Lumea nu te cunoaște?

If you are a son of God, then the world doesn’t know you, because the world doesn’t know Him. That’s what the Bible says in 1 Ioan 3:1. The world will not understand you anymore and thinks you are foolish and woolly. De ce? Because the world lies in darkness and those, who belong to the world are carnal and walk after the flesh according to the ruler of the world and is ruled by the senses, emoții, sentimente, thoughts etc. The flesh dominates the life. But if you are born again in Christ, you have been transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God and therefore you shall no longer live like the world (in darkness) Mai. You have become a son or daughter of God and are no longer a son or daughter of the devil. You are born of God. God has become your Father, therefore you shall listen to Him and do His will. This means that you shall walk after the Spirit, being led by the Word and the Spirit and walk in the will of God.

Separated from the world

Iată, ce fel de iubire ne-a dăruit Tatăl, ca noi să fim numiți fii ai lui Dumnezeu: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not (1 Ioan 3:1)

As soon as you become născut din nou, and become a son of God, you will be separated from the world. Your spirit will become alive by the power of the Holy Spirit. You will receive God’s nature, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Când dvs. reînnoiește-ți mintea cu Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, and apply the words of God into your life, you will live by what the Word says, instead of what the world, your senses and your feelings say.

Sfantul Duh, Who lives inside of you will guide you and teach you, so that you will be able to understand the Word of God. The more you reînnoiește-ți mintea cu Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, the more your mind will be transformed into the mind of Christ, and will line up with God’s will. When you apply the Word of God in your everyday life, you shall stay in the Jesus Christ; the Word and walk after the Spirit instead of the flesh.

The world will turn against you

When you become a son of God, and walk after the Spirit and do what the Word says, you shall notice, that the world shall change her attitude towards you and shall treat you differently. The persons, who were once your friends, cunoștințe, family members or close colleagues, will change their behaviour and some will even turn against you.

world doesn't know us, world hates youThe more you begin to look and act like the Word, the more hostile they will become. Maybe you don’t understand what’s happening, and are you looking for answers to explain their hostile behaviour towards you. But you shall not find the answer, pe care îl cauți.

Maybe you think, that you did something wrong, and want to find out, what you have done wrong. But let me tell you this: you didn’t do anything wrong and they didn’t do anything wrong.

It’s about the fact, that the father of this world; diavolul, hates the Person, who lives inside of you: Iisus.

The devil hates Him and will always hate Him. Prin urmare, the children of the devil, will also hate the children of God. No one can change that. It’s a fact.

If the world hate you, know that it hated Me before it hated you

spune Isus: If the world hate you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, lumea le-ar iubi pe ale lui: but because you are not of the world, dar eu te-am ales din lume, de aceea lumea te urăște. Adu-ți aminte de cuvântul pe care ți l-am spus, Slujitorul nu este mai mare decât stăpânul său. If they have persecuted Me, te vor persecuta si pe tine; if they have kept My saying, le vor păstra și pe ale tale (Ioan 15:18-20)

Când te naști din nou, you shall no longer live the way you used to live; după trup. But you shall live after the Spirit and the Word. Because of that, the world shall no longer like you, and shall even hate you.

The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil (Ioan 7:7)

When the disciples were the old creation, the world didn’t hate them. But the world hated Jesus, because He testified that her works were evil.

The same Holy Spirit, Who lived in Jesus, trăiește în interiorul tău, and will also testify that the works of the world are evil. Jesus never allowed sin, but revealed sin and called the people to pocăinţă.

A sweet fragrance or a nasty fragrance?

You shall be a sweet fragrance to those, who are looking for the truth, and to those, whom God has chosen. But you shall be a nasty fragrance to those, who don’t want to listen to the words of God and want to keep living in rebellion against God and His Word.

For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life (2 Co 2:15,16)

When the world loves you, you should examine yourself, if you really walk according to what the Word says? Are you really a sweet savor of Christ unto God? Or are you still a savor of death unto God? Are you really born again by the Holy Spirit, do you walk after the Spirit? Or are you still a sinner? Do you habitually live in unrighteousness and sin, and are death to Him?

Trying hard to be accepted by the world

Why are so many Christians trying so hard to be accepted by the world? Why do they want to be liked by the world, and adjust Gods Word to the world, so that they can join them and live exactly like the world? Why don’t Christians just remove the worldly things out of their lives, instead of Christianizing worldly things and make them all right and acceptable to them, so that they can keep doing them? Why do believers try to save the world by changing the church of Christ into a people’s church, where people are the center instead of Christ? Why don’t they come out for the Word and stand on the Word? Why don’t they take a stand for Jesus Christ? De ce? De ce?

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him (1 Ioan 2:15)

If the world loves you, and you love the world and live like the world, then the love of the Father is not present in you. When the love of God is not present in you, then the Holy Spirit is not present in you, and therefore Jesus is not present in you. These are not my words, but they are His Words.

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