Пословицы 1:7 – Страх Господень – начало познания

Что значит Пословицы 1:7 иметь в виду, Страх Господень – начало познания, но дураки презирают мудрость и наставления?

Что означают пословицы 1:7?

Страх Господень – начало познания: но дураки презирают мудрость и наставления (Пословицы 1:7)

The majority of people are looking for knowledge and wisdom. But what is the beginning of knowledge according to the Bible? The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledgeNow you might ask yourself, what is the fear of the Lord?

К сожалению, many people have a misconception of ‘the fear of the Lord’. They think that it means to be afraid of the Lord. They think that they have to do all kinds of things to keep the Lord satisfied, because if they don’t they will be struck by lightening. And so many people serve God out of fear in the sense of being afraid.

But that’s not the God of Abraham, Исаак и Иаков. God is a loving God!

Of course the Lord chastens and corrects the saints through His Word. But God does it out of His love for His children and not to punish them (Читайте также: Кого любит Господь, того наказывает и бичует).

What does the word ‘fear’ иметь в виду?

What does the word ‘fear’ actually mean? The word fear means to have morally reverence, that you are in awe of God. That’s the meaning of the word ‘fear’. Так, if you want to get knowledge, then it starts by having a morally reverence for God.

Вы должны love the Lord God всем сердцем, might and soul. Because you love Him, you shall listen to Him and trust Him and apply His words in your life.

You shall do His commandments. Not because you have to or because you are afraid that if you don’t that He will punish you, а потому, что ты хочешь.

God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth

When you acknowledge the Lord God as the almighty God, the Creator of the heavens, и земля, and all host, then you shall have a morally reverence for Him. Когда ты любишь Его, и познай Его, you shall be in awe of Him.

You shall love Him, всем сердцем, душа, и может, and therefore you shall obey Him and keep His commandment, because you want to please Him and not hurt Him.

When you fear the Lord, then you shall not adjust and change His commandments, и Его слова, to your carnal desires, вожделения, потребности, requirements etc., but you shall adjust your life to His Word

Ты должен сделать, what pleases Him instead of doing what pleases yourself. You shall not dare to change His words or remove anything from the Bible.

God’s Word is the truth and shall always be the truth. No matter if people change His words and commandments, due to their own will, needs or desires. Their actions will not change the truth.

Иисус боялся Своего Отца

Когда Иисус ходил по земле, He feared His Father. Jesus walked in submission to the Father, исполняя Его волю. Jesus didn’t do, what He wanted to do. Нет, Jesus laid down His life and did the will of His Father (Читайте также: Что, если Божья воля — не твоя воля?).

His Father had a plan for His life; a good plan. And Jesus fulfilled this plan for His life.

You should also fulfil God’s plan for your life. The only way to fulfil God’s plan for your life, is to submit yourself to Him and do His will. His will for your life, is first of all, that you obey Jesus His commandments. He wants you to stay obedient to His Word, and apply His Word in your daily life. Так что, you will walk as a son of God.

Walk in His will instead of ours

Когда ты станешь родился заново, and when His Holy Spirit dwells in you, then you shall walk in the fear of the Lord. You shall walk in morally reverence towards the Lord, and shall accomplish His will, на этой земле.

But if you stay rebellious, and do not keep His commandments, and don’t walk according to His will, then you shall live like a fool.

When you don’t keep His commandments in your life, and live without His instructions, then it will be impossible to get knowledge, и to become wise.

Когда человек, who calls himself/herself a Christian, adjust the will of God; the commandments of God to his/her own needs (желания, lust of the flesh), or to worldly standards, then that person doesn’t differ much from a fool (грешник). Because fools don’t want to submit themselves to God’s will.
The fool isn’t looking for godly wisdom, because for them it’s foolishness. They do not want to be instructed, and do not want to be told what to do, because they think they know it better (or they think they know it all). Therefore a fool walks in haughtiness; in pride.

Wisdom of God has nothing to do with an IQ.

Wisdom of God begins by a morally reverence to Him, by submitting yourself to Him, к Его слову, к Его воле, and to walk in His commandments; ходите по Духу.

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