The wise and the scorner

If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scorns, thou alone shalt bear it (Притчи 9:12)

When you walk in the fear of the Lord, you shall find wisdom and walk in wisdom. You shall be wise, what will benefit yourself. As long as you stay in His will, and in His Word, you shall have a good life, and the peace of God shall be continually present in your life.

How can you withstand the attacks of the enemy?

You may experience many attacks of the enemy in your life. But as long as you stay in Jesus Christ, which means that as long as you stay in the Word, and don’t back down, not even a little bit, then you can handle and overcome every situation and every attack of the enemy.

An attack of the enemy can last a short period of time, but it can also last a long period of time. The most important thing during these attacks is that you keep standing on the Word of God, and speak the Word of God. Only when you stay in Jesus; in the Word, you shall be able to handle and overcome every situation.

You also have to be aware of the fact, that you are not alone, and that you don’t have to bear it by yourself. Because you have the Almighty God by your side; The Lord of lords.

The scorner goes his own way

But if someone scorns, and boasts in his own wisdom, his own insights, and goes his own way, and thinks that he knows everything better than the Word of God, then he shall go alone through life. The scorner doesn’t need God. He mocks, despises and rejects His Word. That is the choice of the scorner. But this choice will eventually cost him his life, because of the fact that he rejects God and Jesus; the Word, God will also reject him, on the day of judgment, when the Word shall judge him.

Therefore be wise, stay in God’s Word; in His wisdom and don’t be a scorner

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