Paribasa 7 – How the young man was seduced by a married woman

What is the meaning of Proverbs 7? In Proverbs 7 we read about a young man, who was seduced by a married woman, who had the attire of a harlot and was subtle of heart, and committed fornication. The young man is compared to an ox, who went for the slaughter, because that’s what sin does. The Bible warns, but it’s up to the people to listen and obey the words of God. Just like this young man, who was void of understanding, there are many Christians, who are void of understanding and through their ignorance they are tempted and go the same way, not knowing that their decision can mean the end.

The unwise young man was seduced by the fair speech and flattering lips of the woman with the attire of a harlot

Pikeun dina jandéla imah kuring kuring nempo ngaliwatan casement kuring, Jeung beheld diantara leuwih basajan, Kuring discerned diantara nonoman, hiji lalaki ngora batal pamahaman, Ngaliwatan jalan deukeut juru manehna; sarta manéhna indit jalan ka imah nya, Dina surup, di sonten, dina peuting nu poék mongkléng: Jeung, ningal, di dinya papanggih jeung manehna hiji awewe make papakean awewe palacur, jeung subtil jantung. (Manéhna nyaring jeung bandel; suku nya abide teu di imah nya: Ayeuna anjeunna tanpa, ayeuna di jalan, sareng ngantosan di unggal juru.)

Destructive power of the strange womanKu kituna manéhna bray anjeunna, sarta dicium anjeunna, sarta kalawan beungeut impudent ceuk manéhna, Abdi gaduh kurban karapihan sareng abdi; poe ieu kuring geus nedunan sumpah.

Ku sabab kitu kuring sumping pikeun nepungan anjeun, getol neangan raray anjeun, sareng kuring parantos mendakan anjeun. Abdi parantos ngahias ranjang abdi kalayan panutup tina tapestry, kalawan karya ukiran, jeung linen halus Mesir. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, gaharu, jeung kayu manis.

Hayu, hayu urang nyumponan kaasih dugi ka enjing: hayu urang ngahibur diri ku kanyaah. Pikeun goodman teu di imah, anjeunna Isro lalampahan panjang: Anjeunna nyandak kantong artos sareng anjeunna, sarta bakal datang ka imah dina poé ditangtukeun.

Kalayan pidato anu lumayan anjeunna nyababkeun anjeunna nyerah, ku sajongjonan biwir manéhna maksa manéhna.

Anjeunna langsung nyusul anjeunna, lir sapi keur meuncit, atawa salaku fool kana koreksi saham; Nepi ka hiji panah neunggeul kana ati; as a bird hastes to the snare, and knows not that it is for his life (Paribasa 7:6-23)

The unwise Christians, who don’t keep the words and commandments of the Father and Jesus

This young man, who didn’t have understanding belonged to the simple ones and didn’t keep the commandments and law of his parents. Just like so many unwise Christians; Christians, who are void of understanding and don’t live according to the Word. They don’t listen to Jesus and keep the teachings of the Father. They don’t do the commandments of the Father and Jesus, but go their own way (Baca ogé: Taat ka Allah)..

the two great commandments, If you love Me keep My commandmentsA Because they are not led by the Word and don’t walk after the Spirit but are led by thier senses, feelings and emotions and walk after the flesh, they are an easy target for the devil.

As soon as the devil try to tempt them to sin, through vain thoughts, through means of pious and deceptive words of man or through (attractive) seducing people, they are not able to resist and fall into temptation.

Instead of destroying the lies of the devil with the Word of God and resist the temptation, they believe his lies and give into the (temporary) pleasures of the flesh and fall, just like the unwise young man, who was tempted by a married woman and commit adultery.

The woman was married, but the unclean spirit of lust that dwelled in her, tempted the unwise young man and persuaded him to commit adultery. Through adultery her lusts were satisfied (for a while).

How many times are Christians tempted and become apostate or fall, because of the lies and the temptations that come on their way. They could have prevented this from happening, if they would have only believed the words of God and kept His commandments.

The only way to resist temptation is to get understanding, through the Word of God, and walk after the Spirit. Only when you stay obedient to Jesus and walk after the Spirit, you will not give into the temptations of the flesh, but you will rule over them.

Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh (Gal 5:16)

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Anjeun Bisa ogé Suka

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