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Mot de sagesse

  • seven things the lord hates, God hates seven things

    What are the seven things the Lord hates?

    These six things does the Lord hate: ouais, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that devises wicked imaginations, pieds…

  • A naughty person

    A naughty person

    A naughty person, a wicked man, walks with a froward mouth. He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers; Frowardness is in his heart, he devises

  • Pauvreté spirituelle

    Pauvreté spirituelle

    Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travels, and thy want as an armed man (les proverbes 6:10-11)…

  • Le paresseux

    Le paresseux

    How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep (les proverbes 6:9) It seems like most Christians are asleep and do not want to wake up. Malheureusement,…

  • Soyez diligent comme une fourmi

    Soyez diligent comme une fourmi

    Aller à la fourmi, toi, paresseux; Considérez ses voies, et soyez sages: Qui n’ayant pas de guide, surveillant, ou règle, lui fournit de la viande en été, et cueille sa nourriture dans la moisson (les proverbes 6:6-8)…

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