Okwu amamihe – Kedu ka ị ga-esi nweta ihe ọmụma nke Chineke?

Nwa m nwoke, ọbụrụ na ị ga-anata okwu m, Zobe kwa iwu-nsọm nile n'aka-gi; I we tọ nti-gi nti n'amam-ihe, Ma tukwasi obi-gi n'uche; Yea, ọ buru na i nētiku n'ọmuma, me kwa ka olu di elu ka ọ ghọta ihe; Ọ buru na i nāchọ ya dika ọla-ọcha, chọ-kwa-nu ya dika àkù zoro ezo; I gāghọ kwa egwu Jehova, na-achọtakwa amamihe nke Chineke (Ilu 2:1-5)

Kedu ihe ị ga-eme, ọ bụrụ na ị chọrọ ịchọta ihe ọmụma nke Chineke na-eje ije n'ụzọ nke ndụ? Naanị ihe ị ga-eme bụ ime ya:

  • Nara Okwu ya
  • Zoo Iwu ya
  • Tụgharịa nti-unu n'amam-ihe
  • Tinye obi gị ruo nghọta
  • Tie akwa mgbe ihe ọmụma
  • Bulite welie olu-gi ka ọ ghọta
  • Seek ya dị ka ọlaọcha
  • Chọọ maka ya dika àkù zoro ezo
  • Ngwa gị ghọta egwu Jehova
  • Chọta ihe ọmụma nke Chineke

Nụrụ ma nara okwu Ya

Nke mbụ, ị ga-ege ya ntị ma nata Okwu Chineke, ma debe okwu-Ya nime gi. Mgbe ị na-edebe okwu ya ma debe iwu-nsọ ya n’ime obi gị, emesia Okwu ahu; Jisus ga-ebi nime gi. Ị ga-anọ n'ime Ya, Ọ gānọ kwa nime gi.

Dị ka Jizọs kwuru: aebube nke I nyeworom ka M'nyeworo ha; ka ha wee bụrụ otu, ọbụna dị ka Anyị bụ otu: M n'ime ha, na Gi onwe-gi nimem, ka ewe me ha ka ha zue okè n'otù; ka uwa we mara na Gi onwe-gi ziterem, i hu-kwa-ra ha n'anya, dika I huworom n'anya (Joh 17:22,23)

Zobe iwu-Ya nile n’obi-gi

Mgbe ị na-anabata okwu ya, ma debe ha n'obi-unu, nti-gi gāhu kwa amam-ihe.

Tọ nti-gi nti n'amam-ihe

Ị ga-atọgbọ ntị gị n'ala n'amamihe, ị ga-amakwa ihe. Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The Word shall live in your heart, na n'ihi na, you shall live and walk in wisdom, and knowledge.

Apply your heart to understanding

You shall get understanding by hearing the Word of God, and by speaking the Word of God.

Cry after knowledge and lift up your voice for understanding

You shall cry and lift up your voice to get knowledge and understanding. There must be a desire in your heart to spend time with God, and in His Word. To study His Word, seek and find all truths that are written in the Word (the Bible).

Seek her like silver and search for her as hidden treasures

You should seek for the truths of God, like you would seek for silver. You should seek, as you would seek for hidden treasures. God has given you an inheritance, and you will only find out if you seek, and search in the word of God. He wants to reveal those things to you, through His Word.

When you spend time in His Word, then you shall get to know Him, and get to know the truth of His will.

You shall understand the fear of the Lord

Then you shall understand the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. Fear doesn’t mean to be afraid, but it means to be in awe of the Most High God.

You shall find knowledge of God

When you understand the fear of the Lord, then you shall find knowledge of God. You shall walk in the fear of the Lord and in the knowledge of His will. You shall walk on the path of the Lord; the path of life, which will lead you to eternal life.

‘Bụrụ nnu nke ụwa’

Ị nwekwara ike ịmasị gị

    mperi: A na-echekwa ọdịnaya a