Слова и заповеди Отца

Мой сын, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee (Пословицы 7:1)

The father commands his son, to keep his words, and to lay up his commandments with him. The same thing applies to us, as born again believers. The Father has given us His commandment to keep His Word, and to lay up His commandments with us, so that we shall walk in it.

Библия — наш компас, обрести мудростьThe Word is your compass, it is your Guide in life. When you need advice, you should turn to the Word for answers. The Father always gives you the right advice and the right answer, to all of your questions.

But the thing is, when you find the answer in His Word, will you be obedient to His Word? Will you do what He has told you to do? Will you follow-up on His advice or will you reject it, and go your own way?

How much of His Word lives in you? Do you spend time with Him (в Слове), on a daily basis? Or…..

Если ты действительно любишь Иисуса, if you really любите Отца, then you shall keep His commandments, и стань исполнителем Слова. You shall separate yourself from the world, you shall follow-up on the advice of your Father, and you shall live according to His will.

«Будь солью земли’

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