Категория просмотра

Слово мудрости

  • Семь церквей

    Семь церквей

    Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars: she hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table (Пословицы 9:1-2) The seven

  • НАЙДИТЕ жизнь в Иисусе Христе

    Кто нашел меня, тот нашел жизнь

    For whoso finds me finds life, и обретет благоволение Господа. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: Все ненавидящие меня любят смерть (Пословицы 8:35-36) Когда…

  • Слушай Иисуса

    Слушай Иисуса

    Now therefore hearken unto me, О вы, дети: for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not (Пословицы 8:32-33) Jesus speaks to the children,…

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