You don’t know what you worship

V Jánovi 4:21-24, we read the story of Jesus and the woman of Samaria, who met at Jacob’s well. The woman of Samaria was a sinner, an adulteress. After Jesus confronted her with her sin of adultery, Jesus said to the woman, You worship you know not what or as it is written in the amplified Bible, Vy (Samaritans) do not know what you are worshipping (you worship what you do not comprehend. Inými slovami, Ježiš povedal, You worship, but you don’t know what you worship.

You don’t know what you worship

Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, a teraz je, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. Boh je Duch: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24)

In these times, we experience the same thing. Many people call themselves Christians and believe in God and Jesus Christ, but what do they believe exactly? They call themselves Christians, while they live in sin and do the diela diabla, tak ako svet.

The woman of Samaria lived in sin. She knew the written word after the letter (po mäse), but she didn’t know the word after the Spirit.

John 3:5 Except a man be born of water and Spirit he can't enter into the Kingdom of God

She worshiped, ale v skutočnosti, she didn’t truly worship God. Because if she knew and loved the God, Whom she worshiped, she wouldn’t live in sin and she wouldn’t be an adulteress.

When you begin to walk in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a kráčať za Duchom, you will see, that the fields are ready for the harvest.

But Jesus said also something else. Ježiš povedal, that there are only few labourers. Why did Jesus say that there are only few labourers? Pretože, if you look around, you will see many preachers, proroci, and evangelists.

Prečo Ježiš povedal, that there are only a few workers instead of many workers? Because many workers don’t live after the Spirit and the Word anymore, but after the flesh. There are only a few labourers, who are truly born again and walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word.

Jesus said in verse 48, Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe. Signs and wonders will follow the believers. They must take place, to get sinners saved, and ensure that they will believe the Word of God. Avšak, there are also many people, who do and experience many signs and wonders in their lives, while they are still sinners.

Evanjelium, which is not the gospel of Jesus Christ

Satan comes as an angel of light, trying to keep you away from your main goal. He will do anything to keep you busy with a gospel, which is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. This gospel has lost its power and doesn’t have any value for the unsaved people.

Jesus has given His followers, the great commission to “GO!” He said very clearly: "Choď! Lay hands on the sick, a oni sa uzdravia, cast out demons. Bohužiaľ, only a few believers go out and fulfill the great commission.

They do what Jesus commanded them to do. Ale často krát, they are persecuted and rejected by the people in church or the world.

In these persecutions and rejections, you notice, the hatred of the devil, who is acting as a roaring lion, hidden in piety.

Satan is the great diabolo, who plays with every letter of the Word, and twists the Word according to his fiction (he twists the Word for his benefit), and because of this many people fall.

He wraps everything in piety. He always uses the same familiar words to capture the children of God.

A love that is saturated with our ‘self

For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Zničíš tých, ktorí hovoria o prenájme: Pán sa bude hnusiť krvavému a podvodnému mužovi (žalm 5:4-6)

Miloval si spravodlivosť, a nenávidel neprávosť; teda Boh, dokonca aj tvoj Boh, pomazal ťa olejom radosti nad tvojich druhov (Hebrejci 1:9)

One of these familiar words, he uses all the time, is the word ‘love’. Everything revolves around love. Everything is covered up in love. We embrace sin. We allow hriech v cirkvi, in our minds, lives, atď., because it is all about love, nie je to tak správne?

dve veľké prikázania, Ak ma milujete, zachovávajte moje prikázania

But God’s love is not our love. Our love is saturated with ourselves. God’s love is pure and holy.

God hates sin and iniquity, and cannot have fellowship with sin and iniquity.

God loved His Son, but He couldn’t have fellowship with Him anymore, when He carried all the sins and iniquities of the fallen nature of man. V tej chvíli, God left His Son. This must have been the most difficult moment in Jesus’s life, when His Father left Him and the devil took over.

Bohužiaľ, many Christians don’t distinguish themselves from the world anymore. There is hardly any difference between the life of a sinner and the life of a saint (a Christian). Many Christians have become one with her, one with the world, dipped in a devout (náboženský) sauce.

Do you know Who and what you worship?

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