Z bojaźnią i drżeniem pracuj nad swoim zbawieniem

W Liście do Filipian 2:12, Paul wrote to the saints at Philippi, Z bojaźnią i drżeniem pracuj nad swoim zbawieniem. Maybe these words sound strange in your ears. But these words of Paul still apply to the saints in Christ Jesus. Although people are saved by Jesus Christ, it’s up to the people to stay saved. Every Christian should work out his own salvation. No one can do that for the other. But how do you work out your own salvation?

Does the church doctrine correspond with the truth of God?

People think so easily about salvation in the Christian faith. This is mainly because many churches mixed the words of God with the words of man. They created doctrines that deviate from the truth of God and His Word.

Because of wrong doctrines, many Christians have created a wrong image of the gospel and adhered to a false faith.

Spirit speaks some depart from the faith 1 tymotka 4:1-2

They think that by reciting a few words (confession) and by doing an act (chrzest), you will be saved once and for all, despite the way you live.

But does the Bible confirm this doctrine? (Przeczytaj także: Czy raz zbawiony, zawsze jest zbawiony biblijnie?)

If it was that easy and it wouldn’t matter how you live and what you do and you can’t fall from your faith and lose your salvation, then why did the apostles warn the saints in Christ Jesus for apostasy?

Why did they speak about running the race of life, holding fast to the faithful word and the faith, apostasy, preventing an evil heart of unbelief, working out your own salvation with fear and trembling, resisting sin, enduring temptation, and persevering and keeping the faith until the end? (Oh. 1 Koryntian 9:24-27; 10:12, Hebrajczyków 6:4-6; 10:23-31, 2 Piotr 2:20-22)

Why did they speak about all these things, if it wouldn’t matter anyway?

God gave power to become the sons of God

Był na świecie, a świat przez Niego został stworzony, a świat Go nie poznał. Przyszedł do swoich, a swoi Go nie przyjęli. Ale tylu, ilu Go przyjęło, dał im moc, aby stali się synami Bożymi, nawet tym, którzy wierzą w Jego imię: Które się urodziły, nie z krwi, ani z woli ciała, ani woli człowieka, ale Boga (Jan 1:10-13)

It is the grace of God, that God gave the ability to every human to be saved and become sons of God (dotyczy to zarówno mężczyzn, jak i kobiet. (Przeczytaj także: What does it mean the law was given by Moses, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ?)).

You are saved by faith in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work. Przez wiarę, you received the Holy Spirit. God gave this freely to you, by faith and not by works.

You are not saved by following a set of rules, rytuały, Przepisów, and laws (which are written in the law of Moses or are set in a church), or humanistic works. But you are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, by His work.

If you are saved and born of God and are a son of God (dotyczy to zarówno mężczyzn, jak i kobiet), you shall live as a son of God.

The life of a son of God

Ale teraz zostajemy uwolnieni od grzechu, i stańcie się sługami Boga, macie swój owoc do świętości, i koniec życia wiecznego. Zapłatą bowiem za grzech jest śmierć; lecz darem Bożym jest życie wieczne przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego (Rzymianie 6:22-23)

Jako syn Boży, you shall live in submission to God in obedience to His Word in the Light. To znaczy, you shall no longer live as a son of the devil in rebellion towards God in disobedience to His Word in darkness. (Oh. Jan 8:12).

1 Jan 2:29 If you know that He is righteous every one that does righteousness is born of Him

You have been made righteous and made free from sin. Dlatego, Nie będziesz już chodził w grzechu, but you shall walk in righteousness. (Przeczytaj także: Czy zawsze pozostajesz grzesznikiem??).

You are cleansed and sanctified in Jesus Christ; słowo. And by faith in Him and obedience to His words, you shall stay sanctified in the truth of the Word (Jan 17:14-21).

Every person has been given the ability and the power of God to become a son of God and remain a son of God or to return to the world and pick up his old life.

Someone can leave Jesus and the faith in Him and return to the world and live like the world under the influence of worldly spirits at any time.

God doesn’t force anyone! God has given every person a free will and the freedom to make his own choices in life. But every choice has consequences (Przeczytaj także: Co zasiejesz, Zbierzesz plony)

Be holy, for God is holy

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; Jako posłuszne dzieci, Nie kształtując się według dawnych pożądliwości w waszej niewiedzy: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Ponieważ jest napisane, Be ye holy; for I am holy (1 Piotr 1:13-16)

Many Christians have a carnal mind and created a god in their minds after their own image. They believe that God adjusts His will and words to the time we live in and to the will, żądza, i pożądliwości ciała.

For this is will of God your sanctification abstain fornication 1 thessalonians 4:3-5

Z tego powodu, many churches have become world-like and have approved and accepted the works of the flesh.

Mówią, that you can keep walking after the flesh, living like the world in sin, i odziedziczyć życie wieczne.

