Slovo múdrosti – Walk in integrity

Môj syn, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit: We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse (Príslovia 1:10-14)

Love of money

Don’t be tempted by sinners, to enter their path of unrighteousness. The path of unrighteousness is for those, who pursuit riches and profit at the expense of their integrity. Koľkokrát, do people commit fraud in business corporations, foundations or in charity organisations, because of their love of money? How many times do people scam others? How many times does tax evasion occur? How many times do these things and many other things occur, just for the sake of their love of money and their greed for more. Peniaze nie sú zlo, but the love of money is evil. Money should play a subordinate role, instead of a leading role.

The Father warns the son, to restrain himself from the path of sinners, and to not wait for blood, nor lurk privily for the innocent without cause, because of precious substances (peniaze).

Don’t fill your house with spoil, that you’ve stolen or gotten illegally, because then you shall carry guilt upon yourself.

Walk in integrity

Be a person of integrity! When the people around you, walk on ways of corruption, then all you have to do is refrain yourself from going into that same direction. Preto, don’t participate with them; don’t do foolish things. Don’t be tempted by wonderful (false) Sľubuje, don’t be tempted by illegal ways to get more money. But stay loyal to the Word; to the instructions of the Father and keep walking in integrity.

Guard your integrity!

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