Browsing Category

Kecap Hikmah

  • the upright and wicked

    What will happen to the upright and the wicked?

    Pikeun jalma jujur ​​bakal cicing di bumi, jeung sampurna bakal tetep di dinya. Tapi jalma jahat bakal dipotong ti bumi, jeung nu transgressors bakal rooted kaluar ti dinya (Paribasa…

  • Wisdom of God

    Kecap hikmah – The wisdom of God

    When wisdom enters into thine heart, jeung pangaweruh anu pikaresepeun pikeun jiwa thy; Kawijaksanaan bakal ngajaga anjeun, pamahaman bakal ngajaga anjeun: Pikeun nyalametkeun anjeun tina jalan jalma jahat, from

  • When wisdom enters into your heart

    When wisdom enters into your heart

    When wisdom enters into thine heart, jeung pangaweruh anu pikaresepeun pikeun jiwa thy; Kawijaksanaan bakal ngajaga anjeun, pamahaman bakal ngajaga anjeun (Paribasa 2:10-11) When you fill yourself with the Word of God, then wisdom shall

  • Understand every good path

    Kecap hikmah – Understand every good path

    Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; enya, every good path (Paribasa 2:9) By the blood of Jesus, you have been made righteous. It is because of His work, that you

  • The Lord is a buckler

    Kecap hikmah – The Lord is a Buckler

    He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: He is a Buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserves the way of his saints (Paribasa 2:7-8) When you walk

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