What will happen to the upright and the wicked?

Porque los rectos habitarán en la tierra, y lo perfecto permanecerá en él. Pero los malvados serán cortados de la tierra., y los transgresores serán desarraigados de ella (Proverbios 2:21-22)

The upright are those who have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. They have become una nueva creación en Jesucristo. ellos son los que, que son sentado en Él y caminar en sus mandamientos. The upright will receive eternal life, and shall dwell in the land of the new earth.

The wicked are those, who have made a decision to live without God. They have rejected His Son Jesus Christ and don’t walk in His commandment, they shall be cut off from the earth. They won’t receive eternal life and will not inhabit the new earth. Their future is not eternal live on the new earth. En cambio, their future shall be the lake of fire and eternal death.

'Sé la sal de la tierra’

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