Ale znowu, the Bible doesn’t confirm this doctrine but says something else.

God is not created by (the will of) Człowiek (from his carnal mind) after the image of man. God is also not created for man, to submit to the will of man and obey and serve man.

But man is created by (the will of) God after His image. Man is created for God, and to submit to God and obey and serve God. 

It is not God, who must give account to man for His words and works on the Day of Judgment. But it is man, who must give account to God for his words and works on the Day of Judgment.

The restoration in Christ

The (Nowy) man is restored (uzdrowiony) in Christ from his fallen state and reconciled with God. The new man should be renewed and changed into the image of God. This happens by the renewing of the mind with the Word, przez odstraszając starego, przyodziać nowego człowieka, living in submission to Jesus Christ, and walking after the Spirit in obedience to God in the truth.

It is a lie, that the works of the flesh lead to eternal life. Ponieważ Słowo mówi, that the works of the flesh lead to death.

Therefore faith in Jesus Christ, odrodzenie w Nim, i Proces uświęcenia are essential for every human being.

You are sanctified in Christ and through obedience to Him you stay sanctified

Christians should realize that Jesus has given His life for this! Każda osoba, who has been born again in Christ has been made free from sin and death. The person has been given power to become a son of God and live as a son of God.

You live as a son of God by living in obedience to the Father and His Word and doing what Jesus has said and commanded you to do.

You have been sanctified in Christ. Through obedience to the Word; prawda, you remain sanctified.

Jednakże, obedience to the Truth of God’s Word has consequences for your life on earth. (Przeczytaj także: Co to znaczy liczyć koszty?)

A son of God has become an enemy of the world

Wtedy rzekł Jezus do swoich uczniów, Jeśli ktoś przyjdzie po Mnie, niech się zaprze samego siebie, i wziąć swój krzyż, i podążaj za Mną. Bo kto chce zachować swoje życie, straci je: a kto straci swoje życie z mego powodu, znajdzie je. For what is a man profited, jeśli pozyska cały świat, i stracić własną duszę? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then He shall reward every man according to his works (Mateusz 16:24-27)

Wy cudzołożnicy i cudzołożnice, Nie wiecie, że przyjaźń świata jest nieprzyjaźnią z Bogiem? ktokolwiek więc chce być przyjacielem świata, jest wrogiem Boga (James 4:4)

1 Jan 3:1 behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God

Another lie that is preached is, that a son of God is a friend of the world and that you be loved by the world.

Ponieważ Słowo mówi, that although you live in the world, you don’t belong to the world anymore, but you belong to God.

You belong to God and bear the Name of Jesus Christ. Dlatego, the world hates you. (Przeczytaj także: Dlaczego świat nienawidzi chrześcijan?).

Poprzez regenerację, you don’t belong to the world anymore, but you become an enemy of the world.

Instead of saying and doing what the world says and does, and being led by your will, uczucia, i emocje, you shall obey, mówić, and do the words of God

Świat nie może cię znienawidzić; but Me it hateth, bo ja o tym świadczę, że uczynki jego są złe (Jan 7:7)

If the world hated and persecuted Jesus, because Jesus spoke the words of God; prawdę Bożą, and did the works of God, then those, who are a new creation and belong to Christ and follow Him and speak His words and obey His commandments and do His works, shall also be hated and persecuted by the world.

Jedyny, who abides in you disapproves of the works of the flesh

Jedyny, who abides in you does not approve the works of the flesh. But He convicts the world of sin, of judgment, i sprawiedliwość (Jan 16:8-12).

By walking after the Spirit in obedience to the Word, you shall no longer be loved by the world. You shall be hated, zupełnie jak Jezus. Because by your words and speaking the truth of God and doing righteous works, you testify that the words of the world are lies and the works of the flesh are evil and lead to (wieczny) śmierć.

Jesus spoke the words of the Father, whereby Jesus revealed the truth of God to the house of Israel. Jednakże, the truth was not always appreciated. Since the truth of God opposes the will of the flesh. The truth of God means death for the works of the flesh. (Przeczytaj także: Co Biblia mówi o starym człowieku?)

But Jesus was not intimidated or influenced by the people. Jesus held fast to the truth of God and kept speaking the truth of God, whereby Jesus was hated and experienced persecution, in His life, which eventually led to His death (Przeczytaj także: Cierpienie i kpiny z Jezusa Chrystusa).

