Browsing Category

Kecap Hikmah

  • Who wants to listen

    Who wants to listen?

    She stands in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths. She cries at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in

  • The way to hell

    The way to hell

    Imahna jalan ka naraka, turun ka kamar maot (Paribasa 7:27) As soon as you enter the house of the strange woman, you are on your way

  • How will you be able to stand

    How will you be able to stand?

    Dangukeun kuring ayeuna, Aduh barudak, jeung merhatikeun kecap-kecap tina sungut kuring. Ulah ngantep haté anjeun nolak kana cara dirina, ulah sesat dina jalanna (Paribasa 7:24-25) When

kasalahan: Eusi ieu ditangtayungan