Mot de sagesse – Comment trouvez-vous la connaissance de Dieu ??

Mon fils, si tu veux recevoir mes paroles, et cache mes commandements avec toi; De sorte que tu inclines ton oreille vers la sagesse, et applique ton cœur à l’intelligence; Ouais, si tu cries après la connaissance, et d’éclairer la voix pour la compréhension; Si tu la cherches comme de l’argent, et la chercher comme des trésors cachés; Alors tu comprendras la crainte du Seigneur, et trouver la connaissance de Dieu (les proverbes 2:1-5)

What do you have to do, if you want to find the knowledge of God and walk on the path of life? All you have to do is to:

  • Recevoir Ses mots
  • Cacher Ses commandements
  • Incliner ton oreille vers la sagesse
  • Appliquer votre cœur à la compréhension
  • Pleurer après la connaissance
  • Lift up your voice for understanding
  • Chercher comme de l’argent
  • Recherche for her as for hid treasures
  • Ensuite, vous comprendre la crainte du Seigneur
  • Find la connaissance de Dieu

Hear and receive His words

First of all you should listen to Him and receive the Words of God, and keep His words in you. When you keep His words and keep His commandments in your heart, then the Word; Jesus shall live in you. You shall be in Him, and He shall be in you.

Comme Jésus l’a dit: unnd the glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them; qu'ils soient peut-être un, even as We are one: Je suis en eux, and Thou in Me, afin qu'ils soient rendus parfaits en un seul; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me, et je les ai aimés, as Thou hast loved Me (Joh 17:22,23)

Hide His commandments in your heart

Quand tu acceptes Ses paroles, et garde-les dans ton cœur, Alors ton oreille remarquera la sagesse.

Incline your ear unto wisdom

You shall incline your ear unto wisdom and therefore you shall become wise. Because faith comes by hearing, et l’écoute par la Parole de Dieu. La Parole habitera dans ton cœur, Et à cause de ça, Tu vivras et marcheras dans la sagesse, et connaissances.

Apply your heart to understanding

Vous obtiendrez la compréhension en écoutant la Parole de Dieu, et en prononçant la Parole de Dieu.

Cry after knowledge and lift up your voice for understanding

You shall cry and lift up your voice to get knowledge and understanding. There must be a desire in your heart to spend time with God, and in His Word. To study His Word, chercher et trouver toutes les vérités qui sont écrites dans la Parole (la Bible).

Seek her like silver and search for her as hidden treasures

You should seek for the truths of God, like you would seek for silver. You should seek, as you would seek for hidden treasures. God has given you an inheritance, and you will only find out if you seek, and search in the word of God. Il veut vous révéler ces choses, par Sa Parole.

When you spend time in His Word, then you shall get to know Him, and get to know the truth of His will.

You shall understand the fear of the Lord

Then you shall understand the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. Fear doesn’t mean to be afraid, but it means to be in awe of the Most High God.

You shall find knowledge of God

When you understand the fear of the Lord, then you shall find knowledge of God. You shall walk in the fear of the Lord and in the knowledge of His will. You shall walk on the path of the Lord; the path of life, which will lead you to eternal life.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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