
Do you live in the truth?
But and if you suffer for righteousness ‘sake, happy are you: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled (1 Pedro 3:14)
The more evil and wickedness in the world, the bigger the persecution of Christians. When you don’t experience any resistance or persecution by the people around you, you should ask yourself, if you really walk in the truth of God’s Word; en su testamento, or that you have compromised with the world in many areas of your life.
Vivimos en un mundo, where the good of God is considered evil, ruthless, harsh, heartless, Poco amoroso, discriminating, etcétera. While God’s Word is the Truth and provides life and the words of the world are lies and provide death.
¿Cambiará Dios su voluntad para las concupiscencias y deseos del hombre??
Porque yo soy el Señor, Yo no cambio; therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed (Malaquías 3:6)
¿Cambiará Dios su voluntad para las concupiscencias y deseos del hombre?? No, God will never change Su voluntad for the cravings, sentimientos, emociones, voluntad, deseos, and desires of man. No matter what rules and regulations of God’s Word are being adjusted by so-called Christians, quienes son la iglesia. God will never change His will. La voluntad de Dios; sus mandamientos, which are also Jesús’ mandamientos will never change, despite what people do. The Spirit can never work together with the flesh and therefore the flesh has to die.
La voluntad de Dios; His law will never change. The Word of God will never change, not for anything and not for anyone. La Palabra de Dios está establecida para siempre!
The Lord of lords is holy, virtuoso, trustworthy, and doesn’t lie.
That is why His Word is reliable and trustworthy because He is reliable and trustworthy.
If God would change His will for the lusts and desires of man, then His Word wouldn’t be the Truth anymore. If His Word wouldn’t be the truth anymore, He wouldn’t be reliable and trustworthy.
But God’s Word is the truth and will always be the truth, no importa lo que diga la gente, hacer, adjust, and change. No matter how many nuevas traducciones de la Biblia will come, in which people secretly make small adjustments, nothing will change the truth. Nothing will change God’s will.
The day will come when everyone will be judged by His Word; by Jesus. The Judgment Day will start with the church and after the church, the world will be judged by the Word, because they believed not the Word and didn’t obey the Word.
Por lo tanto, repent of your walk and submit yourself to the Word instead of the world. Don’t be afraid of the persecution by the world, because Jesus informed us about it. If you are afraid of resistance from people and of persecution, then you are not fit for the Kingdom of God and can’t sigue a Jesus. Because God will never change His will for the lusts and desires of man.
'Sé la sal de la tierra'
fuentes: Wikipedia, WHO