The sons of God are hated and persecuted by the world

Jeśli świat cię nienawidzi, Wiecie, że znienawidził Mnie, zanim znienawidził was. Gdybyście byli ze świata, świat pokochałby swoich: ale dlatego, że nie jesteście ze świata, ale ja wybrałem ciebie ze świata, dlatego świat was nienawidzi. Pamiętajcie o słowie, które wam powiedziałem, Sługa nie jest większy od swego pana. Jeśli Mnie prześladowali, będą także was prześladować; jeśli zachowali Moje Słowo, zatrzymają także twoje. Ale to wszystko będą wam czynić przez wzgląd na Moje Imię, bo nie znają Tego, który Mnie posłał (Jan 15:18-21)

I have given them Thy word; i świat ich znienawidził, bo nie są ze świata, tak jak nie jestem ze świata. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, tak jak nie jestem ze świata (Jan 17:14-16)

The people hated the disciples of Jesus and persecuted them, due to their obedience to Jesus; słowo.

The disciples obeyed the words of God. They preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God and stood in the faith, pomimo konsekwencji.

They knew they had become an enemy of the world and they hated them. Because they testified of their evil works. Just like their Saviour, Master, and Lord. Jednakże, they were not intimidated or influenced by the people.

They remained faithful to Jesus and the Father and His words and commandments and were led by the Holy Spirit. 

The disciples were spiritually awake and watchful. The apostles and shepherds of the churches didn’t allow anything or anyone to come in their way.

The disciples stayed awake and watchful and worked out their salvation with fear and trembling

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Oni są ze świata: dlatego mówią o świecie, and the world heareth them. Jesteśmy z Boga: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Niniejszym poznajemy ducha prawdy, i ducha błędu (1 Jan 4:4-6)

They protected the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God and warned each other of false teachers.

As soon as a false teacher arose from among the believers in the church or a false teacher entered from outside and became a threat to the church, they warned the churches.

Jan 17:14 Dałem im Twoje słowo, a wola ich znienawidziła

If there was a spiritual danger and someone went in the wrong direction, which led to apostasy, and the behavior of the person defiled the holiness of the church, they confronted, chastised, and corrected the person, and called the person to repentance.

And so they warned each other and kept each other awake. They remained spiritually watchful and worked out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Because they knew, what the new life as a son of God contained.

They knew their adversary and the spiritual dangers, ale oni guarded the gates z kościoła. 

Their love for Jesus and the fear of God was so big that it overwhelmed their earthly life. They didn’t love their own lives, they loved Jesus and lived for Him.

This attitude must return to the Body of Christ; Kościół. So that the Church of Christ becomes a power of God again instead of a social institution. (Przeczytaj także: Is the church a social institution or a power of God?)

Z bojaźnią i drżeniem pracuj nad swoim zbawieniem

Po czym, mój ukochany, as ye have always obeyed, nie tylko w mojej obecności, ale teraz znacznie więcej podczas mojej nieobecności, z bojaźnią i drżeniem sprawujcie swoje zbawienie. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, synowie Boży, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain (Filipian 2:12-16)

The faith has become your new life instead of an addition to your old life.

Some Christians talk and act piously when they go to church and/or when they are in the presence of fellow Christians, but as soon as they are home, alone or in the company of unbelievers, they speak and act like the world and do things that oppose the will of God. Through their lives, they deny the Word and live in rebellion and disobedience to the Word.

Many Christians don’t resist sin and don’t endure temptation. But they give in to the temptation.

They believe that by that one choice they made, they are saved forever. No matter what they do. They believe that sin won’t harm them. (Przeczytaj także: Can you use a broken world as an excuse?) 

But it does matter, if you know His will and you know that something isn’t good to do and you do it anyway.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Jeżeli bowiem potem świadomie grzeszymy, otrzymaliśmy poznanie prawdy, Nie ma już ofiary za grzechy, Ale pewne straszliwe oczekiwanie sądu i ogniste oburzenie, które pożrą przeciwników (Hebrajczyków 10:23-27).

If the Holy Spirit, Whom you have received from the Father, dwells in you and you obey Him and do what He says, you will be led by the Holy Spirit.

You shall no longer live, as you lived before in ignorance of the truth in disobedience to God and His word. You shall no longer do the works of the flesh and give into sin. But you shall resist sin and endure in temptation. (Przeczytaj także: Czy potrafisz oprzeć się pokusie??)

You shall obey Him and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God, Who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

The sons of God are blameless, nieszkodliwy, without rebuke, holding forth the word of life

You shall do all things without murmurings and disputings. Because following Jesus is not always easy. You shall experience setbacks, opór, and persecution from the people around you. Jednakże, if you love Him you stay obedient to Him and keep His commandment.

You do everything while being grateful to Him. So that you shall be blameless and harmless, synowie Boży, without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life.

Therefore put your trust in God and hold forth His words and don’t let them slip. Let not (the words and works of) te, who are the stare dzieło and belong to the crooked and perverse generation and the ruler of this world and serve him, influence you.

You are responsible for your own salvation. Dlatego, z bojaźnią i drżeniem sprawujcie swoje zbawienie. Standfast in the faith and obey the words of God, and walk in His truth, until the end.

„Bądź solą ziemi’

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