智慧之言 – The Lord gives wisdom

For the Lord gives wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding (箴言 2:6)

The Lord is the only One, Who will provide true wisdom. This wisdom is not the wisdom of the world, because the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God. You have a choice in life, to give yourself to God or to the world. When you choose to submit yourself to God, then He will give you His wisdom; the wisdom of the Kingdom of God.

When you feed yourself daily with His Word, and study His Word, keep His words, 和 guard your heart, then His Word shall live inside of you. You shall be consumed by His Word, and His Word shall dwell in your heart. You shall have words of knowledge and understanding. When you speak, then His words shall come out of your mouth.

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Mat 12:34)

But it all depends on your heart, and who lives inside of your heart. When you fill yourselves with the wisdom and knowledge of the world, then your heart will belong to the world. But when you fill your heart with the words of God, then your heart will belong to Him.

When your heart belongs to the Lord, then you shall speak the words of the Lord. You shall speak His words of knowledge and understanding, which will produce life.



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