Finding life and healing

For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh (Izaga 4:22)

Why do you have to attend to the Father’s words, incline your ears to them, let them not depart from your eyes, and keep them in your heart? Why does He wants you to keep His words, and apply them into your life? Because the words of God are life to those that find them, and they are health to all their flesh.

Why are there so many sick people on this earth? Even in the churches? Because people do not want to listen to the words of the Father, anymore. They don’t want to live according to His Word; uJesu, and don’t want to do His will. Therefore there is so much pain, ubuhlungu, sorrows, ukugula, and disease etc.

But when you trust in the Lord, stay faithful to His Word, abide in Him and keep walking in His Word; UJesu Kristu, then you will be protected and nothing shall harm you.

‘Yibani usawoti womhlaba’

Ungase Uphinde Uthande

    iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe