Whoso finds me finds life

For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Přísloví 8:35-36)

When you find Jesus Christ, you find life. When you come to Jesus and be born again in Him, by laying down your old life as a sinner and being raised from the dead and becoming the new creation; nový muž, you shall enter from death into life. Your spirit shall become alive in Him, mocí Ducha svatého.

delivered from the power of darkness, redeemed by His bloodDokud zůstaneš v Něm, you shall walk in the Light. You shall walk on the path of righteousness, which shall lead to eternal life.

But if you reject Jesus; Slovo, then you wrong your own soul, because you reject (eternal) život. You indirectly say, that you don’t want true life, but that you are happy with your current life, as a sinner. Ano, you love yourself, and your life in this world, and are not willing to give up this life.

If you keep living as a sinner, odmítnout Ježíše; Slovo, and even hate Him, then you love death more than life. You shall keep walking in darkness, and your final destination shall be eternal death.

Every person makes a choice in life, to choose life or death. What do you choose?

“Buď solí země”

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