Sprichwörter 10:10 – Wer mit dem Auge zwinkert, verursacht Kummer

Was bedeuten die Sprüche? 10:10 in der Bibel, Wer mit dem Auge zwinkert, verursacht Kummer: aber ein plaudernder Narr wird fallen?

Was bedeutet Augenzwinkern?

Wer mit dem Auge zwinkert, verursacht Kummer: aber ein plaudernder Narr wird fallen (Sprichwörter 10:10)

To wink with the eye in Proverbs 10:10, can mean several things. It can mean that someone is malicious and has evil intentions, someone designs mischief against others or triumphs over others. But it can also mean that someone closes his eyes, pretending that they don’t see what happens. They pretend that everything is all right and at peace, while it’s not.

Closing your eyes to things, that are not right

Many people close their eyes to things that take place, which are not all right. They see what’s happening, but they pretend they don’t see it to keep the so-called peace and harmony.

Was sagt die Bibel über die Sünde in der Gemeinde??

Many churches have copied this behavior. They see the sins in the lives of Christians, but they refuse to correct them.

Stattdessen, they pretend they don’t see it. They accept the sins and cover sins under the so-called cloak of love.

It happens quite often that when a leader of a church (preacher, ältere, evangelist, ein Prophet, Apostel, usw.) walks habitually in sin or commits a sin like fornication, Ehebruch, embezzling money, usw., they try to keep it silent.

They try to keep it silent, so that it won’t damage the name and the reputation of the church.

Many churches are more worried about themselves than the Kingdom of God. Sie denken, that by acting this way and by keeping it silent, they will keep the peace and harmony in the church. But that is a lie from the pit of hell.

If a church winks with the eye and shuts its eyes for the sins that are committed, it shall eventually cause a lot of trouble (Kummer).

What happens when the church winks with the eye?

For when you were the servants of sin, you were free from righteousness. What fruit had you then in those things whereof you are now ashamed? denn das Ende dieser Dinge ist der Tod (Römer 6:20-21)

First of all for the person, who sins. If the person is not corrected and continues to walk in sin, the person lives under condemnation and shall receive the wages of sin, welches der Tod ist

Secondly for the church. Because the congregation will be a partaker of his sin and will be held accountable, which causes sorrow (trouble).

In Galatians 2:11-14, we read that Paul confronted Peter openly with his hypocritical behavior. Paul didn’t wink with the eye. He didn’t shut his eyes to the situation and let Peter have his way. NEIN!

Paul confronted Peter in front of everyone. Letztlich, Paul’s correction produced clarity and peace, instead of sorrow (Lesen Sie auch: Können Sie sich an der Sünde Ihrer Glaubensbrüder mitschuldig machen??).

Why shall a prating fool fall?

And in the greatness of Thine excellency Thou hast overthrown them that rose up against Thee: Thou sentest forth Thy wrath, which consumed them as stubble (Exodus 15:7)

A prating fool shall fall, due to his own foolish words. A fool speaks words, that may seem wise according to the world but are foolishness to God.

A foolish person doesn’t listen to God’s Word but resists God and His Word. A prating fool rebels and rises up against Him. He thinks he is smart, aber eventuell, he will come to ruin. His own words shall ruin him.

„Sei das Salz der Erde“

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