A lamp and a light

For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman (ことわざ 6:23-24)

When the commandment of your father and the law of your mother are inspired by the Word of God. And when you accept, obey and live according to them, then the commandments and the law shall be a lamp and a light on your path of life.

As soon as you reject your father’s commandment’s and your mother’s law, that are inspired by the Word, you will reject the Word. When you reject the Word, you shall walk in darkness and you shall enter upon the path of the wicked.

A lamp in your life

But as long as you obey your father’s commandments and your mother’s law, that are inspired by the Word. You shall obey the Word and you shall walk in the light. You shall walk on the right path of life, which will lead you to eternal life.

Reproofs of instruction are necessary to grow up and mature. You cannot grow, without reproof. Reproof is necessary to keep you on the right track of life and to prevent you from harm.

The evil woman; the world has a flattery tongue and tries to seduce as many people as possible. She will try to seduce you with all her lies. となることによって, you will be trapped into the bondage of her lies and sin. But as long as you stay obedient to the Word, you don’t have to fear her. You will see, where you are walking because you have a lamp and a light, and therefore you will not fall into her traps.



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