Las palabras de Dios son vida para tu alma

Mi hijo, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy necks (Proverbios 3:21-22)

All the commandments that God has given you, He gave out of love for you. That’s why it’s so important to hold on to God’s wisdom, understanding and knowledge. You will get wisdom, understanding and knowledge in His Word.

His words are life to your soul

When you take His words, and apply them into your life, you will automatically walk in sus mandamientos. You shall walk in His wisdom, comprensión, y conocimiento. A través de la palabra, you will get His wisdom, comprensión, y conocimiento.

Yo soy el Pan de vidaAll that He has, He has given you, a través de Su Palabra. But you have to make a decision, to believe His words and apply them into your life, O no. You will have a choice to believe the Word or the world.

The Father instructs you, to no let His wisdom, comprensión, and knowledge depart from your eyes. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Keep sound wisdom and discretion in your heart, y caminar en él. Every word of the Father contains life, therefore His words are life to your soul.

When you walk in His sound wisdom and discretion, then it shall be life to your soul, and grace to your necks.

'Sé la sal de la tierra’

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